Sb's & Infil's - goa's view

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I decided thatafter the the response got from my post a while back about sb's and infils andfact its totally unfair in sb's side I'd email goa.. found a very laughable reply came my way after.


Well there are no actual questions in the post, but I guess you'd want a class balance view as feedback. Personally I think the 2-handed option for the SB is a HUGE advantage, no matter what your CS skill is. Open with PA with the 2-hander and switch to 2 onehanded weapons (depending on who you are attacking ofcourse). This has the added benefit of 3 certain envenom hits in the first 2 attacks, something the Infiltrators cannot be certain of. So without going into a deeper class balance discussion, ill say, keeping the above arguments in mind, that infiltrator and SB are pretty balanced, maybe with an advantage to the SB.

The last 7 words got me in stitches cos frankly - we kill casters and some scounts - infils kill casters, tanks, healers EVERYTHING :)

So I'm pissed now knowing nothing wil change for the sb .. I dunno how much longer I will play my sb knowing this - there's about 10 other lvl 50 sb's agreeing with my views aswell I'm not alone - and I know infils agree if they had some guts.


why did you email goa when they dont make the game :rolleyes:


I would just like to know which planet you have been playing on, and where these mythical tank and healer killing infiltrators came from? I play a lvl 46 infiltrator, and trust me, infiltrators rarely take down healers or tanks. Just like the shadowblades, we are there to kill casters, archers and other assassins. No infiltrator in their right mind would go up against a tank alone, even more so with the introduction of realm abilities like Ignore Pain.
After fighting many nightshades and shadowblades, I have to agree with GOA's comments above. The infiltrator and shadowblade are fairly well matched. Sure we get a few more points to spend, so our skills are slightly higher, but that two-handed axe on the PA and more hit points easily makes up for it (having been on the recieving end of Death's axe on more than one occasion).
Shadowblades are difficult to play and to level, but just because you are having a hard time, dont assume that us infils are having an easier time. We're not.



Sorry to say this mate, but I disagree with your final appraisal of the situation. 1 vs 1 shadowblades have a distinct advantage.

Firstly, Inf's can't go slash without crippling their character.

Shadowblades have no other option than to go slash so -every- shadowblade has a +plus to inf armour and about 70% of infs have a huge -neg to sb armour.

This alone gives most sb's an inherent advantage from the get go. Add to this the 2 hander, and the extra hit points, and I'd say 1 vs 1 the advantage is strongly heading towards SB.

This is not to say sb is the best assassin class in the game, may not be as much fun because your targets are so limited.

Infs job is to roam aroudn behind the lines causing chaos and confusion. SB's job is to kill the infs. Simple as that really.


Originally posted by the_smurflord
I would just like to know which planet you have been playing on, and where these mythical tank and healer killing infiltrators came from?

Err I'm from Cardiff originally, now living in London :D

I play a lvl 46 infiltrator, and trust me, infiltrators rarely take down healers or tanks.

Untrue, I do so every day multiple times.

Just like the shadowblades, we are there to kill casters, archers and other assassins. No infiltrator in their right mind would go up against a tank alone, even more so with the introduction of realm abilities like Ignore Pain.

IP is annoying, but just kite the target or simply vanish mid fight if you're cheeky for a double PA. It sometimes works. And my mind is slightly warped I guess, but I know i'm not alone in doing this very often.

Sorry mate, I think you need to spend more time in RvR. Infs can and do take down tanks or healers with few problems. I actually solo'd two yellow con thanes once - the power of dragonfang and endurance regen bp stones. Even IP just takes a bit of self control to run away and come back rather than stay and slug it out.

However see above on my infs vs sb's 1 on 1 comments.



I thought soloing tanks was tough till i met a certain orange con troll in DF the other day. I evaded all his attacks then he got all frustrated and dissapeared out the port while his low level buddies watched.


After reading the first few posts I was gonna mention a certain inf by the name of Jadow who takes down tanks , dare I say with "impunity" from what I've heard :) but I see he replied :p


But if you try on a skald with them stuns and shouts........
Or go up against a Slammer and fail to evade it :p


Slam can be a pain - it gives them a 50/50 chance of winning if they actually manage to land it. I think only 1 has managed this on me and won 1 vs 1 - Crush (?)

Skalds aren't too bad if you have full endo and decent resists, but I'd say they have the best chance in melee against us.


Jadow m8 and the 'what planet u from' boy i think u should ask Niar ok he literaly rapes every single class in our realm there is nothing the guy cant kill.


So what if Niar can kill every class? I know SB's that kill armsmen without even getting hit. In 1.53 infils going have a very hard time killing tanks with parry/block fixed.



Personally, I have more trouble with SB's than I do with inf's.

Reason? The fact that SB's use the 2h weapon for PA causing it to do ALOT more damage than the usual PA's from inf's. I can QC stun and inf if I'm fast enough, usually takes 3 hits from them before I can do nothing. SB's I usually find that I am dead after 2 hits.

Of course, it's been ages since I came up against a SB in a 1v1 situation, not since I dinged 50 in fact. They seem to like picking me off when I am surrounded by tanks attacking me, usually Albion ones.


gah ok what puts the Infils on top is

*2.5x SPEC
*lvl 50 pierce style dragonfang (chains of evade 9sec STUN)

ok so would u PLEASE tell me what justifyes this?.....
NOTHING does.... FFS mytic fecked up and gave infils 2.5 spec points, they should never have done this cause it made em far too powerfull...... and after that they give em "vanish" and IP thats 2 "get out of jail free cards" in one class....

and DF needs to be toned town..... like 4-5 secs like the other asassins stun......................


