If 120+ peps is turning up for this raid as we saw joining your ml2 raid keep this in mind :
1. 1 grp kills shaman = grp gets the neckie
2. 1 grp kills pregnant cobra = grp gets cobra egg
3. 1 grp kills grogans = 1 person will get the sword only.
wouldnt want a 100+ peps raid waiting for 100+ grogon kills for everyone to get a sword
This is a sub-quest giving by the treasurer hunter located outside the cave.
Get everyone to do these steps before raid and cut off a couple of hours of the sunday raid, or you could end up with a 10-12 hour raid.
And last but not least :
It might help you if you study the whole raid before posting and before running the raid. Its been done many times before and info is up for grabs on the net, use it, its very helpfull :bazbeer:
I know inna hasn't listed the stages, but you should assume that it is BG stages only. The atlantean sword and cobra egg is a pre requiste for an ML3 BG raid.
Ill be there again with Darac 50 SB and Sheraz 50 Aug/Mend Shaman.
Can you confirm what you need us to have done before raid m8?
My understanding is I get both the Kepa and Antioos quests then kill a Triton Shaman. Also, farm an egg and sword from inside TOT. Bit im not sure about is if you need us to kill Mourghart (3.2 subquest) and Shraogh (3.7) or will you be including these as part of the raid?
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