horlely said:The spirit of the game realm vs realm go more down , by ppl that dont know what a mmorgp is.
horlely said:And still the same idiots stop adding yellers,thats think the game is 8vs8 or
1vs1 for get the max rp.
And more kids that cant play the game so the need cheat in rvr(window D ,lag C , radar u) , and think(i'm the best :touch: ).
Even now the new stuff pre org fights in agramon , players that are to lazy
for run over the realms and only think for my rp my ranking.The rest of the game the dont need , only my my my counts.
The spirit of the game realm vs realm go more down , by ppl that dont know what a mmorgp is.
horlely said:And still the same idiots stop adding yellers,thats think the game is 8vs8 or
1vs1 for get the max rp.
And more kids that cant play the game so the need cheat in rvr(window D ,lag C , radar u) , and think(i'm the best :touch: ).
Even now the new stuff pre org fights in agramon , players that are to lazy
for run over the realms and only think for my rp my ranking.The rest of the game the dont need , only my my my counts.
The spirit of the game realm vs realm go more down , by ppl that dont know what a mmorgp is.
Aren't you doing exactly the same thing by adding?, you only care about your rps and disregard the fact that (in their eyes) you are ruining their fun?only my my my counts.
CstasY said:An mmorpg is what you make it, you incompetent moron.
horlely said:ahhere we got again one of the supermans in front of hes pc (i can use my uber words on forums , the dont know me in real life).
Look kid when you cant discuussion in a other style , hug your self and go
to school.
And when you a my rp my ranking player , i can understand your frustration
how ppl think over you![]()
horlely said:ahhere we got again one of the supermans in front of hes pc (i can use my uber words on forums , the dont know me in real life).
Look kid when you cant discuussion in a other style , hug your self and go
to school.
And when you a my rp my ranking player , i can understand your frustration
how ppl think over you![]()
CstasY said:An mmorpg is what you make it, you incompetent moron.
Infanity said:My dog speaks better english than you.
I just find it funny you're telling someone to go to school - Yet can't spell fuck all of the things you're trying to insult him with.
Musejedi said:Stop killing my solo eld![]()
pjuppe said:quite a funny picutre really![]()
In general being able to speak another language fluently does say something about the level of education. And frankly the stuff he wrote makes no sence.ebenezer said:please...do you really think being able to speak or write in another language tells you how educated a person is in general. He have all the right calling someone a child that behaves in that way though he have learned how to spell properly. That doesn mean jack shit tbh. Some people on thse boards speak exellent english but doesnt know how to treat a human being for fucks sake. Now whats more decent? to be able to behave and act a bit like a mormal person...or to spell right? comon guys....if you cant crack that nut, i think you are children if not in age then mentaly![]()
Doesnt really help his point if he cant make himself understandablehorlely said:And when you a my rp my ranking player
And you rock! creating a FH account just to post BS like that. Doesnt seem to me you have any clue of what you are talking about. There have been plenty of action for the lower RR lately with daily relicraids and zerg vs. zerg fights.knothead said:chronic i think you will get banned by doing pre organised fights. so think before you speak.
horlely wants the game to be played how mythic intended it to be played realm Vs realm not l337fg Vs l337fg these are the people who are ruining the game as they want to be the leetl57 of the l337. these people pretend to only want to fight each other but more often than not jump in fights they come across.
or will not rezz their realm mates. these are the people who ruin the game as they are not playing it how it was meant to be played.
so to all the fags who think they are to good for this game fuck off and play Cs cos this is what you are turning this game into.
Infanity said:My dog speaks better english than you.
I just find it funny you're telling someone to go to school - Yet can't spell fuck all of the things you're trying to insult him with.
Infanity said:My dog speaks better english than you.
I just find it funny you're telling someone to go to school - Yet can't spell fuck all of the things you're trying to insult him with.
CstasY said:If all else fails, call the person a child.
Chap said:And you rock! creating a FH account just to post BS like that. Doesnt seem to me you have any clue of what you are talking about. There have been plenty of action for the lower RR lately with daily relicraids and zerg vs. zerg fights.
actually no it doesntChap said:In general being able to speak another language fluently does say something about the level of education. And frankly the stuff he wrote makes no sence.
Bertram said:I have read all these replyes etc from you and i can only say OMG...
Are you flaming people becasue of there mistyping ? Jesus ....
You know it is not only people from the UK who plays this game and tbh people who go so low and flame people becasue of there english skills THey have to be a child or freaking retarded
Why not just Shut the fuck up and ignore it`? I dotn even see why it bothers you to beginn with! Grow up .... And btw i wuld really like to know how old you are anyway? Becasue i am really chocked over suck kind of stupidity can accur in a forum like this ....
You are so retardSchool... If you dotn know teh word GO here:
CstasY said:Haha, me insulting his spelling? Perhaps use your fucking eyes in future and read whats there instead of what you want to be there. He called me a kid because he couldn't think of a counter argument - Simple as that.
ebenezer said:actually no it doesntI dont know where you get ur education....but lets say you had a weak point in school, which im sure you had. Were you maybe intrested in something else? Ok..then you understand what im getting at.I wouldnt call you a neanderthal prick that are down to caveman intellect cause you dont know math^^He might not have choose to put his braincells into english only...or whatever his reasons im sure he had one. I know horlely and all that knows him knows he is prolly more educated then 80% of the poplulation at FH . And there is such a thing as school of life that 80% here havent been through yet. Thats giving you a whole lot more education for the rest of the life then being good at spelling right in english will ever get you m8. Take my word for it .There is things i learned in school that i really dont even have a use for. And i studied for more years in school then most people do...but the stuff i learned outside of school is the things i have most use for....
so...please....dont get down to the level of pointing out crap spelling. Xause that will lower ur own credebility by so much more. ok good![]()
ebenezer said:im not sure...but if you were the one who came up with the brilliant reply about being a moron, i just think that child was what came to his mind first..as im pretty sure all other people reading ur reply will think too, if they dont have the same confused mind as well![]()
Knothead said:lol your a geordie i'm sure your dog speaks better English than you also.
and horlely is not english i'm sure he speaks better english than you do french.
people like this relly make me embarressed to call myself English.
Join Date: 26th Jan 2006
Ok.. You are the one speaking about maturity and yet you make a complete fool of youself by posting "mature posts" like these... Refering to my epeen and IQ to belittle me with your superioty makes me wonder who is the mature one in this discussion.Knothead said:no have just formatted my pc and my FH password goes to my works email address so i'd jump of the bandwagen and get your facts right first knob.
ok i haven't a clue! of course if only your intelligence matched your epeen size you probably may reach maturity in another 20-30 years
CstasY said:An mmorpg is what you make it, you incompetent moron.
Chap said:I did not flame him at any point. I stated that I had a hard time understanding his point because of his spelling. I said that In general it says something about the level of education and imo it does. For instance in Denmark you cant go through Uni without being able to read and write english propperly, it's impossible.
brad said:lol ure grp dpesn't show any compasion to other solo's.
But you expect people to leave a char you solo with alone........haha.
Amount of time your grp's farmed me when solo is amazing, and you whine yourself about being farmed when solo......lol at the hypocrit.