WTF? Robots are coming for your job....yes..every job


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
You only know what red feels like because you've been told.

Nobody told me how to feel when i see the color red. For a machine it will always be a definition from code, for a human it can be anything.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Nobody told me how to feel when i see the color red. For a machine it will always be a definition from code, for a human it can be anything.
Your brain is defined in code. Lots and lots and lots of code. It's fundamentally no different to any computer, just fancier. There is nothing magic about humans and human brains. It's the ultimate form of hubris to think that somehow we are special and unique and have a soul and la di da.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Robots are unlikely at the moment while we still have 3rd world labour...but like all changes they happen because something goes up and the other goes down...slowly 3rd world labour will end as everyone gets a comfortable lifestyle and in that time robotics and software will have exponentially improved to the point you can have some bot in the house.who can fix your taxes..teach the trusted to look after them...wont lose/molest/beat them and have endless access to a bazillion parenting will be normal and all the jobs it can do will dissappear just like cameras and desktops are dying out because phones do it better.
We will automate everything...films will be made by software...the actors will on a hard
We will have friends who are fact it will be nigh on impossible to tell the difference.

The Japanese are leading the way in robotics because they're a bunch of racists who won't allow 3rd world labour on precious Japanese soil (and also because they have an ageing problem and young Japanese don't want to look after old Japanese - like they used to - because its icky, so medical robots in particular are a bit line of research). You'll see non-military robots become mainstream in Japan first, and then we'll all want them.

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