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Indiana Jones

i hate to spoil it, but Lunar isn't leaving..... :)

she has been lvling an alt, so keep your eyes open and look out for a new weapon of mass destruction :)


Farewell to the darkshadows,I wish you both all the best on what ever the future has in store for you.



Take care mate!!!

We are already missing you.... :(


Proud member of Phoenix Legion

Kharok Svark

Best of luck in RL Jup ... or better still, join Midgard !


i hate to spoil it, but Lunar isn't leaving.....

Ohhh Lunar is....

Jup's departure signals the end of the DarkShadow story.

No point playing Lunar without Jup

Yes....I will still be playing, but you wont see Lunar again.


Farewell Jup, I still remember seeing you soloing goblins when I was a lowbie and being amazed at how quickly you attacked :/


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
Farewell Jup, I still remember seeing you soloing goblins when I was a lowbie and being amazed at how quickly you attacked :/

That was you? Wow :) Yeah - I used to love doing the goblins solo, as they were the only yellow or orange con mobs I had ever 'safely' managed to xp on while waiting for a tree group spot that never ever materialised.

Get to xbow range, pull a goblin, turn and run while spamming your stealth key. As soon as you stealth, use a face macro so your PA is lined up. PA with heavy weapon as the goblin arrives (takes timing with a laggy connection) and then switch to the dirks for the CD and SS, then tank tank tank as best you can to finish it off. This was on the older gimpier goblins mind - never tried it since they got beefed up, but yes, with 2.2 speed dirks the styles come thick and fast, and certainly takes some getting used to to time well :)


Another alb leaves before i get a chance to see them :( Just admit it you are afraid of me. :p


Who'm I supposed to make fun of now you've left? :(

Take care+ have fun in whatever else you plan to do :)
You will be back, eventually :D

Originally posted by Jupitus
That was you? Wow :) Yeah - I used to love doing the goblins solo, as they were the only yellow or orange con mobs I had ever 'safely' managed to xp on while waiting for a tree group spot that never ever materialised.

Get to xbow range, pull a goblin, turn and run while spamming your stealth key. As soon as you stealth, use a face macro so your PA is lined up. PA with heavy weapon as the goblin arrives (takes timing with a laggy connection) and then switch to the dirks for the CD and SS, then tank tank tank as best you can to finish it off. This was on the older gimpier goblins mind - never tried it since they got beefed up, but yes, with 2.2 speed dirks the styles come thick and fast, and certainly takes some getting used to to time well :)

You target [Jupitus], he is a gimp of the realm!
You point at Jupitus
You laugh at Jupitus

Was funy to watch, especially when I just 2-3hit them with big pole :)

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

you wont see Lunar again.

Is Bod unemployed now then? :(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Move it to Hibernia, you smelly Alb.

Good luck, Mr. Jupitus and to Lady Darkshadow, of course. :)


Goodbye to both of you , I wish you well , both very nice people ingame :)




With your departure does that mean Unity will be more open?


Originally posted by old.Bubble
With your departure does that mean Unity will be more open?

awwww.... wouldn't the nasty man let your guild back into the alliance? Stop now... you're breaking my heart!!:p


That wouldnt be the "chicken shit" Alliance, would it?

By any chance?



/em laughs at bubble

jupitus I am Very disapointed in you leaving just as I finally got around to joining the legion (and I´m loving it ;))


You took too long - don't worry though, I'll not start a lecture about the Real World (tm) :)


sorry mate but I´ve been on SFR-Time for the last 5 months ;)


You leaving will be a good thing for the community of albion
Prehapes PL will also get some new leadership with more of an Open mind.

Unity was always full of spam, insults and arguments.
We left asking for this to change before we rejoined.

Your spite towards our Guild cause 2 of the biggest guilds in albion to leave UNITY and not rejoin

Its a shame because i enjoyed exping and grouping with you and lunar(even if i wasn't needed), its a shame your attitude towards Lords of England as changed my views towards an otherwise nice person.

Good luck with your future Jupitus.



<is stunned>

you... you.... you posted something coherent.....
(not necesarrily nice or truthful, but coherent)

next thing you know Krypt is gonna start acting mature and Najwa will finally admit to being gay so the rest of us don´t have to be accused of the same thing....

oh damn I´m highjacking again, sorry


Originally posted by Addlcove

<is stunned>

you... you.... you posted something coherent.....
(not necesarrily nice or truthful, but coherent)

next thing you know Krypt is gonna start acting mature and Najwa will finally admit to being gay so the rest of us don´t have to be accused of the same thing....

oh damn I´m highjacking again, sorry

lol :)
Theres also a bit of truth too :D


Originally posted by old.Bubble
You leaving will be a good thing for the community of albion
Prehapes PL will also get some new leadership with more of an Open mind.

Unity was always full of spam, insults and arguments.
We left asking for this to change before we rejoined.

Your spite towards our Guild cause 2 of the biggest guilds in albion to leave UNITY and not rejoin

Its a shame because i enjoyed exping and grouping with you and lunar(even if i wasn't needed), its a shame your attitude towards Lords of England as changed my views towards an otherwise nice person.

Good luck with your future Jupitus.

Odd though, isn't it, that while you say Unity /as sucked so bad you do so just as it is announced that LoE and SotL have split and Unity already have several guilds either allied on trial or soon to be so.

LoE and SotL left Unity of their own volition. Noone made them do so, but once they had it paved the way for some guilds previously alienated by the /as usage of SotL/LoE to rejoin the alliance.

