Sb's & Infil's - goa's view

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what word? nerfage? nerfage nerfage nerfage nerfage :p lol shades can take out tanks not sure how easily but ive taken out the odd yellow/orange one but its risky hehe way ive done it is PA, CD, run hide wait for a bit they usually rest after a bit then even if there on full life easy as hell and if they dont rest they are hurt .. only done it couple of times so dunno if it was just luck or what :D but if they in trouble :(

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Blixt Gordon

"Assassins were never meant to kill tanks."

Exactly. Even a monkey can see that letting a meleeclass with stealth be able to kill tanks over and over again would be out of the question.

But, thats only true for shadowblades and nightshades. Infiltrators was supposed to kill everyone, easy, of course. Or else they would not be uber elite, and why play a infil then?


It would be kinda pointless to make a class to render themselves invisible and also be able to kill any class in the game, it would make being any other class pointless as you would always be at their mercy.

So when Mythic do wield their nerfbat no-one can really complain as ALL stealthers have had it so easy up till now so yes it's about time something evened up the scores, although there will still be people whining.


M8 ... thats an infil :) I know infils who kill tanks b4 they know they've been hit i.e Jadow vs Stormsteelhes a 50 skald...

also ns's are fine they just need more hit points other than that their pretty well stable - plus they get - damage from our slahs weps soon so...GIVE THEM MORE CONST!!!

Give all blades the same spec points as each has their own special ability i.e infils DW, sb's 2h sword and ns's dd nukes

and LOL this threads getting long :D

Keep posting b4 its locked :D


Still don't understand why assassins shouldn't be able to kill every class in a 1on1 fight? A tank running around solo deserves to get killed ;)



Originally posted by Blixt Gordon
Infiltrators was supposed to kill everyone, easy, of course. Or else they would not be uber elite, and why play a infil then?

:flame: Fuck off Blixt - sure some of the infils out there picked the class because it ranks pretty high in the RP stats tables in the US, but making sweeping statements like this pisses me off. Don't try to paint us all as 'uber kids' who just want to be top of the RPs rankings...

I play an infil because it's a fun and varied class... all you whiners and moaners out there go bloody roll one and try to level it to 50 to get the full enjoyment out of it then say we have it easy.

All this bullshit discussion about 1v1 - how often do you actually find 1v1 encounters anyway? Doubtless though, all this whingeing is being reproduced on the US boards and we'll end up getting nerfed. Personally I don't care much - if anything it might lead to a quieter life without the few who are just playing infs to be uber not bothering to do so....


Originally posted by pudzy

Give all blades the same spec points as each has their own special ability i.e infils DW, sb's 2h sword and ns's dd nukes
Err DW isn't unique or special in the slightest. SB gets LA and NS gets CD... where's the uniqueness of infs carrying two weapons? If you want make an argument for equal spec points you're going to have to do better than that. :p

Blixt Gordon

"all this whingeing is being reproduced on the US boards and we'll end up getting nerfed"

And thats why you are upset i guess? Infils need a nerf, or the other classes need a boost. Both work.

If you cant see that.. then.. well.. its.. buuhuuu dont nerf my uber elite char i want to be overpowered!

So join in on the whining on infils if you truly dont care if infils are uber or not. :)


Originally posted by Blixt Gordon
"all this whingeing is being reproduced on the US boards and we'll end up getting nerfed"

And thats why you are upset i guess? Infils need a nerf, or the other classes need a boost. Both work.

If you cant see that.. then.. well.. its.. buuhuuu dont nerf my uber elite char i want to be overpowered!

So join in on the whining on infils if you truly dont care if infils are uber or not. :)

I said I don't care that much and I meant it. The reason I flamed you was for your annoying and sweeping generalisation that infils only pick the class because they want to be uber. I had never visited a forum, nor seen any stats on classes in RvR, when I read the guide and said to myself 'infiltrator sounds fun', and it was solely on that information that I chose the class.

I am not upset at the thought of a nerf, I'm upset at you being an arrogant twat and classifying all infiltrators as wanting to be uber.


Reason i chose an infiltrator...

1) APK was camped -continually- there was no chance of leaving it other than being a stealther.

2) A mate of mine became a scout inspired by...

3) Ghosty Boo! who was/is a great scout and is now back (yay!).

4) I didn't want to be the same class as my mate, so instead of being a scout i became an inf.

I had no idea at all that it was considered an uber class, and frankly I don't think back then it even -was- considered all that great. Derric will remember all those fun raids when I could climb and I kept bugging him about "well are infs any good in RvR then?"

Artemis will remember me harrassing him for spec advice at the same time as congratulating him on becoming the first level 50 inf on the server.

Basically only the last 2 waves of infs did so for uberness. Anyone else beforehand is old skewl and therefore immune to your lameness ;)


Thing with most Mid SBs is they all went for critblade to pwn the casters and stay stealthed!!1 LOLZ 1337<!11.

