Respec Problems



ah right, ok thanks.

now all i need is GOA to say " yes your a loyal customer, weve given you your respec back"


I can hope...


Uncle Sick(tm)

I hope they stick to their policy this time and won't allow you another full respec.

a) everyone was warned. By email, here, at your trainer.
If you don't have enough common sense to pay attention to what you do - tough luck. Live and learn.

b) so that this "I need another respec whine" was the last of its kind.

That thing between your ears - that's your brain.
Use it.


Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)
I hope they stick to their policy this time and won't allow you another full respec.

a) everyone was warned. By email, here, at your trainer.
If you don't have enough common sense to pay attention to what you do - tough luck. Live and learn.

b) so that this "I need another respec whine" was the last of its kind.

That thing between your ears - that's your brain.
Use it.
I don't know who this guy is, but you do seem to have a sociopathic streak. Lack the sympathy to understand that it hurts making a mistake to a character it likely took 15-30 (or even more) RL days to level? Then please don't add insult to injury by gloating and/or mocking that person like this, keep it to yourself.


Tilda :
First of all i hope You get your re-respec
Second my i ask How is your new spec working, since its the spec I am going for , but you kinde scared me now :(


Originally posted by Belomar

I don't know who this guy is, but you do seem to have a sociopathic streak. Lack the sympathy to understand that it hurts making a mistake to a character it likely took 15-30 (or even more) RL days to level? Then please don't add insult to injury by gloating and/or mocking that person like this, keep it to yourself.

He is not adding insult to injury.

The spam regarding respec and IF YOU NERF YOUR SELF TOUGH that was going about and the character planner at catacombs gave EVERYBODY more than enough info on this.

If they do give a respec to Tilda then everybody will want a respec.

We also had the Gorre test server, I dont know if Tilda's character was available on Gorre but mine was not, and nither was anybody's character in my realm on Prywden and as far as I know, noone has nerfed themselves.

Tilda should have been more careful and made the decision on the respec BEFORE doing it.



Originally posted by Brunore
He is not adding insult to injury.
And I am saying he is. My post was not supporting giving Tilda a 2nd respec, it was about gloating/mocking someone who made a mistake and is likely very unhappy about it (especially in light of all the time it took to level a character to 50).


Originally posted by Belomar

And I am saying he is. My post was not supporting giving Tilda a 2nd respec, it was about gloating/mocking someone who made a mistake and is likely very unhappy about it (especially in light of all the time it took to level a character to 50).

No he is not.

And "especially in light of all the time it took to level a character to 50" is EVENMORE reaon to be careful.

If it took say 20 day /played to get to 50 (might have taken more or less, but this is for arguments sake) then taking a hour or so to think about the respec and work it out using the character builder is not a great deal of time at all considering the work you have already put in to the charater?

Everyone was told if they mess it up then tough.

Tilda needs to accept that.


Originally posted by Sibanac
Tilda :
First of all i hope You get your re-respec
Second my i ask How is your new spec working, since its the spec I am going for , but you kinde scared me now :(

Thanks Sibanac,

Dont worry about your spec.
46 amtter, 29 body 4 spirit is a fine spec for the general emain zerg.

The probelm come the l33t gorge camping groups that FC are sooo good at that my dots rarly tick more that 2-3 tick's. We kill fast and matter cabbys arn't that good (IMO) at killing fast, well not as fast as a Body cabby.
Thus my desire to respec to a Body cabby arrises.



Also to those who reckon that i should leave this charachter.


I spent 4-5 months and 20 /played getting to level 50. this equates to a lot of my free time, not to mention my money used to pay the subscription.

So i have no intention on starting another charachter.



Wel, I suppose you have to live with this spec then


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
You different amount of goes at it for each.

Hahaha, I've read and re-read and still can't figure out what the heck you're saying here. :)


Originally posted by Tilda

Thanks Sibanac,

Dont worry about your spec.
46 amtter, 29 body 4 spirit is a fine spec for the general emain zerg.

The probelm come the l33t gorge camping groups that FC are sooo good at that my dots rarly tick more that 2-3 tick's. We kill fast and matter cabbys arn't that good (IMO) at killing fast, well not as fast as a Body cabby.
Thus my desire to respec to a Body cabby arrises.

Yeah Matter cabby's are slow killers, in most xp grps my dot ticks once or twice before the mob dies.
And i dont like zerging emain much either, so most my RvR ends up in keep retakes/takes. and from what i've done/seen AoE dots work verry nice there :)

Anyway Thank you for the reply

Uncle Sick(tm)

Belomar - I am neither gloating nor do I take pleasure in Tilda's mishap.

He/she fucked up her respec after being repeatedly reminded to think about said respec carefully.
Therefore: tough luck.

