Review of 2003



Lets hope it does teach you stuff. My old man was a idiot who could never keep his knob in his trousers.
They split up when I was 12-ish.
If anything it just means more than ever I would never ever let my kids down, Im always there for them.

Christ I hate this bear yer soul on the interweb blar :)



Kids are healthy, well behaved, clever and kind.
Me and Veron have been together for 9 years! (My wife, not the Chelsea midfielder)
Best mate got married and they are now expecting twins.


Money problems, spiraling debt shit, shit wages in stupid job.
Lots of threatening letters due to the above.
Mum had cardiac arrest and she's only 53 (Con: though she's ok now, we hope)

Overall, I've had much worse but I tend to find I'm taking as much joy from what I once considered the little things in life.


2003 - The Good
My husband finally gets round to taking the house of my hands
I manage to see my family 3 times this year (compared with zero the previous year)
I gain a little confidence and getting out of the house is less of an issue, although still something I need to work on
I cut back a little on my recreational cigarettes
My ex boss is kinda demoted
My latest project was considered successful when presented to The Board last week
Work finally recognised I was underpaid and gave me a small amount of what I am due with a promise to give me more in six months
My dad's legs are better and the word amputation is not being mentioned so much

2003 - The Bad
My health has not been excellent with my blood pressure getting way to high although relatively normal at the moment
I am still not divorced
Work was horribly stressful this year
My new boss is some kind of masochist / misogynist and French
Failed my finals again and had to cancel them in November due to family / work pressures
I still have huge issues leaving the house although they are better
Issues with my step-son
Issues with JBP's ex
Serious money issues due to having mortgage / rent and divorce
Probably the worst for me this year and I still can't get my head around it is my friend and assistant at work was killed in a car accident at the age of 26

Heres to 2004


Break the trend a little and start with pro's... as life is picking up year by year, little by little.

Good stuff:
Job! - Found a fantastic position, pretty much perfect for me at the time. Still there now, really like the place - only problem is lack of job security - but that's my fault for choosing the games industry!
Thinking time. - Had a decent amount of thinking time this year, less than previous years - good for me considering I over think and over analyse on occasions - helped me find the balance of being able to think and understand myself without going past that into the depths.
Raving! - Always loved dance music and drum and bass, finally went to my first rave this year on 13/07 - Accelerated Culture vs One Nation at the Sanctuary... you'll have a hard job keeping me away from the big raves from now on, nothing matches the mood, atmosphere and fun intesnsity of a rave.
Reading! - Finally managed to get tickets to Reading festival this year, and bloodeh hell it was FANTASTIC. I've never seen ANYTHING like the Polyphonic Spree before - 24 mad robed gentleman inspiring pure happy and fuin thoughts into your head. Everyone must see these guys live, even if you don't particularly like their music (I'm not a great fan).
Anthrax! - My favourite postal surprise! No, not the cow killer, but the band. Been listening all my life, and finally got the chance to see them live in March this year at the Astoria - and it was really special to see and make contact with idols.
Ecstasy. - Odd one, this. Most people will probably dismiss my spiel as bullshit now, but I've never expeirenced something as eye-opening and difference making in ordinary life. Unexplainable to those that don't want to/refuse to try - those who have will probably understand what I'm talking about (that is, provided they use drugs for the experience and not to get "fucked").
Confidence! - Gradually getting to somewhere where it should be. Not there yet, but on way.

Friends - A lot of them have gone off on seperate paths now, some have moved away, to uni, to other places - and it's quite hard dealing with being quite alone - instead of a huge group of friendly faces, always reliable upon, there's now only a couple.
Lonliness - Never left me, women just aren't interested in me. Nothing's changed in this respect for the whole of my life. Still, negative it happens, but fine in a way - used to dealing with it.


The pros

Had lazer eye surgery and have 20:20 vision
Hit the big 40 and realised I better start having even more fun.
Had more fun.
Holiday in Mexico with Mrs Sawtooth on our own (Kids with Grandparents)...whahey
Celebrated my Mum and Dads Golden Wedding in style and made them really proud when I gave my speach.
Celebrated 17 years marraige and still lub Mrs Sawtooth very muchus Grassyarse.
Proud of sons examination results.