Originally posted by Quasimoto
gah ok what puts the Infils on top is

*2.5x SPEC
*lvl 50 pierce style dragonfang (chains of evade 9sec STUN)

ok so would u PLEASE tell me what justifyes this?.....
NOTHING does.... FFS mytic fecked up and gave infils 2.5 spec points, they should never have done this cause it made em far too powerfull...... and after that they give em "vanish" and IP thats 2 "get out of jail free cards" in one class....

and DF needs to be toned town..... like 4-5 secs like the other asassins stun......................
Someone got owned. :p


Originally posted by old.Jadow
Infs job is to roam aroudn behind the lines causing chaos and confusion. SB's job is to kill the infs. Simple as that really.



Originally posted by Quasimoto

and after that they give em "vanish" and IP thats 2 "get out of jail free cards" in one class....

Free Vanish and Ignore Pain?Where can I find that please? :)


I have some right here for you !
But anyway. Lets take Narve for EG. Look at the death MSG's we get in sauvage every day. He kills every single class we have, from clerics to armsman to wizards. And tbh, you have a lot better SB's then him.
Don't think its just us Infs out of the assasain's who can kill any class.


ok this is the biggest problem

Infils vs sb's fine we have even chance but imo sb's are underpowered without hitting first.


infils kill a huge range of classes easily where as sb kills only casters, infils and lower cons.. hence we wait longer for chances = less rp - as for taking out arms they have to do the pa+snare run away stealth pa etc etc which is far harder than envenoming a tank and weakening him then thrusting the living shit out of him.

Please tell me if this is wrong and state why :)


just heard news

in upcoming patches blades get a - damage to ns leather armour and a nuetral to infils so what the fuck are we meant to kill!!


I know thats how Narve does it. About the others, I dunno, never seen them fight tanks solo :).
But i'd imagine someone like Azal killing an Armsman without having to snare him. If not ... then silly me.


All together now...

The grass is always greener on the other side...

If there an assasin class who has the right to moan it's the Nightshades. Certainly not SB's, come to alb side RvR for a few days and watch the deathspam from the SB's from Mid. They can also kill most classes in game. You're either gimped your char or you suck at playing an SB.

P.S. Mythic designed this game, GOA just brings it to your house. :)


I agree, praise to the lil' nightshades that actually manage find the courage to go out there every day :D


narve is a big gimp took him 4 hits to take down my level27 cleric :p


Re: ....

Originally posted by Venemous
I thought soloing tanks was tough till i met a certain orange con troll in DF the other day. I evaded all his attacks then he got all frustrated and dissapeared out the port while his low level buddies watched.
Uhm, you might want to know the story with the orange troll m8...

It was Tormax, and he's my buff-bot. he was sitting behind the portal when you attacked him, and meanwhile i was out killing Legion. Not only didn't I see it immediately, but it's kinda impossible to control him on my other PC while all my attention was needed on my other screen (we were fighting our way through the dukes). Apart from that, he didn't have a single buff on him (he buffed some guildies who were joining the run), and a shaman with no buffs is kinda hopeless anyway. I'm pretty sure you only took your chances knowing he was afk, seen the location he was sitting at....


oops, almost forgot to reply to the actual thread :rolleyes:

I'm not gonna say here that infils are hugely overpowered or so, but facts are that some things about them are simply ridiculous.
First of all, I have to agree about the stun being way too long (stun is a joke anyway). Besides that, the crippling poison is a bit too powerfull as well imo. Hehe, some days ago I found out it can't even be cured ffs... (is that intentional or a bug btw?)



If there an assasin class who has the right to moan it's the Nightshades. Certainly not SB's, come to alb side RvR for a few days and watch the deathspam from the SB's from Mid. They can also kill most classes in game. You're either gimped your char or you suck at playing an SB.

I suck?

You take out a plated armour tank with a slash weapon ya twat :)

Also Azal does have to use snare to take out an armsman as would any sb unless they get f'in lucky.As for ns's - they have thrust but the luri has lower hp than an Elf - I have however seen a luri ns take a epic armour worrier out so explain.

quote from Artemis

So what if Niar can kill every class? I know SB's that kill armsmen without even getting hit.

Maybe he was AFK? if not give me the name of the arms so i can takethe piss for eternity - slash 2h wep does about 92 (-130+) (this is my avaerage in experience of a 2h sword crafted 99% qua on plated) so armsman what 1800hp+ ? how many hits that? yes thats right - 2h wep avarage spd 5.0 sooo...keeping a armsman stunned for well over a minute.. hmmm niceone Artemis :p


Gotta ask some one who's got both an infil and an sb, i think durgi said he had a level 50 infil on US.

Imo, infils are nasty, but a left axe sb with high evenom would have an advantage, also i think the fact that Niar is good at his class is leading everyone to believe infils are overpowered..


Originally posted by pudzy
but the luri has lower hp than an Elf -

Seems to be a common misconception this, lurikeens and elves both have the same base con of 40, i.e. both are equally pathetically easy to kill. Luri's look smaller, but their hits aren't, m'kay?



Originally posted by old.Jadow
Firstly, Inf's can't go slash without crippling their character.

Shadowblades have no other option than to go slash....

try reading this.... then read it once more.. then realize what you are saying.......
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