RvR Any fun anymore???



then you would have to remove their baseline nukes and stuff also, or give them heals.

its the flaw with albion, there are no pure support classes like the other realms, every alb class can be dmg/solo specced


Tbh, insta >> cast... Running + pressing button >>>> standing still + pressing button... (and hoping that the grass isnt too tall and you get a 'target is not visible' which of course it will tell you AFTER your cast)

Definitly against Mids... With hibs you might be lucky to resists instant-amnesia though...

How long (seriously) does it take to go from 1875 -> 1500 range at speed 5 + sprint? I think you'd do that within 2s-2.5s (which is I think average cast time of a sorc with high dex)... Actually by the time my mez lands, 291 dex, I usually have a mid tank ON me... And trust me, I did start mez > 1500 range...

Its not that hard...

1875 range mez IS good when you get the jump on other groups (they run passed you at the sides, or you sneak up on them from the side/back)... But in a frontal 'assault', sorcs will often lose the mez battle...


Originally posted by heilel
My main is a cleric, but didn't bother playing RvR until fairly recently, as I only hit lvl 50 last week.
Before that, even though I was still high lvl, I just had issues getting invited to a grp.

So, now there's one more Cleric in RvR anyway and Iøm getting plenty of invites.
I wish though grps would invite ppl less then lvl 50 more often, kind of a pain that you have to be lvl 50 if you want a decent chence of getting into a grp.

BTW, my Alt is a sorc, but only lvl 14 atm, but I'm getting there.

to be 100% effective in rvr you need the last level im afraid but .. I know it suck cus i wanted to rvr before 50 too.
GL on leveling that sorc :)


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Sorcs have the BIG disadvantage of being a cloth wearer with a staff n low low hps class = the 1st enemy to be targeted n usual the 1st who die (and frustration starts to appear by this point).

I know some ppl who rolled a sorc to 50th n then got tired of being killed the 1st w/o getting rps even if his group won.... However there are a few sorcs who can cope with this issue n become top sorcs.

This may be a reason why Albion lacks in active sorcs (just port to emain n check by yourselves how many fgs leave tk w/o sorc, loads!!!. To be honest, a fg w/o sorc is a screwed group, most of Albion fgs roam w/o sorc n the vicious zerg circle starts here.......

PS: this reply made me think about how a sorc could last longer in a battle. Some stupid ideas came to my mind like: giving sorcs leather or studded armors, giving sorcs a little boost in their hps gained per level, giving sorcs sumkind of baseline damage absorb buff (to put their damage absorb ratio in line with the other realms main CC).......

I totally agree here, and im not at all opposed to give them hps/abs matching healer/bard


Originally posted by vintervargen
then you would have to remove their baseline nukes and stuff also, or give them heals.

Humm i would remove the baseline DoTs n 1 of the insta debuffs. To be honest, dont think a sorc with studded damage absorb ratio n baselines nukes not specced for damage would a dangerous enemy in terms of damage (o/c they would be really dangerous due to their mezzing abilities).

Anyways, i know these are only stupid ideas i wont never see live but, hey! moaning is a free hobby ;)


3 sec cast aye.. with best buffs and MoA3 a sorc can cast at 1.7 sec. Vs mids it´s hard anyway, either for hibbies or for albs.


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Anyways, i know these are only stupid ideas i wont never see live but, hey! moaning is a free hobby ;)

exactly! now bring your merc ass to htk somewhat so i can duel you :), cant get past hmg :mad:


Originally posted by old.Rusfighter
Its not about restrictions, its about GROUP. And if U want your GROUP to do something else than die u MUST think about right chars with right specs and RAs in it.

All i can say here... Ask Mythyc :)

Shure i U wanna little fun like:
- ATK -> randomgroup -> AMG -> bindpoint
- ATK -> randomzerg -> AMG -> kill 1 balanced FG -> meet 1.5-2 balanced FG's (or antizerg PBAE group) -> bindpoint

go ahead waitin 4 your rps :)

And. Who talkin about hours? In primetime in regular RvR oriented guild U can build perfect group in about 10-20 minutes and run with that group 4 hours without any changes.

