Maybe it's because I'm Dutch, therefor more open to this kind of stuff, but I really feel that people should have the choice themselves when to die, in case of a serious illness. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live with ALS myself...
Jack Kevorkian gave this option to people in one of the most conservative western countries. A country where abortion is still a hot debate while people walk around with guns to "defend themselves".
Don't get me wrong, I love America in a way, but it's got some weird perspective at times.
Agree certainly, if people want to clock out, let 'em.
Even if not ill. Atleast can give a peaceful way out, and not a shotgun to the head or a jump from a roof. Would take away a lot of traumatic events from other people.
I believe they should be allowed to end their own life when ever they want. As long as it doesn't effect other people, i.e. jumping in front of a fucking train.
Nice dose of Insulin, job done, pretty cheap and best way to go.
More so in type 1 (wave). F*cking autoimmune system
Then again, i could always kill myself just by not taking insulin.
Let's see, abiut a day of of fever, increased adrenalin, tired and so on.
Then stronger fever, mroe sleep, heart going at a hefty 200, vomiting, diarrhea, disorientation. That goers on about a half a day before you pass in and out of concious before finally the heart gives in.
Yeah, sounds like a fun way to go compared to "Here's a pill, sleep".
I agree with letting people end their own life in certain circumstances. It's just a bit dodgy because soemtimes get mentally unwell and suicidal, only to get (at least to some degree) 'better' and are glad they never went through with it. Such a case-by-case thing imo.
ye but i've always thought if ur terminal with say cancer or aids or w/e and you ahve 3 months to live but the last 4weeks are going to be painfull and you'll be so drugged up you won't even know waht happening and you'll be a vegtable and shit the bed and lose all dignaty ect ect then i see absolutly no prob in saying after 2 months, i'm coherant enough to say goodbye and go now while you remember me as i am not as a frail thing hooked up to machines covered in my own bodily functions
I never really understood the argument against this, it's apparently humane to put down a dog with cancer but if it's a human being it's immoral/illegal to do the same, even with the persons consent?
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