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Originally posted by vintervargen
T-W-A-T :great:

To be honest stopping when a stealther emotes you is falling for the oldest trick in the book. I would expect nothing less from an ebay'd ranger.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
To be honest stopping when a stealther emotes you is falling for the oldest trick in the book. I would expect nothing less from an ebay'd ranger.

haha,touche, *wait for comeback*


Originally posted by loxleyhood
To be honest stopping when a stealther emotes you is falling for the oldest trick in the book. I would expect nothing less from an ebay'd ranger.

lets not make up stories now shall we :>

i use it alot also, not many falls for it anymore.

i was solo hero. i walked from mmg to amg, didnt meet anyone. at amg, there were you, doing a /salute. i walked around some, went to atk. saw some FG head out, but no soloers. went to amg again, stayed alb side. angie, FC mincer comes. i look at her, she does a few /surrender (i was in a position i could've killed her).

solo bard comes, goes to mid side. bards hp drops, so i go thru to see whats up. saw it was you, head back for alb side. in the middle of gates meduza attacks me. mincer joins in (whom i just spared). loxleyhood joins in.

all clear?


Originally posted by zlair
would you leave a soloer ?

LOL Whats this "leave" shit? I aint a stealther. Hiding, picking the weak targets to jump 3 on 1 is not an option for me. If an enemies in clip the fights already started, be they RR1 or RR9, tank, caster or full group.

An it aint a question of "leaving" a soloer. It's a question of the guy who "prefers to solo" not doing so when he has the option. Thats whats horseshit mate. You say one thing here then do something else ingame.

Aint sayin it's right or wrong. I very rarely see a mid stealther without at least 2 mates and hib stealthers are no angels. But the fact is YOU CAN solo sometimes and choose to gank.

So cut the "A true infil prefers to solo" bullshit. You "Prefer to get some rps" feckin period.



Originally posted by Begach
LOL Whats this "leave" shit? I aint a stealther. Hiding, picking the weak targets to jump 3 on 1 is not an option for me. If an enemies in clip the fights already started, be they RR1 or RR9, tank, caster or full group.

An it aint a question of "leaving" a soloer. It's a question of the guy who "prefers to solo" not doing so when he has the option. Thats whats horseshit mate. You say one thing here then do something else ingame.

Aint sayin it's right or wrong. I very rarely see a mid stealther without at least 2 mates and hib stealthers are no angels. But the fact is YOU CAN solo sometimes and choose to gank.

So cut the "A true infil prefers to solo" bullshit. You "Prefer to get some rps" feckin period.



Originally posted by vintervargen
lets not make up stories now shall we :>

i use it alot also, not many falls for it anymore.

i was solo hero. i walked from mmg to amg, didnt meet anyone. at amg, there were you, doing a /salute. i walked around some, went to atk. saw some FG head out, but no soloers. went to amg again, stayed alb side. angie, FC mincer comes. i look at her, she does a few /surrender (i was in a position i could've killed her).

solo bard comes, goes to mid side. bards hp drops, so i go thru to see whats up. saw it was you, head back for alb side. in the middle of gates meduza attacks me. mincer joins in (whom i just spared). loxleyhood joins in.

all clear?

tbh we just gank you all the time because we hate you, but love the whines.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
tbh we just gank you all the time because we hate you, but love the whines.

different excuses every time eh? ^^

guess you "hate" all soloers then :\


Originally posted by vintervargen
where were my adds then? afk i guess?

I don't even consider using a buffbot to be soloing.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
I don't even consider using a buffbot to be soloing.

clever way to try and defend yourself. too bad its irrelevant.


Originally posted by vintervargen
clever way to try and defend yourself. too bad its irrelevant.

Tell me you never group with nightshades then.

If you can, then fine, you are a soloer.


Originally posted by loxleyhood
Tell me you never group with nightshades then.

If you can, then fine, you are a soloer.

k, honestly:

few times duoing, with sneakers/magol/sargeras/dangleberryfinn and censimilia. either when there were more duo's then soloers out, or when i was fed up with SH.

sometimes grouped up with all i could find to clear hmg. always disbanded after.

2 weekends ago i formed an fg of stealthers in odins, and had fights with meduzas 7-8 person grp. then we went df when hib got it. i dont join random stealther groups.

when i duo, i say to spare certain soloers, zoia and samil beeing the most common 2.

will probably not grp up alot after this SH nerf tho, will see how it turns out.


wtf are you still going on? ok move along people,nothing to see here.


Originally posted by cougar-
wtf are you still going on? ok move along people,nothing to see here.

*wizzle* lunch break 30 mins. move over to the corn field afterwards.


Originally posted by vintervargen
*wizzle* lunch break 30 mins. move over to the corn field afterwards.

ok,tell me when your back so i can take lunch and dont leave the place un-harvested.


I solo. But I would never claim to be a soloer. In the mornings I will camp mtk emain, htk Odin's, gorge or uppland. But in the afternoons its just not worth the bother, and a duo is the lowest numbers you can travel in.