Its up 2 U m8. But dont scream about overpowered AE stun, overpowered savages, overpowered endregen etc. atfer your 3 random FGs will be wiped by 1 balanced mid pbae sqad.

Best regards ;) [/B]

thank you for making my point.


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Humm i would remove the baseline DoTs n 1 of the insta debuffs. To be honest, dont think a sorc with studded damage absorb ratio n baselines nukes not specced for damage would a dangerous enemy in terms of damage (o/c they would be really dangerous due to their mezzing abilities).

Anyways, i know these are only stupid ideas i wont never see live but, hey! moaning is a free hobby ;)

yes lets give you healer/bard stuff, and you get to choose what abilities you shall loose to compensate :rolleyes:

Garbannoch Nox

when i started RvR many months ago I often played in very imbalanced groups (what hibs always have is a bard since it would take ages otherwise to run to emain). Nonetheless we were doing fine, had a lot of fun (more than nowadays sometimes) and I got my RPs. But again back then also the other realms didnt bother too much about a good group setup.
When I look at RvR now it's mostly a battle between well balanced high RR groups. So-called "random" groups of mostly low RR players get wasted by the above mentioned groups. Since they have absolutely no chance to compete against those groups they have to rely on superior numbers. And tbh for me it is perfectly ok if 2 of those groups move together - they will get some RPs, and they will be able to put up a nice fight against a good solo group instead of getting insta killed. But I have to admit that it has become much more difficult for "random" low RR people to have fun in RvR which is sad tbh.
The best part of RvR for me today is to play with the people I like and to have fun with them - but ofc winning against other good groups is a nice bonus ;)


Originally posted by Gorbash
why should people be restricted to what class they play because thats what a group wants rather than what the player wants?

why should groups be restricted by/depend on certain classes rather than individual players? (mythics fault for group-based effects - bad idea imo)

why should players spend hours on end building the perfect group when all they want to do is go and have a little fun there and then?

i just want to play with the character i started with, not with one that someone else wants.

You do know this is a MMORPG? You do know that it's group based? It sounds like you're in the wrong game...


I haven't been RvR much lately but my recent experience, this week, has been that people waiting at apk for a balanced group (on average just under an hour to get it all set up) then find that they cannot roam as fg because either ATK or AMG are camped.

This may be because of a previous Alb zerg or a zerg from another realm wanted to make their rps or for any other reason but even when Alb do make balanced groups we end up being part of the zerg until we can actually get away from other Albs and then you get the whines about high RR players, who would rather roam as 1 or at most up to 2fg, zerging.


Originally posted by Vasconcelos
Sorcs have the BIG disadvantage of being a cloth wearer with a staff n low low hps class = the 1st enemy to be targeted n usual the 1st who die (and frustration starts to appear by this point).

No offence but thats bull sh** Ok they get targetted first but if ur pala in the grp aint guarding and defending cleric/cc u have a bad pala.
A s/s pala doesnt pack the punch to go fight but is excellent in defending (high hp,shield specced).
If i grp and there's a sorcer in the grp i stick to his butt.
Havin guard and intercept on him. If he gets mezzed he before he gets mezz off he purges and mezzes. If he can mezz and some tank purge and rush to the sorc i slam the crap outta them.
Dont blame being a avalonian paper armor caster to getting fast killed when ur grp doesnt know their job.