I've been playing my bro's lvl 50 SB which is a 5 spec and over 4 days made around 90k rps killing all sorts of classes from both Alb/Hib. I dont have a buff bot or I am never buff and I manage to kill alot of infis. Plus with a 5spec using snare I get CD off almost 90% of the time as long has it isnt blocked etc.... 2hSB vs a infi with dodger2+ is going to get owned most of the time simple because the spd of the weapon they use.

Don't call for class nerfs when its probs down to your own spec and RA's and items you wear. Only thing infis get is dragonfang but that isnt over powering.

<------- Ayvia in the day when my bros not here :clap:

Whats your spec the pudz? and RA's :m00:


Rogue vs pure tank shouldnt even be a contest. Tank should squish the reality its more like 50/50 and tank needs to have IP, purge and preferably shield spec to have a good chance of victory...

I put in a 1000 spec pts into shield to get a lvl of defense that assasins get from just lvling (evade7)'s so out of whack its not even funny. I hope parry and shield fixes will tilt the advantage to the tank in a huge way....


I would just like to know which planet you have been playing on, and where these mythical tank and healer killing infiltrators came from?
Dunno... ask Artemis, Derric, Jadow, Vestax (he's a gimp, can't kill me, but hey, he *almost did it*, niar, camillo (ouch) among others

Brannor McThife

Guest's one for you all...

L48 Warrior vs L50 Infil. Infiltrator was on <30% health after just having killed an SB. Warrior ran out of endurance having sprinted to Infil and fumbling slam...


Maybe Weldrin can speak form his side...but well, I play an infil, and this is just laughable... :(



It's laughable because mythic envisioned every class to play a role in the game. Casters were to kill tanks and support classes. Rogues kill casters. Tanks kill rogues(yeah right).



I'd say it's difficult to make a bad infiltrator spec. Sadly. Mythic have made many bad errors, too bad they don't admit it.


Originally posted by svartalf
I'd say it's difficult to make a bad infiltrator spec. Sadly. Mythic have made many bad errors, too bad they don't admit it.

a US player says its best to follow this template mate, judge for yourself just how gimped you can make an infil :

40 Stealth
40 Thrust
50 CS
39 DW
1 Envenom

This basically giving a 0,25%*39= +9,75% to hit with the offhand weapon.
And <taking DoT for example> not Lifebane roughly 50 per tick lasts for 6 ticks. ie 50*6=300 hp damage. That discounting other very beneficial FX of poisons by itself is a very convincing selfnerfage :)


Lifebane is about 81/tick, according to my scars..

But you're right, there's a waste of points there, and it''s better to have 50 thrust than 50 CS imho.. blah blah blah .. techie assassin stuff


in perspective...

i love playing my new born shadowblade

i have to say in the end its about
40% skills
40% realm abilities
10% class differences
and 10% luck (luck vs skill factor scales)

(then comes buffs, scouts, group tactics etc.)


caster are supposed to kill tanks?
i need maybe 10nukes to kill a tank using ip


Originally posted by walkerb
caster are supposed to kill tanks?
i need maybe 10nukes to kill a tank using ip

get outta here you silly wizard!!

this is the sb vs infil thread

Brannor McThife

Caught Kreig (L45 infil) last night killing greycons at Midgard entrance to DF. Searched around for him and eventually found him hiding on the first step (which is another matter...).

So, L45 Infil, vs L49.5 Warrior.

PA does 350-370.
Poison lands (25-55), bleed starts.(7->)

I immediately go into combat mode, and parry his creeping death. Then hit once (+-170) because of combat mode. Parry 2 more blows, then slam (+-250). Kreig stunned. Switch to 2-H Axe (Prince 2-H axe) and plague him for (530+).

Dead Infil. Me left bleeding and poisoned.

Level seems to make quite a big difference. From 47.5 to 49.5 my warrior has transformed dramatically. So much so it troubles me. Of course, staff wielding LOW yellow necromancers still serve me my ass because they parry almost every blow and club me for 150-200 with their staves. Will check more encounters as time passes. At least I still cleave casters in two... (well, one hit...) ;)



Originally posted by pudzy

The last 7 words got me in stitches cos frankly - we kill casters and some scounts - infils kill casters, tanks, healers EVERYTHING :)


sb have same advantage as infil
they can kill tanks, im a paladin and ive got killed once but sb dont usually risk it. they can have 3 poisons and once they get their PA chain its a long stun which gets your health down to 1/3 -1/4 health

and i have 1559 hitpoints which is 0-100 lower than a armsman (also im a briton).

so dont bitch about you not being able to kill things.

and dont bitch if you havent tried to one on one with a tank or not having a lvl 50 infil too.


Lakarell..your such a crybaby :p

U shouldve learned by now...if u can't beat it....



Originally posted by lakarell
Nerf Bloodied !!

You keep going on :)

I beat Biggles so fast in a duel that i accidently killed him while consentrating on getting in my stun style.. he got 3 swings off.. 1 hit and 2 evades, i got pa + cd + 3-4 comebacks, and a couple of doublefrosts

fyi: it wasnt like it was an arranged duel where we agreed to meet somewhere.. i had previously beaten him to 10% when Arca asked me to stop cause he was talking with him.. when he had regenerated we went 1 on 1.
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