Its just gone 11:20 and a rr1 sb jumped me (free rp). Slam lands straight away. Load the crit. **poof** 4 more low rr stealthers.

If given the choice I think most of us would solo, but we can't.

Alderian can't solo because I duo with meduza. I can't solo because Alderian uses a buffbot. Therefore we are the roots of our own problems, a vicious circle if you will, and one which there is no solution to.

I would not persecute you for using a buffbot, because I know what it means to play without one these days, and if I had the means to do so I would have my own buffbot. I ask that you do not persecute me when I duo, because the alternative is soloing unbuffed. Sometimes I make the effort to do that, but it rarely pays off (It does sometimes, some of the most fun RvR moments I have done unbuffed).


Asking meduza or samil for buffs without grouping is unacceptable i guess?

anyway, if you solo and are unbuffed as you say, i would not kill you.


Originally posted by cougar-
ok,tell me when your back so i can take lunch and dont leave the place un-harvested.

tag-teaming are we? :cool:


Originally posted by Arnor
tag-teaming are we? :cool:

after lunch its royal rumble, everyone attack in some nasty offtopic thread!


Originally posted by vintervargen
Asking meduza or samil for buffs without grouping is unacceptable i guess?

anyway, if you solo and are unbuffed as you say, i would not kill you.

Samil has no buffbot. If I ask Meduza for buffs it seems only logical that I group with him. You have killed me many occaisions unbuffed.


cgr&vinter: cover me, i need to do some actual factual work :rolleyes:


Discuss See Hidden, not whether nisse or ulla is buffboted or not :p

Yes it was truly needed that nerf, i totally agree with Zag - i felt the same when i played my infil on US last year. Tbh, i felt sorry for the archers, they seemed so helpless :(


Originally posted by vintervargen
k, honestly:

few times duoing, with sneakers/magol/sargeras/dangleberryfinn and censimilia. either when there were more duo's then soloers out, or when i was fed up with SH.

sometimes grouped up with all i could find to clear hmg. always disbanded after.

2 weekends ago i formed an fg of stealthers in odins, and had fights with meduzas 7-8 person grp. then we went df when hib got it. i dont join random stealther groups.

when i duo, i say to spare certain soloers, zoia and samil beeing the most common 2.

will probably not grp up alot after this SH nerf tho, will see how it turns out.

LOL, dont ur nose get bigger each time u say u solo ?

'a few times with etc' must be somewhat an understatement! Ive ONLY seen u solo 4-5 times ALL the time ive been in Odins! And EVERY1 knows Ald and the gang dont come solo. dont say ur solo JUST becuz u arent grped with them, and DONT give me the horseshit about 'uhh, ohh, i cant see them, i didnt know they were there' cuz after 1st encounter u DO KNOW they r there!

And now SH got nerfed, I again met u with ur gang of NS... So maybe u should try and be REALLY honestly instead of telling modisfications of the truth, ehh ?


Originally posted by zlair
LOL, dont ur nose get bigger each time u say u solo ?

'a few times with etc' must be somewhat an understatement! Ive ONLY seen u solo 4-5 times ALL the time ive been in Odins! And EVERY1 knows Ald and the gang dont come solo. dont say ur solo JUST becuz u arent grped with them, and DONT give me the horseshit about 'uhh, ohh, i cant see them, i didnt know they were there' cuz after 1st encounter u DO KNOW they r there!

And now SH got nerfed, I again met u with ur gang of NS... So maybe u should try and be REALLY honestly instead of telling modisfications of the truth, ehh ?

what the fuck you babbling about bitch?

4-5 times you prick, stop lying, the times youve killed me solo cause of SH are more like 400-500. damn, you really are retarded.

ald and his gang.. hooh, havnt played ranger for almost 3 months, come again pls.

and no, i cant see other rangers/nightshades. and i dont camp hmg/amg because there will be too much adds (i know you cant understand this, but try real hard). its not my fucking fault if i happend to pass amg or wherever when some soloer comes by, i shoot him, and more stealthers pops.

you met my gang of NS's these last 2 days? thats weird, cause odins have been empty cause of the /level thingy, only time o seen you was when you ganked my hero 3vs1.

now foad pls


Originally posted by Aybabtu
You know im actually glad they nerfed it! i said it, it had to be said!

why? well i figured archers will have it easy -----> then start solo'ing instead of bringing friends for the much needed safty -------> then we have a even balance between pray and predator :p

I agree, I bought it last week knowing that I'd get my points back at patch, it was very very scary, I can understand why so many scout and archer types just gave up, you can stand on the amg and see a scout in the middle of the bowl ffs.

Cant remember if I got any screenies but it was pretty silly.


Originally posted by zlair
that is SOO last year :rolleyes:

i have also seen that someone have that sentance in his/her sig. and i dont post it to be leet, simply cause i want you to foad

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