i was thinking of running a new sidi raid this saturday and hoping ppl will stay longer this time...we will meet at gwyntell.
Loot will be class spec if u don´t pm me with alt u rolling for!
Grp 1 and 2 maybe nr 3 will be healy melee and theurg spam!
Bg will opn on blauc at 11 pm/12 cet and we leave 11:30 pm/12:30 cet at latest.Raid will end with whipeout at apoc (if we don´t kill him) or if we die before him...my goal is to get to horsemens atleast...so give me som theurg power so the raids goes smoother and faster....lds will be waited 2 min for then we move!
Grp 1
pally (me)
6 sec pbt
bb (me)
Grp 2 will be desame
6 sec pbt
grp 3 and up if not tank/cleric/theurg ppl left can be random and can consist of any ppl... mini lvl 50 grp1 and 2 is lvl 50 but u can bring alts for mlxp and xp if u feel like it!
Loot will be in this order Wepons/items/stones....if u don´t win a weapon or item u get a stone...if u win 1 item u have to wait until everyone has gotten 1 item then its FFa when every player that joind has got 1 item!! We will do random 100 for the item i delve in bg and only class specon that raid can roll for it so noone rolls just to sell it afterwards...need before greed as i say!!!
Loot will be class spec if u don´t pm me with alt u rolling for!
Grp 1 and 2 maybe nr 3 will be healy melee and theurg spam!
Bg will opn on blauc at 11 pm/12 cet and we leave 11:30 pm/12:30 cet at latest.Raid will end with whipeout at apoc (if we don´t kill him) or if we die before him...my goal is to get to horsemens atleast...so give me som theurg power so the raids goes smoother and faster....lds will be waited 2 min for then we move!
Grp 1
pally (me)
6 sec pbt
bb (me)
Grp 2 will be desame
6 sec pbt
grp 3 and up if not tank/cleric/theurg ppl left can be random and can consist of any ppl... mini lvl 50 grp1 and 2 is lvl 50 but u can bring alts for mlxp and xp if u feel like it!
Loot will be in this order Wepons/items/stones....if u don´t win a weapon or item u get a stone...if u win 1 item u have to wait until everyone has gotten 1 item then its FFa when every player that joind has got 1 item!! We will do random 100 for the item i delve in bg and only class specon that raid can roll for it so noone rolls just to sell it afterwards...need before greed as i say!!!