To come here and whine about how long it takes to get to 50, moaning and groaning how numb he/she was... yada yada.
Again: tough luck.

Why should GOA step out of their way to give someone a free respec? After everyone had been repeatedly instructed to think hard about respeccing.

50 or 45... it doesn't matter. It was Tilda typing /respec all and clicking his/her mouse to assign points again.
Ample time to come up with a proper template.

I just love knights in shining armor like you, jumping to aid the retarded...:eek:


46m 28b 4s is a VERY viable spec (its what I have :p)

You are a decent powerlevelling spec, viable in PVE and RVR.

The double dot scares the crap out of most other players when hit with it - I've solo'd a couple of trolls now :p

You will either have to learn to play the char and live with it, or forget about it Im afraid


Just to point out, respec was provided to fix your character due to mythic making changes to classes. NOT so that everytime you decide you want a spec change you can change your character. You decided you wanted a matter cabalist, you levelled one, you respecced it, now you suddenly want a body cabalist... Hey do what everyone did before 1.52, reroll. :p


One of my guildies has just posted on the forum that they typed '/respec all' for a laugh cos they messed up one of their lines by mistake and it did allow them to do a complete respec again. This was not the single line level 20/40 respecs, but definitely a 2nd all line respec.

Seems there is a bug, so get in there quick before they correct it !


I can confirm what Matax is saying, /respec all worked a second time for a guildie this morning who had tried out a mercfiltrator spec and didn't like it. Make sure you zone (they say) and it will work, but do it quick before they fix it!


Originally posted by Belomar
I can confirm what Matax is saying, /respec all worked a second time for a guildie this morning who had tried out a mercfiltrator spec and didn't like it. Make sure you zone (they say) and it will work, but do it quick before they fix it!

Smart to publicly announce this, I can see a database rollback coming.

Thank god I never gimped myself respeccing =]

-The SevenSins


Against CoC! You infidel pigs!! You will burn in the pits of GOAs hellfire for abusing a bug like this! I hope they kill every characters who has done TWO respecs just because they rushed to get an über killkill character! I must scream every line i say so i look cool like all the other kewl lolroflASL? kids! You are bad!

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Against CoC! You infidel pigs!! You will burn in the pits of GOAs hellfire for abusing a bug like this! I hope they kill every characters who has done TWO respecs just because they rushed to get an über killkill character! I must scream every line i say so i look cool like all the other kewl lolroflASL? kids! You are bad!

There is no need to add insult to injury, t0t0...



Originally posted by SevenSins

Smart to publicly announce this, I can see a database rollback coming.

Thank god I never gimped myself respeccing =]

-The SevenSins

Publicly announcing it here is after people have already told GOA via RightNow so it makes b*****r all difference !
Of course it will take a few weeks before they read these mails ;)


Well if the user makes a mistake its unredeemable, so if GOA makes a mistake?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by ce-cubby
Well if the user makes a mistake its unredeemable, so if GOA makes a mistake?

What a very smart idea! Unlimited respecs for everyone!!
Wait.. you deserve two. At least.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Originally posted by ce-cubby
Well if the user makes a mistake its unredeemable, so if GOA makes a mistake?

If USER make mistake: Go to home and whine.

If GOA make mistake: Pffffft....

They are allmighty and powerful beings, they can kill anyone of ever hear of Gundol?


More to flame :flame:

Excalibur(and all main server) players did got their charcopy to Gorre and could test their respec there without it affecting to real charater.
when i did choose my server i wasen`t warned that Prydwen players do get only 1 respec when Exalibur gets 2

second respec to prydwen and others "non-main" servers are perfectly fine IMO


Heh I'd not play around with it too much if I were you ... can just imagine this:

"coo! respecs? I'll try out my 50 crossbow! yeah! ok that sucked. lets go change back! oh they fixed it.. erp."


Originally posted by old.Downanael
More to flame :flame:

Excalibur(and all main server) players did got their charcopy to Gorre and could test their respec there without it affecting to real charater.

The day I decided to go test it on Gorre they took it offline, I am sure I am not the only one who would of taken the opportunity given time.

As it was I made the most basic of mistakes (saw 49 in the trainers window and presumed I had 49 in suppression) and thought the result would be that I had to make a new Spiritmaster (I had started) but I read this and respec'd as I had intended the 1st time.

It would imo be harsh if 1 small mistake (which from my understanding quite a few did either or Gorre or pn their live server) meant that you were left without the spec that you wished for.

Now I am sure some people will shout straight away that you should of spec'd correctly from the start.

When I started playing, Spiritmasters didn't have pbaoe so I couldn't spec for it.

So bug or not it has been a relief to me and many others.


Speccing correctly from the start wasn't always possible as you say, but reading the countless warnings to watch your skills page not the trainer window helps :p

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