Originally posted by Garbannoch Nox
when i started RvR many months ago I often played in very imbalanced groups (what hibs always have is a bard since it would take ages otherwise to run to emain). Nonetheless we were doing fine, had a lot of fun (more than nowadays sometimes) and I got my RPs. But again back then also the other realms didnt bother too much about a good group setup.
When I look at RvR now it's mostly a battle between well balanced high RR groups. So-called "random" groups of mostly low RR players get wasted by the above mentioned groups. Since they have absolutely no chance to compete against those groups they have to rely on superior numbers. And tbh for me it is perfectly ok if 2 of those groups move together - they will get some RPs, and they will be able to put up a nice fight against a good solo group instead of getting insta killed. But I have to admit that it has become much more difficult for "random" low RR people to have fun in RvR which is sad tbh.
The best part of RvR for me today is to play with the people I like and to have fun with them - but ofc winning against other good groups is a nice bonus ;)

Agree ^^ BTW very fun to c Tairna with Cosantoirs/Brehons group :)


Originally posted by kenshee-himura
No offence but thats bull sh** Ok they get targetted first but if ur pala in the grp aint guarding and defending cleric/cc u have a bad pala.
A s/s pala doesnt pack the punch to go fight but is excellent in defending (high hp,shield specced).
If i grp and there's a sorcer in the grp i stick to his butt.
Havin guard and intercept on him. If he gets mezzed he before he gets mezz off he purges and mezzes. If he can mezz and some tank purge and rush to the sorc i slam the crap outta them.
Dont blame being a avalonian paper armor caster to getting fast killed when ur grp doesnt know their job.

His purge not up...or maybe he a newly levelled Sorc trying to buy purge?

You are mezzed/stunned and your purge not up. Would love to see you slam while stunned. ;)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Heh, two NS isn't really a stealthzerg :p

Besides, what do you think you can do in emain with an unbuffed rr2 mincer? :>

nothing, but i wasnt in emain - and without u he was dead


Originally posted by Asha
You do know this is a MMORPG? You do know that it's group based? It sounds like you're in the wrong game...

no, im in the right game. i know its about grouping. i know its an MMORPG. im just saying that its been designed badly. so badly infact that a group relies purely on the abilities of one or two classes which is constricting the choice of the players.

as far as im concerened, a group should be able to have any 8 random players and still have just as much chance of success as any other group on the field.

ever played Ultima Online?


The topic is getting off point a bit. Lets not turn it into another discussion about Sorcerer/Cleric vs. Healer. Except I have to say Sorcerer isn’t really on a 3 sec cast time – should be a lot lower or QC. I have seen Tinay and Riwen beating Mid Healers loads in the past week or so. Ofc vs. NP’s 4 seer group things get very difficult, even when you land the first mez, but against most Mid groups it’s very possible to win. The issues with Sorcerer aren’t the problem in most cases imo. It’s the unbalanced groups.

I think Garbannoch Is pretty much right. Some months ago it was ok to run an imperfect group. 2 Paladins? Sure! Only one Cleric? Ok.. An Infiltrator? Why not? Fire Wizard, sure! Now there is just no room for that. If you leave apk without the needed classes – or worse with badly specced classes, then you are dead. I think this hits Albion especially hard because we need so many classes that there is little room for error. Right now in our group there is no room for Wizards, Cabalists, Infiltrators, more than one Paladin, Minstrel or Sorcerer. Of course you might have a different set up, but the groups I see leaving apk have no set up, they are just random and they die quickly and come back and start moving as 2fg as Garbannoch said. Sometimes more than 2fg…

I think this probably happens in mid too because we meet mid groups that aren’t so balanced often. However, mid classes have more utility so I don’t think you have to be so careful about which classes you get. Because the Hibbies have to run so far, I think they are more careful about their groups. Who wants to run all the way to Emain only to die because you didn’t have a Druid?

The other problem in Albion seems to be that guilds don’t run guild groups. You see FC GoL HB BF and sometimes LoD running guild groups. The 65694235 other guilds in Albion seem to just do random groups at apk with who they find. Maybe you just want to log in and have fun, but sorry you can’t expect to win with a random group of ppl you’re not used to vs mid and hib groups that play together day in and day out. Maybe it’s not fun or fair but it’s the truth. It’s not the Sorcerer, it’s the group :p


Originally posted by kenshee-himura
No offence but thats bull sh** Ok they get targetted first but if ur pala in the grp aint guarding and defending cleric/cc u have a bad pala.
A s/s pala doesnt pack the punch to go fight but is excellent in defending (high hp,shield specced).
If i grp and there's a sorcer in the grp i stick to his butt.
Havin guard and intercept on him. If he gets mezzed he before he gets mezz off he purges and mezzes. If he can mezz and some tank purge and rush to the sorc i slam the crap outta them.
Dont blame being a avalonian paper armor caster to getting fast killed when ur grp doesnt know their job.

