rr9 arumi


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2005
dont get it realy, you guys saying its a nice guy,but he plays a retarded class so no gratz to that,so if i was a nice guy and had a dog that would bite everyone dead,you wouldn't mind me but you would be angry at the dog?
player=char atleast thats what i think about it, if ye find the class lame then dont play it simpel as that, if ye blame the char blame the player that plays the char aswell.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
technasia said:
dont get it realy, you guys saying its a nice guy,but he plays a retarded class so no gratz to that,so if i was a nice guy and had a dog that would bite everyone dead,you wouldn't mind me but you would be angry at the dog?
player=char atleast thats what i think about it, if ye find the class lame then dont play it simpel as that, if ye blame the char blame the player that plays the char aswell.

very very strange reasoning imo. Now i dont know every warloc in game and cannot say if they are nice players or not. But acording to ur reasoning every op class and therefor players are assholes, and since i know that when everyone whined on bainshee in beginning almost everyone in hib had a bainshee alt , that would also make me and rest of those assholes...and besides me i would say that is bullshit ofc:)
And i really wonder how and why you wouldnt see a thing like that clearly?
I can just asume you are a bit too serious about daoc and need to calm down:)
No mythic is to blame for implimenting the warloc, and for people being curious or wanting to play it, it just make perfect sence.
Sure we may all be jellous cause or frutrated cause we cant beat them, but that shouldnt lead us to start making strange asumptions like that...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 3, 2005
ebenezer said:
very very strange reasoning imo. Now i dont know every warloc in game and cannot say if they are nice players or not. But acording to ur reasoning every op class and therefor players are assholes, and since i know that when everyone whined on bainshee in beginning almost everyone in hib had a bainshee alt , that would also make me and rest of those assholes...and besides me i would say that is bullshit ofc:)
And i really wonder how and why you wouldnt see a thing like that clearly?
I can just asume you are a bit too serious about daoc and need to calm down:)
No mythic is to blame for implimenting the warloc, and for people being curious or wanting to play it, it just make perfect sence.
Sure we may all be jellous cause or frutrated cause we cant beat them, but that shouldnt lead us to start making strange asumptions like that...

im not saying they assholes, they just abit lame :) you have OP chars ofc, but warlocks aint in that categorie tho, yeah bainshees are op, but not in every situation, they can still easly be killed, same with theur, in my point of view its pritty OP also, but can be killed so i aint qq'ing or anything about that, but if i see a wl 99% of the time i mostly run anyway, like most other ppl, if hib had a class that could insta kill 5 ppl for example, i wouldnt play it, there still should be some challenge in the game, if not you can aswell play css against a 3y old, its just abit strange to me if ppl say its a nice person but he plays a warlock and just adds and kills everything in sight, well that doesnt rly sound like a nice person to me tho, and i dnno but the way you act ingame, is the way you act irl most of the times


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Tafaya Anathas said:
Hint: read the first character in every word in the original post :)

rofl :)

I'd beat you with the modstick were it not funny ;)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Gotmagi said:
Not all warlocks use F8 + chamber all the time, and doubt u even played against him so.. try again =)

I don't write stuff when I don't know what's going on =) I sure as hell got my share of chambers on me, but I bet that I died a lot less than most others (yeer, high matter resist in template ftw =)) )


Loyal Freddie
Oct 21, 2004
Castus said:
He has 1 and quit playing it after a couple of weeks cos it was too difficult for him haha

nah it was because he couldnt camp tower with sb xd

grats andy


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
technasia said:
im not saying they assholes, they just abit lame :) you have OP chars ofc, but warlocks aint in that categorie tho, yeah bainshees are op, but not in every situation, they can still easly be killed, same with theur, in my point of view its pritty OP also, but can be killed so i aint qq'ing or anything about that, but if i see a wl 99% of the time i mostly run anyway, like most other ppl, if hib had a class that could insta kill 5 ppl for example, i wouldnt play it, there still should be some challenge in the game, if not you can aswell play css against a 3y old, its just abit strange to me if ppl say its a nice person but he plays a warlock and just adds and kills everything in sight, well that doesnt rly sound like a nice person to me tho, and i dnno but the way you act ingame, is the way you act irl most of the times

Well to me its still just a game. Sure when i talk to people i act as i do in rl.
but i dont stab people with a sword in the back in rl. As im sure arumi treats people good in rl...but waste a lo of chambers on all of us in game:p
So you really gotta seperate a game from and all playing aspects in it from rl...how you act and talk(chatting interacting, with other players) is a nother thing...cause if ur not a roleplayer you are urself and therefor the same in rl:)
Also just cause he plays a character that doesnt need a challenge doesnt mean he is evil...or does it?
I would say he might be lasy...or he just want and easy character to play. We dont really know do we:)? only arumi can answer that. What we should instead base our opinion about how he is in rl...should be how he interacted with us and chatted with us in game. And most posts i seen by him here, and also the time i met him in game(two nights ago) he was a standup bloke imo.

I do understand ur frustration(i got killed more then anyone!) and i share it...i even wrote a hate warloc post a few days back! But i clearly also stated its more an anger towards mythic for giving people the oportunity to play it, and not towards arumi and co.
I just get a bit shock over how often people in this game transfer things you do in a game to how a person should act and be in rl.
Heard many many times the asumption from some leet players for example that just cause some people add you are not respectfull nor are you a nice guy. That is also along the same lines. I know myself and a lot of those people in game that choose to add on certain ocasions and i would regard them as having 90% more moral and be more decent than many of the so called leet boys.
Anyhow...its just a game. My interaction, namely chatting and what i say to people might be myself and how i am.....but not always how i choose to play my toons.
over and out..


Feb 20, 2006
unless you have some kind of handicap or illness which makes you unable to move out the house, grats with your sad & worthless achievement.


Part of the furniture
Jan 2, 2005
I didn't realise that life came with a manual saying you shouldn't spend more than xx hours in front of a computer. Guess I'll have to ask my mom what she did with my manual. I might be living my life the wrong way :(.

If he's enjoying himself by playing DAoC why whould he need to do something else?

Edit: Gratz, now get back to Thid :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Entran said:
jesus dude go outside. there is more to life than daoc.

There is also more to life then making pointless replies on a Daoc forum, go outside dude.

And Gratz Arumi ;D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Originally Posted by Entran
jesus dude go outside. there is more to life than daoc.

Elrandhir said:
There is also more to life then making pointless replies on a Daoc forum, go outside dude.

lol pwned.

And grats my good friend, now stop toying around on that thingy and play a real char:) :)

>.< Pooned

Fledgling Freddie
Nov 12, 2005
Because my previously post deleted and i got banned for 3 days
^^ ill post it again
with diffrent way ^^

tell me 1 thing, u got tired????????????????????

why u need gratz thread?

achievment is when u work hard for something and u didnt do such thing

so my post isnt a gratz 1 cya


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 13, 2004
haha, why even play a wl or even roll one when you know that they are gonna get nerfed!,<

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