I looked around in RvR and found some other like-minded guilds such as TDS and others who would defend Albion keeps rather than running around in Emain all the time and staring at the RP tables 24/7. Those guilds were also invited to join the Unity alliance, and by and large I think that merger went successfully.

The fact that some guilds in Unity right now would not want LoE or SotL back in the alliance is not my fault, but as a primary contact/representative of Unity I had a responsibility to take their concerns into consideration when looking at options such as LoE rejoining. If you want to believe that I was working to my own agenda then fine, but I think if you ask around you'll find most people would tell you that Unity is run through consultation and agreement and never through one person making decisions for all.

I have readily welcomed cooperation between different alliances, but still stand by the belief that some guilds have opposing outlooks on the end game and those guilds should not be allied together as it would cause more problems than it solves. The future developments now depend on the beliefs of the remaining members of the guilds in Unity.

By the way - I was never offered any explanation as to why LoE and SotL left Unity in the first place, so saying you left asking for a reduction in spam before you returned can hardly be the case. As for my attitude towards LoE, as I said above, all I have done is to try to protect the interests of the other guilds in Unity, and those of Phoenix Legion also. I hope you, and your guild, continue to prosper. Good Luck.

Oh... and it was 'chicken turd alliance', Lunar ;)


If you cant get along in an alliance of 2 guilds how you gonna fair in an alliance with 10 :(


Originally posted by Meatballs
If you cant get along in an alliance of 2 guilds how you gonna fair in an alliance with 10 :(

See visits post in the alb area
this should answer a few of your questions and meny agree with him in both SOTL and LOE.

As for Lords of England not defending relics/keep in albion- Thats a load of crap, LOE call to arms when our relics are under attack and 5 FG's attended the last relic raid we did.
And if our Guild mates like to RvR instead of sitting in a circle coming up with Lymerics thats there bueiness- we don't complain at you guys.
PLease get your facts right before you post something like that about a guild that helps the realm(Probley the same as PL or maybe more due to the number of members that help in defence)
What Keep to Lords of England Claim- ERAS
Do you know why we picked Eras?
Eras Provides Albion relic keeps with 2 Guards (level10) and 1 master wizard.
We Provide this protection while we sleep, we haven't gone and claimed a farming keep like beno/DC/bled.

Your Above post confirms my facts about your views towards Lords of England. To Drag your views into an Alliances Mouth is out of order.
Again when You Leave PL maybe inter Alliance relations will inprove. There are alot of Good Guilds in Unity including PL.
I see no reason for your personal feeling to interfear anymore


*sneaks behind the door to listen to Albions bicker and laughs softly*

This sounds soo familiar, I'm glad it does not just happen in our place !

Keep going guys !

*starts walking alone towards Excalibur*


Originally posted by trigali
*sneaks behind the door to listen to Albions bicker and laughs softly*

This sounds soo familiar, I'm glad it does not just happen in our place !

Keep going guys !

*starts walking alone towards Excalibur*

According to Jupitus i should be helping you?

Want a piggy back? :D


Originally posted by old.Bubble
See visits post in the alb area
this should answer a few of your questions and meny agree with him in both SOTL and LOE.

As for Lords of England not defending relics/keep in albion- Thats a load of crap, LOE call to arms when our relics are under attack and 5 FG's attended the last relic raid we did.
And if our Guild mates like to RvR instead of sitting in a circle coming up with Lymerics thats there bueiness- we don't complain at you guys.
PLease get your facts right before you post something like that about a guild that helps the realm(Probley the same as PL or maybe more due to the number of members that help in defence)
What Keep to Lords of England Claim- ERAS
Do you know why we picked Eras?
Eras Provides Albion relic keeps with 2 Guards (level10) and 1 master wizard.
We Provide this protection while we sleep, we haven't gone and claimed a farming keep like beno/DC/bled.

Your Above post confirms my facts about your views towards Lords of England. To Drag your views into an Alliances Mouth is out of order.
Again when You Leave PL maybe inter Alliance relations will inprove. There are alot of Good Guilds in Unity including PL.
I see no reason for your personal feeling to interfear anymore

I agree that LoE do seem to be doing alot more defensively nowadays, and it is good that they keep a claim on Erasleigh, but this wasn't always the case... in fact it wasn't until we regained the relics that LoE bothered to do so whilst previously most Unity guilds had continued to try to maintain a claim on our own keeps for defensive purposes.

Please read what I posted again, more slowly. What I am saying is that it is not my personal views that have shaped the policy and/or relationship between LoE and Unity, it is the collective views of Unity's members, as represented by their officers and/or GMs. Old saying is 'don't shoot the messenger'.

I haven't been active now for about 3 months. If you really think that it has been my influence over all of this, my personal feelings about LoE preventing cooperation or whatever else, then do you not think that with me being gone for that length of time things would have changed?

Your snide comments about the limerick contest are really misplaced. If I recall, that was at the Ludlow bazaar (which you attended too) and a great deal of funds were raised for realm defence. Was I sitting around roleplaying all the time, or was I more often stood on the wall of a relic keep scouting ahead for a raid? I know the answer, as do a great many others out there. I would suggest that your reactionary stab at roleplayers is perhaps the kind of attitude that caused problems back when LoE and SotL were in Unity, and would further comment that if your attitude is typical of other LoE or SotL members then it would be unlikely that your guilds would get along very well if they were to ally with Unity again. Remember, that is merely my opinion.


<Gets up on soapbox>

Please stop the bickering

<Gets down and walks away>
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