Rant "Riding the relic": The return of realm hopping


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Just about anything could have a better community than Ywain from what I hear. While I half agree, I think the forums made that more unique, having the odd discussion/whinge at someone from another realm, without ever actually speaking to the properly. Ofc you need to ignore all the people who have ever used IRC now :p

Yeh, used to play with one eye on BW/FH to keep up the flames and posts, added more spice to the game imo. Ywain has no community, totally baron and very cliquey.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
The porting + milegates just worked in so many ways and whas a lot of fun. No doubt about it.

After playing an OF server again of late, I can't describe how truly well designed it was, just perfection as it split up the action without much hassle, much unlike NF does.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
Maybe not as hard as 0 rps, but a multiplier based on the length of time since you last logged onto a different realm:

10mins ago - x0.3 rps
1hr - x0.5rps
6hrs - x0.7rps
24hrs - x0.9rps
3 days - x1rps

Even a bonus for 'realm loyalty' like a no-claims bonus...

1 week - x1.1rps
1 month - x1.2rps
1 year - x1.3rps (!!)
This is by far the best solution I'd read up to now and especially the "realm loyalty" idea - would surely help to bolster realm spirit instead of the mercenary attitude of ppl who login and see who has most relics and then relog etc.

I very much doubt it will ever happen (not with Mythic's "lets keep fixing it until its broken some more" mentality) but I really wish it would tho :(


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
After playing an OF server again of late, I can't describe how truly well designed it was, just perfection as it split up the action without much hassle, much unlike NF does.

Aye, played alot of OF before the ywain-xfer. Was really fun at first but after two months or so got boring and you'd want a switch to NF, play NF a bit and want a switch back, etc.

overall, changes of scenery every now and then'd be gold, people will always get tired of the current map nomatter what it is.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Yeh true, a change of scenery is needed though, the perfect mixture would be original NF mixed with OF. The current setup to me drives me insane, can't stand it for more then a month before i'm banging my head against a wall wondering why I subbed up.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Yeh true, a change of scenery is needed though, the perfect mixture would be original NF mixed with OF. The current setup to me drives me insane, can't stand it for more then a month before i'm banging my head against a wall wondering why I subbed up.
That's why they have monthly subscriptions ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Evers! I have been busy the last 3 weeks on work, buti will join u soon on Uthgard :) Have gave up on Ywain, dont like the community and the game thats much anymore, with all the OP items etc! Even tho my mids/albs are in ml10/si templates when i cancelled my sub :)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Awesome mate, won't be on there for about 10 days or so, gf has the week off so going down to spend it with her, after that hit me up whenever mate, can make some op duo :D.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
This is by far the best solution I'd read up to now and especially the "realm loyalty" idea - would surely help to bolster realm spirit instead of the mercenary attitude of ppl who login and see who has most relics and then relog etc.
Like most things in game would have to be the "realm loyalty" carrot rather than the stick to work or too much whine.

I know it's obvious, but now we're on the US it's worth posting the link to the feedback form when making these thread imo:

Mythic Entertainment | Camelot Herald - Community News for Dark Age of Camelot!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
This is by far the best solution I'd read up to now and especially the "realm loyalty" idea - would surely help to bolster realm spirit instead of the mercenary attitude of ppl who login and see who has most relics and then relog etc.

I very much doubt it will ever happen (not with Mythic's "lets keep fixing it until its broken some more" mentality) but I really wish it would tho :(

Aye I do agree that Maels posted solution is the best one I've read so far.
Although I would limit the realm loyalty a bit (1 to 5% or something) and increase the penalty for swapping, especially for the first day...

Such a treshhold should dissuade a larger part of the community to swap whenever they feel like it

Though seriously wonder if they would ever have the balls to step up to correct it and risk the angry mob of swappers :/


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Like most things in game would have to be the "realm loyalty" carrot rather than the stick to work or too much whine.

I know it's obvious, but now we're on the US it's worth posting the link to the feedback form when making these thread imo:

Mythic Entertainment | Camelot Herald - Community News for Dark Age of Camelot!

What if someone formats the best idea's here into a decent feedback message and we all submit that one,
could that have any effect if enough ppl care to submit it?


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
What if someone formats the best idea's here into a decent feedback message and we all submit that one,
could that have any effect if enough ppl care to submit it?

Well I'll send my idea anyhow, it takes as much time to post feedback as it does to make a post on here so...


Loyal Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Either remove relics completely and add rp bonus for the realm that has most of the keeps or make each relic give u 1 or 2 % bonus to all damage with auto reset after 24 hours.

I prefer the first tbh.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Im all for the auto reset option on Relics, but you'd have to make them worth capturing, bonus to dmg is fine, bonus to rp, xp (pve), crafting etc etc. So the realm that owns them gets some decent value outta them.

Make them worth fighting over, im pretty certain that currently relics are taken by the same people across all 3 realms, the same people have toons on all the realms and decide which toon they want to play that week and then go grab the relics for that realm, til they are bored with them and then take them onto another realm or something lol.

I never ever ever see spam for *Lets Relic Raid xxx* so its definitly not the Euros doing it, usually when i login the next day they are changed, so its clearly the US players.