Burgled and had my car keyed this year (pretty average for this locality)
Decided to refit a new bathroom. It was okay but just more work than I thought.


The good:

- Bought a Flat in Zone 2 London (Late 2002 but I still count that as this year!)
- Became an Uncle and a Godfather
- Best friend got married
- Parents moved back to the UK from South africa
- Parents bought a new house
-Bought a car

The Bad: (for me anyway. Not in same ball park compared to some on here...)

- still working at same company doing same boring work.
- Got a really shite pay rise
- Missing ex-work mates who all left.
-Bought an old car that doesnt start in cold weather

All the best for you lot next year!


Wife's grandmother being diagnosed with terminal cancer in June.
Spending a lot less time on my hobbies (gaming, listening to music etc).


Started going out with a great woman.
Moved in with said great woman (even better, moved out of my parent's house!).
Married said great woman.
Spending less time on the computer and more time having fantastic sex.
Her extended family treat me as one of their own.
Wife's Grandmother still here and still reasonably well.
My wages have doubled since this time last year.
Saw my niece reach 1yr old.
Walking out of a shit job on the spot.

That's it, atm anyway.



In a slight amendment to my first post.

I have a confirmed interview with the RM in january and then the POC in may time. :clap:

I need a gym :(


My 2003 wouldn't make very interesting reading so I won't bother will all the details. Suffice to say life has just pretty much stood still this year as it sometimes does for us all and 2003 was neither particularly great nor terrible, but somewhere in between.

Wish you all the best for next year though and hopefully the majority of you will achieve any goals you set yourself.

Big G

2003 was a great year, managed to put some stuff behind me and move on and achieve great goals.


1) Got three pay rises in a year
2) Achieved my post uni goal of working in IT. Working as a developer - flexible working times, 15 mins away, laid back but busy work environment. The job perks are brilliant, including staff rate mortgage of 3.75% muahah.
3) Had my bedroom all decorated with a top notch home cinema system installed.
4) My girlfriend and I are best mates as well as lovers, we're excited about being engaged.
5) Booked my holiday 2004: 1 week in Las Vegas and 1 week in Palm Springs.
6) Formed better bonds with my mates that matter.
7) Quit my band (which i was unhappy in for ages) which allowed me to pursue my career in IT.


1) Someone who was uninsured crashed into me, court case will be pending and has dragged on for 6 months now.
2) My gran is really old (92) and she's wasting away.
3) My dad has been redundant for 2 years now, he's really down and i'm worried about him.
4) Still living at home with parents, but it's a big house and we get on really well so there is no rush to move out.
5) Interest rates went up and house prices are still rising
6) Iraq war
7) Quit my band that I was in since high school; a close mate who played guitar now longer has any interest in talking to me no matter how hard I try. He's up his own arse and still believes they are the next Coldplay.


i hope some of you have better years, next year, than you seemed to have had this year. I'm sorry to hear about so much bad stuff happening, opens your eyes a bit.

My year has been good

Travelled the country at least once a month, usually twice, to go and be with people i like and dance to music i like. This includes Glasgow, London, Nottingham and Manchester...
job looks as though it's going to take off, we'll see
watching my niece learn to walk and talk, amazing.
discovered sooo many new avenues of interest in art and music.

lack of indepence, I've got it so easy at the moment
too many regrettable one night stands
realising that, more people than originally thought, will spend their lives being sheep.
The Iraq war, george bush, the us administration, propaganda,
capitalism, greed, ignorance, etc.


My mother died, my cat died, and two of my aunties died.

On the plus side, I've now been happily married for over a year.

Still, it's been a pretty shit ride.



1) Pretty much gave up on degree course in programming after watching the job ads dry up, and the wages plummet.
2) Er....
3) That's it.


1) Learnt to Unicycle.
2) When getting dissilusioned with programming course, I got headhunted by a former colleague and am now in a well paid, interesting job which I'm enjoying greatly and spending far too much time at.
3) Learnt to unicycle.