Oh! Thx for enlight me. I didnt know a pally can play defense :rolleyes:

So, do you think sorcs dont have any problems with their 0 damage absorb n 1300 hps buffed if u have a mighty pally on ur group??
Do you find easy to slam 3 tanks who assist each other on your sorc arse??
Try asking a sorc if he doesnt fear for his life if he cant land his mezz 1st. Or try testing in 10 fg vs fg fights, how many times the sorc dies 1st.........

No offense, but i only know a few pallys who do the slam mission correct (Justinian, Regtur, Gregorian, Metalwolf or Zael), and all of em have a really hard time to protect their pallys from 3 tanks who assist each other.

Originally posted by Arnor

yes lets give you healer/bard stuff, and you get to choose what abilities you shall loose to compensate

I was only imaging options. O/c you need to give up some of your stuff (moving nukes to specc lines e.g) if your getting better armor/hps.


A sorcs life is hard... Mainly because there's only room for 1 sorc in a group, he dies when tanks look at him really mean... And quickcast is usually not an option with the many ways to stun these days...

Hibs 'kind' of have the problem too, not that much room for a 2nd bard... But a mid group, 2 (sometimes even 3 :rolleyes: ) healers, no problem... Hibs have 1 advantage, if things go wrong with the 'normal' casted mez, they can use their instant...

I do notice that we (The Brethren) are having a (very) hard time to win battles these days... Most mid groups are 'the perfect' group (e.g. tank heavy, 2-3 healers)... And most hib groups we fight too... Sure, any 'random' group, we whipe in like <15s...

But most of our tanks dont have enough damage-output to kill their healers (and well, our casters dont live long enough to help)... Even when assisting... (no we dont have more then 3 mercs in the guild, only 1 is active, and only 1 reaver atm at 50, a 2nd at 47)

We dont have the luxory of having 2 clerics in a group, simply because the guild only has 3 active clerics of which 1 is actually a BOT ! Having 2 in 1 group almost never happens, since there are usually not more then 1 online at any given time...

So yes, RvR has become a LOT harder to be competative in... Although I do think we still give nice fights, we do lose a lot more then 2-3 months ago...

And yes, I think albs notice this more then mids / hibs...


Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by [BF]ilur
just tell me one thing ?? what can a 3s cast sorc do against for instance mid grps?
typical mid grp has 2 healers so:
2x insta mezz, 2x insta aoe mezz, 2x insta stun, 2x insta aoe stun

Just explain me how a sorc can beat that? unless u group like 5 sorcs in one group maybe one can excape mezz and not get 1h kill

agree with u when u say most of albs grps are random, and ye we owned much in 1 vs 1 fights as guild grps so it's possible allways to win hibs or mids on 1fg...

GL on your fights ^^

1.65 second cast for sorceror's at bolt range - ask dreams how. + quickcast + moc etc, Longer duration mezz, less resists.

Sorceror is quite capable of landing a better mezz long before either healer or bard.


Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by old.Rusfighter

2. Alb got SoS... very nice CC counter.

do u happen to know what u can do under sos?
Run, only. No casting no ras nothing work under sos...

so what do u say as very nice cc counter?? run away from enemys ? well for that u dont need sos, pala end and mincer speed and just dont engage when u see a enemy grp...


Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by old.Nol
1.65 second cast for sorceror's at bolt range - ask dreams how. + quickcast + moc etc, Longer duration mezz, less resists.

