See Hidden



Originally posted by vintervargen
i have also seen that someone have that sentance in his/her sig. and i dont post it to be leet, simply cause i want you to foad


(she's the one having it in her sig ;) - or atleast had, havent seen my sweetheart in a long time now :( )


Mortal enemies perhaps with more respect for each other than they dare realise!

(alders would pwn you one V one straight melle with no PA or posions though med.)

Good little battles they are. Straight melee between assasins and archers.

Good indicator of toughness.


Originally posted by censi
Mortal enemies perhaps with more respect for each other than they dare realise!

(alders would pwn you one V one straight melle with no PA or posions though med.)

Good little battles they are. Straight melee between assasins and archers.

Good indicator of toughness.

erm, dear Censi...

Ald kills me EVEN with PA and poison, if he has purge and IP up :(

(or at least did a few realm ranks ago)


ofc but any ranger would own you in straight melee with purge and IP. I mean duel scenario with no poisons no IP purge or PA etc.

would be interesting.


Originally posted by censi
ofc but any ranger would own you in straight melee with purge and IP. I mean duel scenario with no poisons no IP purge or PA etc.

would be interesting.

im there


i own med even with a rr3 inf helping him :(


it has been assasins heaven for way to long...
now its archers turn.


aww poor meduza no more fg's leading towards me? with new spec 50 stealth :p

:clap: heaven in odin's again /em gets hunter out again


this depends on how ur doing it.

if u move backwards from a steathed target then the range is longer. if u move towards him the range is shorter. and hence u tend to move towards ur target and not from it, idd say the range is a lot shorter than the one on pic. ('a lot' is relative ofc, i think its a lot ;)


har har, Ald... come again u noob...

..'usually always solo till i just cant no more'... LOL

seems like u cant solo when i am soloing, fool...

U, Sire, r a hypocrit of the worse kind!

u kill me, I kill u, i kill many from ur guild... u team up at hmg and kill me while im solo... 'usually solo' my arse :clap:


i cant grp up with a ranger from my own guild? stfu noob.

ps. always when fighting someone, you unstealth from near and leech, is that some leet skill of yours or r4d4r?

oh and, fun fight at zonewall when you only took 110% of my hp with pa ^^ (for all readers, i was unstealthed, hence the sucessful PA :p)


Originally posted by vintervargen
i cant grp up with a ranger from my own guild? stfu noob.

ps. always when fighting someone, you unstealth from near and leech, is that some leet skill of yours or r4d4r?

oh and, fun fight at zonewall when you only took 110% of my hp with pa ^^ (for all readers, i was unstealthed, hence the sucessful PA :p)

funneh as i killed u later walking away with 60%... (for u readers, NOT PAing)


Originally posted by zlair
u team up at hmg and kill me while im solo... 'usually solo' my arse :clap:

blame yourself if you are stupid enough to unstealth and attack my mate when we both (with camo up) moved through hmg.

Originally posted by zlair
funneh as i killed u later walking away with 60%... (for u readers, NOT PAing)

l33t SH -> unstealth -> DF



Originally posted by vintervargen
blame yourself if you are stupid enough to unstealth and attack my mate when we both (with camo up) moved through hmg.

l33t SH -> unstealth -> DF


Vintervargen, dont u just love that the main reason u havent dinged rr8 yet is becuz of spanish infils owning u ?



Originally posted by zlair
Vintervargen, dont u just love that the main reason u havent dinged rr8 yet is becuz of spanish infils owning u ?


anything wrong with spanish ppl? anyway it could be cause i havnt played ald in 3 months. if you ask your mum to read the posts for you she can point it out.


Originally posted by vintervargen
anything wrong with spanish ppl? anyway it could be cause i havnt played ald in 3 months. if you ask your mum to read the posts for you she can point it out.

nah, ill let ur mum on a break from time to time to read for me...

Lomald Umilinn

Only problem with See Hidden is that they completely nerfed the opposite of True Sight .. but did SHIATE about True Sight.

AT least get see hidden, same as true sight, 15 or 30 min re-use timer .... don't completely remove it without doing anything about the archer RA True Sight.

See hidden nerf was good for game, it was insane knowing exactly where a stealthed character was(makes no point using stealth).

See Hidden suck, but True Sight will still beat any infil/ns 1vs1 becuase of ignore pain, avoidance of pain and other instant win ra's on archers ;-).

So all the none-archers out there, try to understand our situation a bit. They nerf the RA that made your stealth crap if you fired 1 arrow... that is completly good if you ask me. But making SH nerfed to the bottom of the biggest Sea and then still allow archers to have thei'r version of SH without giving ANY KIND OF protection against is .... there is some heavy problems.

They should offer counterparts instead of just nerfing. Protection against See Hidden is spec more stealth (as an archer class). You have the option to either be protected from it, or not. True Sight ... 50+20stealth does not help anything vs True Sight.

As to LA ... they should offer sbs to maybe choose between slash and thrust instead of limiting them to only slash, and then ruin the high damage slash styles by as much as 40% without offering any substitute.