I hope everyone who had a shite year, has a better one next year, and everyone who had good stuff happen, has lots more of that.



Stopped being antisocial
Started being able to walk properly
Made loadsa new friends whom I love dearly
Discovered loadsa fantastic music
Took copious amounts of booze, weed and shrooms (I understand what you mean Wazz)
Gained an incredible amount of confidence
Pulled many beautiful ladies (and a few munters :p)
Lost a shitload of weight
Improved on guitar a lot
Got to know my older brother better (not quite as it should be yet but getting there)
Realised my (force-fed to me from birth) religion was so, so wrong
Realised what I want to do in life
Discovered the films of Takashi Miike
Had a lotta laughs
Got good GCSE's


Lost a bit too much weight
Haven't gone chrimbo shopping yet
Am probably gonna fail my A level modules in January
Lack of communication between me and my parents

Best year of my life. I have actually lived this year, as opposed to the past 15 years of shite, time killing crap.


Now if you'll excuse me, i'm off to par-tay down :clap:


well no one gives a shit about what i post but i will do it anyway cos thats the kind of fucker i am :)

good -
quit college after finishing the first yr
got an apprenticeship in IT support + install
got my first wage (apprenticeship is the first time i worked for my money)
started taking up driving
have a good chance to get a job now and work my way up
had my first shag in corfu outside on a balcony :D
went out a lot with my good mate

bad -
i only get payed £57.30 a week on my apprenticeship
i dont have many mates since i left school 2 yrs ago
sometimes feel lonley and depressed


Reading through all this reminds me of The Breakfast Club for some reason.

I love you guys. I really do.

Group hug.


*hmms alot*


1) Work's gone ok this year, if forever hectic.

2) Meeting new people, including a great new clan with the patience to let an old guy try to play FPS games.

3) Helping people, or at least being given the chance to try.

4) Buying kittens, or more particularly seeing the smiles on faces around the house at them.


To be honest, my problems seem insignificant with one exception:

1) Finding out that the kid who'd been dragged by his hair across the playground at school, aged 5, whilst being punched by two others was in fact my own son :(

As others have said, this thread demonstrates what a fucking great community and spirit we have here. I feel the pain and sadness simply through the words of those who are hurting, and I feel the joy and happiness of those who are enjoying the better things in life. Where else would I find such a close family around me?

I'd like to apologise to all those I have lost my temper with here over the past year with no exceptions. Have a great 2004 :cool:


It's not that I don't agree with you, Sir Frizz, just that I'd rather we persecute them in other ways rather than mess this good thread up with 1001 brilliant 1-liners...... I'll STFU now.


tbh this is the only time i felt accepted in the forum, maybe its because i havnt been called a name yet :)



1. Mum is getting down because her weight is increasing due to Thyroid disease.
2. Nan is in a lot of pain due to degenerative disc disease.
3. My Crohn's disease still troubles me at times.
4. Job is boring and not a challenge.
5. Lack motivation to change job.


1. Nan went to pain clinic and is due to have an epidural.
2. Crohn's is not as bad as last year (Touch Wood).
3. Saving some money.

I couldn't think of too much, even the above was hard originally until I saw other peoples.

Well I hope all of you have a better 2004, seems not many have had a particularly good 2003 :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by tris-
tbh this is the only time i felt accepted in the forum, maybe its because i havnt been called a name yet :)

I've called you plenty of names in the past... you just keep changing your nick.



Travelled a lot of the world.
Came back and saw all my family and friends.


Not travelling the world anymore.


My eldest daughter's eye works again.
My youngest is a little starlet.
My partner still loves me.
TechNation is taking off, slowly but surely.
Our exchange becomes ADSL enabled 7th Jan

Work fucking blows. 7 weeks of 12hr days with one day off every 13 days does not make for a happy family.
We live too far from the exchange. :eek7:


Working it out, I think my life is like the Star Trek Movies. Ever even number one is pretty good, but the odd numbered ones are shite. Roll on 2004, I look forward to what you'll bring.



got apprenticed dispite being kicked out of school in 2002.


had to move 300km away from everyone I know

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