Sorceror is quite capable of landing a better mezz long before either healer or bard.

i just cant understand how u talk bout timed cast beating insta cast... bolt range... hummm nm

Some good sorcs can mezz preety good yes, but even tho is quite difficult to beat insta mezzers unless u run on surprise and gank from behind imho


Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by Arnor
[Byeah, 5 sorcs will help alot, djeesus christ :rolleyes:
roll mid/hib :m00: [/B]

I was joking, small brains cant understand sarcasm


Re: Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by [BF]ilur
i just cant understand how u talk bout timed cast beating insta cast... bolt range... hummm nm

Some good sorcs can mezz preety good yes, but even tho is quite difficult to beat insta mezzers unless u run on surprise and gank from behind imho

Bolt Range is greater than Insta Range, so Sorc CAN qc aoe mez before healer/bard gets in close enough to insta. :p


Originally posted by Asha
The other problem in Albion seems to be that guilds don’t run guild groups. You see FC GoL HB BF and sometimes LoD running guild groups. The 65694235 other guilds in Albion seem to just do random groups at apk with who they find. Maybe you just want to log in and have fun, but sorry you can’t expect to win with a random group of ppl you’re not used to vs mid and hib groups that play together day in and day out. Maybe it’s not fun or fair but it’s the truth. It’s not the Sorcerer, it’s the group :p

i totally agree with u on this one, this is one of the biggest problems in albion atm imo, think this is mainly because albion/exc has too many guilds, and too many "mainly pve", casual players and not ballanced guilds (classes speaking) on those guilds so the few ppl that like to RvR on those guilds have quite a big difficulty getting a ballanced grp on RvR, a part from some guild RvR events when all leave PvE and play RvR for 1 or 2 hours, that's not daily tho and even a guild grp they are not used to play together, so they get owned preety fast and start moving together...

i would just say if u like to RvR and are in a PvE guild try and join a RvR guild, zerging is lame and spoils the fun for everyone even the ones in your realm...

GL guys see ya soon in emain, when i leave work :(


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by Asha
Bolt Range is greater than Insta Range, so Sorc CAN qc aoe mez before healer/bard gets in close enough to insta. :p

yeah ash, 1850 > 1500 ofc just try and see when u run into a enemy grp, sorc has to stop cast and in that time the healer is on insta cast range most of the times and u know it...

if u come from the back is easy for the sorc but running face to face insta has allways the advantage imo

not to mention sorcs die in 1-2 hits and as a cleric u know how hard is to save our sorcs from dying in early fight stage


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by [BF]ilur
yeah ash, 1850 > 1500 ofc just try and see when u run into a enemy grp, sorc has to stop cast and in that time the healer is on insta cast range most of the times and u know it...

if u come from the back is easy for the sorc but running face to face insta has allways the advantage imo

not to mention sorcs die in 1-2 hits and as a cleric u know how hard is to save our sorcs from dying in early fight stage

click on enemy
hit face
hit qc
hit mez

no it's not easy, but it's not impossible, I've seen tinay and riwen do it all week.

sorc dies sometimes but gets full rez v fast if it happens, so they have full life and half power and hopefully mcl.

I do think albion is underpowered due to lack of utility on sorcerers and clerics esp, but I don't think that it's impossible to win. In fact, vs random hib/mids I expect to win with a good alb tank group.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: RvR Any fun anymore???

Originally posted by Asha
click on enemy
hit face
hit qc
hit mez

no it's not easy, but it's not impossible, I've seen tinay and riwen do it all week.

sorc dies sometimes but gets full rez v fast if it happens, so they have full life and half power and hopefully mcl.

I do think albion is underpowered due to lack of utility on sorcerers and clerics esp, but I don't think that it's impossible to win. In fact, vs random hib/mids I expect to win with a good alb tank group.

I dont think is impossible to win too... we have winned quite some fights, i'm just saying healers have a simpler job with insta mezz and they can get into range on the time most sorcs take to cast... ops not to mention insta aoe stun

even tho i wouldnt trade albion for any other realm, we may be underpowered but we're good looking =P hehe


theres about 1 grp thats bad balanced in mid on every 4 balanced grps. i think the reverse numbers are true about alb :(

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