Rant "Riding the relic": The return of realm hopping


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
wasnt spread out at all, emain, amg mmg.

you could solo and get some fg fights in hw and odins on prydwen but if you wanted rvr you put on your hibernian medalion!

bring back the pad!

Tbh the late night groups hunting Odins or Fs might have been the best fun i had in game.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Emain about 5am imo!

Funny remember when you'd get 2fg fights in emain those time on pryd alone, population must have been strong in them days.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
Emain about 5am imo!

Funny remember when you'd get 2fg fights in emain those time on pryd alone, population must have been strong in them days.

I used to h8 it when you ran in hadrians and always seemed to kill me, oh wait that stil happens. I must still h8 you ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
just bring back the pad like it was in old frontiers except allow porting to 1 or 2 specific frontier keeps so you dont have to run a mile to action in your own realm

it was fine the way it was, and if it aint broke dont fix it!

Aye, how about:

a) Remove boats.
b) Allow only porting to 'centre-keep' (Boldiam, nGed, Glenlock).
c) Allow each realm to port every 10 mins to outside Laby-entrance at Agramon. Make the entrance a bit bigger and better protected (guards and walls)
d) Move the milegates from their current loc to the 2nd Agramon-bridge.

Voilla 'old frontier'-style with a few minor adjustment.


Can't get enough of FH
Jul 24, 2005
When are Mythic gonna realise that realm hopping is damaging the game?

The Mids have vanished mysteriously. Who can say perhaps they have gone to valhalla? They are certainly not in Odins Gate (well some of them are).

Was out last night and suddenly Albs are all over the place. With easy mode players looking to 'ride the relics'. Jesus!

I would prefer a 2 week timer between playing on different realms, thats a minimum.

Seriously it produces sterile and puerile gameplay, little movement on the frontier and it does nothing to gel the realms together, especially after two mergers. The game right now needs a 'cooling off period' to try and get people used to each other and to start helping them build some sort of co-ordinated action.

Mind you maybe I am just QQing about the state of Hib - I don't fucking realm hop after all!

Mythic give us a two week timer, stop this bullshit. Let the realms on the server settle and then shorten it.


Don't think its big of a problem really, Mid has relics then play alb or hib for most possible action, When hibs have it play alb or mid and when albs has play mid or hib :) more fun to run into alot of action all the time just use caution when fighting perma watch for inc when adds run :p

All i do when hibs or albs have relic i play warlock :p alotta players to bomb :p


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
Don't think its big of a problem really, Mid has relics then play alb or hib for most possible action, When hibs have it play alb or mid and when albs has play mid or hib :) more fun to run into alot of action all the time just use caution when fighting perma watch for inc when adds run :p

All i do when hibs or albs have relic i play warlock :p alotta players to bomb :p

give more bomb groups ela ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Don't think its big of a problem really, Mid has relics then play alb or hib for most possible action, When hibs have it play alb or mid and when albs has play mid or hib :) more fun to run into alot of action all the time just use caution when fighting perma watch for inc when adds run :p

All i do when hibs or albs have relic i play warlock :p alotta players to bomb :p

It is fun if the action is not in only one place. Unfortunately when people realm hop it gets all dragged to one location.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
I've said this all along when I played :p but when I said anything about it all I got on here was "oh stop whining" "whiney sack of shit" and now you all realise I was right this thread just makes me laugh. But yes I agree remove relics or make them harder to take (as in OF hard to get) other minor fixes would be:

Make guards higher level so people can't just bomb them all down (high enough so spells barely land on them and if they do they hit for virtually nothing)
Stop FoP working in rvr zones (that will stop small numbers from sitting in confined spaces and gradually working their way into keeps with bombers)
Make keep gates more durable (to the point where you actually get time to move to a keep to defend before its taken rather than 40-60 seconds per gate if that)
Keep lords should be classed as epic encounters and thus have the hp of a high purple epic encounter as should the guards in its room.


Loyal Freddie
Sep 10, 2005
Agreed ... :) Proper rvr can be fixed ... Will be on this weekend i think... Or if it rains, otherwise i am outside!

just poke me on Prea(variable:p) or Hollymarie

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