Rant "Riding the relic": The return of realm hopping


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
When are Mythic gonna realise that realm hopping is damaging the game?

The Mids have vanished mysteriously. Who can say perhaps they have gone to valhalla? They are certainly not in Odins Gate (well some of them are).

Was out last night and suddenly Albs are all over the place. With easy mode players looking to 'ride the relics'. Jesus!

I would prefer a 2 week timer between playing on different realms, thats a minimum.

Seriously it produces sterile and puerile gameplay, little movement on the frontier and it does nothing to gel the realms together, especially after two mergers. The game right now needs a 'cooling off period' to try and get people used to each other and to start helping them build some sort of co-ordinated action.

Mind you maybe I am just QQing about the state of Hib - I don't fucking realm hop after all!

Mythic give us a two week timer, stop this bullshit. Let the realms on the server settle and then shorten it.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah the strong Alb stealth zergs in Labby have become hilarious, pop one Alb Stealther and 9 of his mates unstealth for their 2rp's each lol.

I dont think i'll ever play Alb or Hib seriously again, maybe login once in a while to pay rent and take a character out for a quick spin but im loving Mid, dunno why i never bothered with it before now.

Especially now i have an uber templated Warrior :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Never done it myself, nor my guildies, tbh whether we have relics or not, i see over the course of a night the balance of realms change constantly anyway. I log on Mid, no one about and 3fg of albs in lab, 2 hours later the reverse, an hour later hibs are rife, so Im never convinced realm hopping exists, its just a trend the game goes through.

People do change realms for other reasons beside relics tho, they run in ORvR and find a zerg and cant compete because they cant get assholes in their own realm to make a battlegroup, so they ragelog and change realm to find some teamwork to play with.

Make relic raiding better IMO, seriously reduce guards more, and max out the relic keep at level say 5-6 to make it more appealing to attackers. Putting a timer on it will prolly make people go for it less, and make relics pointless. ATM they are the only thing bringing together a whole realm as one for a common goal, take that away theres not much else.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 13, 2004
Aye I've been annoyed by this the moment I started transfered over.
The realm swapping is hurting the game in more ways then people realise...

Though I've heared they did introduce a realm swap timer when they first merged. But then a large part of the VNboard population started screaming and they removed it :<


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
Have a timer so if u swap realm no rps for an hour,maybe more,I did notice in odins yesterday alot of albs,didn't see one hib.personally I would never realm hop because of relics,I have swapped realms to get some action but usualy end up back on mid as it's where my guild is.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
I agree long timer, or cool down on rps or something, so peeps can't whine they miss rental payment or raids etc.

Then again I was out on my wizzie last night...*ducks*...


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Not sure what the answer is but realm pride went out the window ages ago :(.

Never seen the point in relic chasing myself but I do have toons on Alb and Hib. My friends are on Hib but I find getting groups easier on Alb so......

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Yeah I think the way to handle this is as Ipep suggested, no RP's for a while, that way if you want to swap you can do something contructive with your time - leveling a toon on another realm, crafting or farming ect., but not having any adverse affect on RvR.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Maybe not as hard as 0 rps, but a multiplier based on the length of time since you last logged onto a different realm:

10mins ago - x0.3 rps
1hr - x0.5rps
6hrs - x0.7rps
24hrs - x0.9rps
3 days - x1rps

Even a bonus for 'realm loyalty' like a no-claims bonus...

1 week - x1.1rps
1 month - x1.2rps
1 year - x1.3rps (!!)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Bringing back the 15 minute timer would solve alot of problems, but the majority of the current population would moan and moan to make sure it wouldnt happen, so in all honesty don't expect anything and just live with it.

Call me when its down to 400-500ish pop so it can be fun like Tintagel/Killibury was :(.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Simple, no realm swapping on the same server. Like it used tobe.

Maybe create 3 prime servers.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Simple, no realm swapping on the same server. Like it used tobe.

Maybe create 3 prime servers.

Can't do it like that, not enough population. Simple 15 minute timer to discourage timer swapping would imho suffice, it worked before and would do so again.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
15min wont stop anything. People log on the side which has the most relics. If you have a look at the mentality of peoples playstyle and templates, it should say enough that adding 5% or 10% more dmg/heals is more then enough to start playing on that side.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
But then nobody cba to take them.

Here's another thing. OF hade no war map. You either saw the keeptake spam or you heard it through the grapevine. They should remove the flames when a keep gets sieged.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
So they should re-introduce OF.

