Review your 2011


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
My year has not been great, but I am glad everyday for my kids, the roof over my head, a job and my marriage....and best mate

Fixed that for you....


Can't get enough of FH
Aug 22, 2005
Got pregnant - suffered for it lots...expecting baby in about 2 months.
Had stuff done to house, now properly feels like its OURS.
Enjoyed new job which started November 2010 (until signed off due to pregnancy issues!)
Vae's granny diagnosed with terminal cancer in october...but still here so go her!

Odd year....neither amazing nor terrible. I have a feeling 2012 is going to be pretty life changing!


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Pretty good year.

Got a great new job which I love, and got the Mrs pregnant after just a few weeks of 'trying'.

Looking forward to 2012, house, baby, wedding and career change all coming at once :eek:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Cyradix: I sincerely hope the new treatment is successful. Best of luck with it, and be positive about it. Sometimes hope is just as important as medicine.

As for me, yep, it's been a shit year. Just one knock constantly after another from about May onwards. Haven't been able to get our heads above water since. I did get a new temporary promotion last week, so maybe things are looking up. Fingers crossed anyway that 2012 is a load better than 2011. If it's worse, I'm hoping the Incas were right after all...

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
For me, mostly this year has been all about the music. Finally got my chillout album out, which has taken nearly 2 years to put together, and had a lot of fun doing some really stupid music stuff too (evidence scattered around various links on the forum). I've also started to play guitar, which has radically altered my approach to composition. I have no illusions about this stuff ever reaching a mass audience but since I primarily write for myself this isn't ever going to be an issue :)

Got cancer. 7 operations, 33 radiation sessions and 5 chemo treatments made a big dent but didn't cure.
Am accepted in to an experimental immune system treatment which will start soon, so bring on 2012...
Learned much about myself and the meaning of true friends and family
Overall for 2011 : 3/10

Yeh, I know you've had a bad time mate. I know the subject doesn't come up much in the gaming environments we share but all of us that have known about this have been wishing you well and fingers crossed things get better for you.

Failing that, you could always start up your own meth lab. I'm told its the trendy thing to do.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Pretty good year. New job, new car, best work travel ever (America, Africa, Europe etc.)
Got the finger out and went on a nice holiday too, hadn't done that for years.


FH is my second home
Dec 25, 2003
Its been a busy year overall, but nothing too intense.

Beginning of the year i pretty much came off cognitive therapy for my social anxiety, with not too many flare ups during the year.
First job in 3-4 years, again aiding the ability to get over the social anxiety.
Nephew living with us due to abuse he was suffering at his other grandparents, it has been a really bumpy ride with him but seems to be smoothing out now.
Feeling more self confident with less self-consciousness about myself.
Had first night out in years for Christmas with my work team, enjoyed it.

The only downside is sadly with the arrival of my nephew, there has been a lot of shit strewn across the yard with brothers distancing themselves from me and mum because they just plain don't like my nephew who is 12, it's a really shit situation and i'm caught up in the middle of it.

Overall it's been a nice pain free year so far.

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