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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
LOL. When you have some idiot being rude to you for no reason other than he is a complete prick I think it's justified.

I don't. I think it's a failure of intellect and a bad example to set (which is important IMO).

I've had the same result (applause) in the same sort of situation simply by telling the cunt what I think. Only if he gets punchy first would I retaliate (and, of course, you're well on your guard by that point so risks are low).

I'm 38, not had a fight since school and never, ever, let someone bad mouth me without giving the same back. In fact, confrontations are the only time I don't swear every other word - correct use of the English language is really unsettling to the dumb :)

Edit: But to be fair, Hawkwind, I'm not particularly bothered that you punched a chav. On the inside I'm secretly pleased ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
As much as you probably don't like it, there's scum out there, that will only learn by knowing that there's people out there that are bigger than them.

They won't learn anything from that. Not a thing.

Actually - that's a lie. They'll learn to choose better targets next time - so the weak, frail and elderly are more likely to get it in the neck from now on.

Punching gobby violent wankers does nothing to stop them being gobby violent wankers. In fact, being punched is probably one of the prime causes for them being gobby violent wankers in the first place.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Problem is simply can't reason with them at all. OK I lost my temper and probably shouldn't but these idiots only respect violence. Similarities to bloody pack animals, the ASBO generation and it seems to be culturally endemic in the UK now.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Don't disagree with much there - apart from that they "respect" violence. They don't - they fear it. :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I've also grabbed someone by the throat on the underground once, but mine was provoked my more than someone just being a mouthy prick. Not something I'm particularly proud of but these things happen.

Accidently bumped the guys arm as I was overtaking him. He thought it would be a good idea to be a big man and smash me on the back with his umbrella because of it. I turned and asked him what the fuck he was doing. He ignored any speech, didn't make a sound. He pushed me. I asked him what the fuck he was doing. He pushed me again. I asked him why he was trying to start a fight with me. He pushed me again. I warned him not to touch me again. He pushed me again.

Obviously there's only so much a person can take before they do something. Before I even knew it I had the fat city wanker (about twice my weight, much taller than me and) by the throat and I was seriously threatening him. The smug fat self-satisfied grin disappeared from his face as he realised he was stuck in a bad place. The only reason I didn't push it further was his girlfriend was there and stepped in.

I sincerely hope she left him after that, it was hilarious. Big fat city wanker who thinks he's important can push around someone half his size. If she didn't then obviously she's one of the many women that think being around total cunts is a good thing.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Walking between platforms. :)

Was at the absolute mess of a maze of Bank station, if you've ever had to interchange there you'll know.

Access Denied

It was like that when I got here...
Jun 14, 2006
Sometimes violence is unavoidable. Though if I know that to be the case I'll make sure they throw the first punch. Happened in school once, had my back to a wall when the guy tried to punch me. I moved my head, he broke 5 bones in his hand =P


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Sometimes violence is unavoidable. Though if I know that to be the case I'll make sure they throw the first punch. Happened in school once, had my back to a wall when the guy tried to punch me. I moved my head, he broke 5 bones in his hand =P
I have similar one to this.. - but instead, it was an old friend, who attempted to look cool in front of his mates, and attempt to give me some stick, at first, I ignored it, then when walking home from school, he thought he'd try to rugby tackle me from behind, for no apparent reason, after going in full-pelt, I didn't move, I just looked down, and laughed, and then carried on walking, he stood up, chased after me, then I just pushed him to the floor, walked off.. then he tried to rugby tackle me again, but I waited until he stood up, then jabbed him in the arm, put a leg behind him, and pushed him over, he ran home, crying..

I call it short-arse syndrome, some smaller people think they're so much more important than taller people.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
LOL. When you have some idiot being rude to you for no reason other than he is a complete prick I think it's justified. The verbal did go on a bit before I resorted to asking him for an apology. He must have called me a f'in c*nt about 6 times. All because I let some old dear off the train before me, holding him up for 5 seconds. I just hate idiots and I won't take shit from tossers like that.

No point talking to Scouse about it, he thinks people should be allowed to walk around insulting people without the fear of someone responding.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Accidently bumped the guys arm as I was overtaking him. He thought it would be a good idea to be a big man and smash me on the back with his umbrella because of it. I turned and asked him what the fuck he was doing. He ignored any speech, didn't make a sound. He pushed me. I asked him what the fuck he was doing. He pushed me again. I asked him why he was trying to start a fight with me. He pushed me again. I warned him not to touch me again. He pushed me again.

You should be very proud of yourself. You didn't kick off at the first sign of actual violence. Well done.

If he was a fat cunt his bird was with him for the money, but rest assured that he went home feeling less of a man :)

No point talking to Scouse about it, he thinks people should be allowed to walk around insulting people without the fear of someone responding.

Nah. I think you should respond in kind. If someone insults you, do better back. If someone hits you - cunt him.

However, if someone insults you and you respond by hitting him - you're the cunt.

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