Gets my vote :D.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Well Perhaps a mix of OF with NF would do. Though it's not like Mythic will be investing any serious money in the game again.

But imho they should. There's always a first for everything and getting an old mmorpg back on the charts, would be a first and perhaps a wise investment.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
interesting replies - really liked the idea of removing the warning on keeps and the realm map. Personally I never play another realm - I have a zerker on the German servers when the whole game went tits up on EU. I do think about trying Alb out but tbh I just like chatting to me mates and I am more interested in faffing around like that than anything else.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I think the game was better when everyone stuck to one realm on one servers.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
I never stuck to one realm :p.

Hence my amass of accounts atm.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
But then nobody cba to take them.

Here's another thing. OF hade no war map. You either saw the keeptake spam or you heard it through the grapevine. They should remove the flames when a keep gets sieged.

They'd have to increase the difficulty in taking keeps to do that. Even with only a handful of people it can be piss easy to take a keep these days.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I never stuck to one realm :p.

Hence my amass of accounts atm.
Well not everyone ofc, we had the turds like you still :D But still, when most* people stayed on one realm, I prefered it :p

*swap this for a word of your choice.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
They'd have to increase the difficulty in taking keeps to do that. Even with only a handful of people it can be piss easy to take a keep these days.

Agreed keeps are piss. On killi we 2fg'd the whole of alb in a matter of 3hours, far to easy :/.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Well not everyone ofc, we had the turds like you still :D But still, when most* people stayed on one realm, I prefered it :p

*swap this for a word of your choice.

True true, but it also helped imho when you knew everyone. You knew the mids/albs/hibs on each side, helped make a far better community then exists on ywain.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
But then nobody cba to take them.

Here's another thing. OF hade no war map. You either saw the keeptake spam or you heard it through the grapevine. They should remove the flames when a keep gets sieged.

People that like PvE will take them. People that don't will let those that do PvE keeps. No more realm swapping for added relic powa and hopefully some realm stability.

Either that or make the keeps 25 times harder and remove the map. Used to work in OF - people would have to move around for fights.

Or bring back OF with the porting. That gets my vote as there's the on pad bonding and less zerg - die - release - zerg as people know that they have to wait on the porter and as such aren't so gung-ho about adding in as they might die.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
True true, but it also helped imho when you knew everyone. You knew the mids/albs/hibs on each side, helped make a far better community then exists on ywain.
Just about anything could have a better community than Ywain from what I hear. While I half agree, I think the forums made that more unique, having the odd discussion/whinge at someone from another realm, without ever actually speaking to the properly. Ofc you need to ignore all the people who have ever used IRC now :p


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
I think the game was better when everyone stuck to one realm on one servers.

It whas.

Nowadays people want instant gratification. Instant action, be able to switch to another realm when you get bored, quick kills, etc.

You used to group with people you don't know, because nobody you knew whas online or there wasnt enough to form a group. Or some dickhead forgot to put his necky on. Nowadays you just hop to the otherside and see if someone you know is on there, or level some alt.

Now you log off when you are in some shit group which gets killed by a set group 1, 2, 3.
Zergy? Log on your archer.
Solo action? Log on your assasin, cause playing a visible has no point.
No insta port? Afk.
Etc, etc.

Everyone thinks he or she invented the game and knows how to play it best or jumps on the FOTM bandwagon (whatever that is). Basically we've all bin there and the game is getting old (yet still is very good).

Another idea would be to redo the long timers. That goes for RA's and Artifacts. MoC - 30min, SoM RuT - 15min/20min, etc. And yes you have to fix poisons then aswell.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
People that like PvE will take them. People that don't will let those that do PvE keeps. No more realm swapping for added relic powa and hopefully some realm stability.

Either that or make the keeps 25 times harder and remove the map. Used to work in OF - people would have to move around for fights.

Or bring back OF with the porting. That gets my vote as there's the on pad bonding and less zerg - die - release - zerg as people know that they have to wait on the porter and as such aren't so gung-ho about adding in as they might die.

The porting + milegates just worked in so many ways and whas a lot of fun. No doubt about it.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Spot on Tuthmes. I haven't played in like 4 years now I think, and always get the urge to pop on back and see what the game's like these days, from what I hear though I don't think I'd enjoy it one single bit. Another part I think ruined the experience of the game, as someone has already said I think, the fucking map.

Ruby Sanctum's out in WoW today (possibly) anyway. ;)

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