Imo, it's to much nerf without corrections anyway. They fixed the de-buff nuking so you can't get below 0% resistant .. sure that is fine ... but they keep letting resists be as high as 99-100% with RA's and buffs...things like this is what makes a game developer bad.

There is allways a beginning or an end. In this case See Hidden in the beginning .. and True Sight in the End. They fix a thing in the beginning but never look at the end. Same with resists, they make a "cap" at 0% resist for debuffs in the beginning, but still allows chars to have totaly immunity to them. Same with Left Axe, they fix the damage of the styles in the beginning, but don't care about the end thus pushing the SB's into a Critblade template without any other option.

My point is .. sure nerf as much as they like to, but at least look at both ends of that nerf and figure out what it will do in both ends before doing something.

There is allways yin & yan .. and no matter in which part you make a change it will affect the other end in at least one way. Anyway, enough of my thoughts and back to work.

I blame Mythic for yet again don't know jack about what they are doing (hell, they even introduced active instant win ra's to fuckup an otherwise perfectly normal game) with this game.


Archers are the way they're supposed to be - kinda-

Ok so i still need to get my SC sorted properly !!!

But so far - im really impressed with the SH changes that have been made.

Not only are archers now a strong adversary, but also have some group value - RF = no healers or mage can do anything.

Strong melee, Good Bow skills , Good Ra set.

Not much reason for whine atm. I hardly fumble at all tbh.

See hidden should never have been the way it was. fullstop ;-)

as for meduza - youre still as gimped as allways. Even my borked SC kit > you ;p

Tdaer 2 - Meduza 0

Too bad we never REALLY get chance to 1vs1 - allways some baf somewhere .

Lomald Umilinn

Re: Archers are the way they're supposed to be - kinda-

Originally posted by Slytale
See hidden should never have been the way it was. fullstop ;-)

Totally agree with you ;-) never said it should be passive =). But still you can't have any protection what so freaking ever vs instant wins => (active RA's).

Imo game and balance is perfect as it is now except for a few small minor "bugs", except one ting ... Active RA's .. as in not passive ... they should be severly overlooked again, most of them completely ruined this otherwise good game.

BoF, Purge, Ignore Pain, Avoidance of Pain, SoS, Group Purge,BaoD

And spellcraftign.

Game was perfectly fine without them, Active ra's = instant wins = ruins game.


one last thing -

Fix pots / charges please - make re-use time only apply for a Specific charge ie. if i use AF charge , that i can use a end / heal charge straight after
and not get a msg saying you have to wait ....

Lomald Umilinn

Yes that would be nice.
as a legendary alchemist, i don't even use potions.
they take *waay* to long time for me to craft, and they don't stack in inventory .. and the re-use timer is just insane (same with envenom).

But otherwise, i think they pretty much balanced game out with 1.62. HAven't tried much due to IRL bus, but the few minutes i've tried it's the best patch ... EVER.


Originally posted by zlair

dont worry, even with 45 stealth i have to be almost on top of u 2 c u...

you surprise me. i have 50 stealth atm and I am still on top of you before I see you- e.g. the other day when I was fighting one infi after killing his lowbie friend you appeared to pop out of stealth right behind me to finish me off... not that it would have made any difference had i seen you coming :)


Originally posted by zlair
says an fotm scout... :rolleyes:
scouts are not fotm ... have ever see melee ws and damage output of scout????? :eek:
anyways Sh ruined the game imo after 1.50 they finally fixed it :)


my scouts wep skill is around 1400 and my damage output is alright, wish i had hunters melee damage though :D


Originally posted by zlair
im still a nice guy to the 1 being nice to me, Adari :)

Edit: and the laugh spam part? well, i only do that to those dying being in a stealthzerg when im roaming with TB, and to the ones ive never met solo but always in a stealthzerg ganking me when im solo and STILL laughs at me. Slytale/Sargeres/and Kwo now (didnt like him in the beginning ;) )- i dont laugh at them nomore, cuz they do solo (sometimes).. the rest is a bunch of stealthzergers mostly... but its ok, Adari, for u to point fingers at me too...

that's absolute shite, sorry zlair... most of the time I have met you I have been solo and yes you still kick my arse (I am crap with cs style and freely admit it :p ). I have met you twice non solo - once with 3 other stealthers at hmg and we killed you, and once with one other shade outside PK (the one and only time I have gotten pa and cd off on you). despite seeing me solo most of the time, you still laugh spam (once at the request of Powah who for some reason thinks a shade should stand toe to toe to fight with a tank wearing full plate).

you, on the other hand, I have seen solo only twice (the two times I have had a hand in killing you)


if u only seen me twice solo, it may have some to do, that i try to avoid ur stealthzerg... just maybe...

I prefer soloing, but I WILL team up if soloing isnt possible!

And tbh, these days with all the FotM rangers and ns out all teaming up in 4+ grps, then it IS quite hard to have fun as a soloer. Tbh I dont think thats very hard to understand!


Originally posted by zlair
if u only seen me twice solo, it may have some to do, that i try to avoid ur stealthzerg... just maybe...

i thought i already made clear I usually solo, so the argument you make about only laugh-spamming zergers falls as flat as a fart...that's all I was really trying to point out :)

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