But overall the whole relic capture system is far too easy in NF, i preffered OF, the Choke points of Milegates, infact the whole design was better, nice and hilly in Emain so you could actually suprise your enemies, much better than the current shit we have, people ganking in water, running along the coast etc, its fun but not as fun as OF was.

Tbh Mythic should just make DAOC 2, make it the original DAOC upto and possibly including TOA with a state of the art gfx overhaul, old Frontiers, and they would probably clean up, i could see loads of people resubbing for that :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 3, 2004
I did have another idea but its a bit more complicated. We need a new switch to nominate our primary realm. This is the only realm where your benefit from relics. If you want to change you primary realm then it will take 48 hours before you benefit from relic bonuses and your old realm chars are set to 0.

This will let you realm swap at will but you wont get any relic bonus benefit unless you commit to the new realm. Relics change so quick it will probably disadvantage the relic followers in the long run.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
As i always preached, the root problem is the Bonuses from relics.
A) It's too easy to get em to unbalance RvR.
B) It's too tuff to get it back, when half the playerbase plays the relic bonus side (even more now that there's only one Big Cluster), to rebalance Rvr.
C) Best solution is to give Relics a different bonus not affecting RvR.
D) Bestest Solution would be to remove em all togheter and eventually give a better rps factor to siege/defend things if they really want to defend zerging in game.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 31, 2004
My idea is that relic capture acts like a buff for the realm, so if one realm captures a relic the whole realm gets a 2 day 15% rp bonus buff or something similar.
It'd be a constant, so even though you weren't online during the relic capture you'd still be able to log on and have that buff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
My idea is that relic capture acts like a buff for the realm, so if one realm captures a relic the whole realm gets a 2 day 15% rp bonus buff or something similar.
It'd be a constant, so even though you weren't online during the relic capture you'd still be able to log on and have that buff.

15%? No bugger would be on the other side. There would be 3,000 on one side and some stealther trying to hide from them all.

There's a realm wide bonus as it is and it makes people hop. Best bet is to tone it down (2.5% bonus to magic / melee); or make it affect non RvR stuff or make the relics actually hard to take (250+ people or gtfo).

(and bring back bottle necks and porters etc).


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
bottle necks no ty, if one realm happens to be particularely zergy/realmhopping you'll be trapped in your starter-area and be free rps unless you form a huge zerg to counter the milegate-campers, manage to break through it, and then continue the zerg to not get zerged down yourself... ZZZ.

As always when there are areas you HAVE to run by to get anywhere, they'll be the zergfest hotspots. Would rather have a couple of options to approach the area I want to roam around in, be it boat/alternative walking route.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
You didn't have to go to OF Emain though lots of people did. You didn't have to bridge camp yet lots of people did. There were always alternatives and that was the key - atm everyone who zergs runs between tower owned by A and keep owned by B. That's even worse than what went before.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 22, 2004
You didn't have to go to OF Emain though lots of people did. You didn't have to bridge camp yet lots of people did. There were always alternatives and that was the key - atm everyone who zergs runs between tower owned by A and keep owned by B. That's even worse than what went before.

People don't have to go to tower A, nor keep B either, but they do, and they would bridgecamp/go OF Emain if that was implemented instead, or any other similar option. I don't see any way out of that tbh.

Some people might want to solo/smallman in these zergy areas however, and if you'd implement a chokepoint with 100 mids setting up traps they'd be fried, unable to pass, and be forced to zerg or go to the more quiet place with less/no action instead. But atm they can get by without getting steamrolled and try their luck.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
I defiantly support the idea of carrot and stick, perhaps on the lines of:

  • You are locked into a realm on one account for 24h.
  • Loyalty bonuses, like 25% more XP, RPs, Gold & BPs & 5% more HP, Dmg & Healing if you haven't changed realm for two weeks.

You can't have the bonuses be too big, but something like the above would encourage people to stay in one realm.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
People don't have to go to tower A, nor keep B either, but they do, and they would bridgecamp/go OF Emain if that was implemented instead, or any other similar option. I don't see any way out of that tbh.

Some people might want to solo/smallman in these zergy areas however, and if you'd implement a chokepoint with 100 mids setting up traps they'd be fried, unable to pass, and be forced to zerg or go to the more quiet place with less/no action instead. But atm they can get by without getting steamrolled and try their luck.

Did you even play OF :s? Far as i can remember the action was more spread out then, than in NF.

You had, odins, emain, hw, hoc, marfach, dodens, df

all of which would get fights in whether your solo or group.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Remake the frontiers and use some brains this time

e.g. don't turn the main fg vs fg zone into pve land

but too much effort they wont bother.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
Did you even play OF :s? Far as i can remember the action was more spread out then, than in NF.

You had, odins, emain, hw, hoc, marfach, dodens, df

all of which would get fights in whether your solo or group.

wasnt spread out at all, emain, amg mmg.

you could solo and get some fg fights in hw and odins on prydwen but if you wanted rvr you put on your hibernian medalion!

bring back the pad!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Have to agree. It was the same on excal, Odins was always good for solo, when the bads started zerging that the action moved to HW. Though I would like to see several portal points in each enemy frontier.


Loyal Freddie
Mar 19, 2010
just bring back the pad like it was in old frontiers except allow porting to 1 or 2 specific frontier keeps so you dont have to run a mile to action in your own realm

it was fine the way it was, and if it aint broke dont fix it!

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