Respec is in 1.52! Plus, 16.5 DPS!



people responsible for 1.52D should be rackes, revived, racked again, and charres alive with a blowtorch.

respec- about bloody time, this had been promised for ages.

camo- nice for archer classes

In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization at your trainer and click the train button mulitple times. Previously, you had to select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it. Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times

oops, there go the routers again, you sucessfully gimped your char by clicking more then you wanted too.

All Blademasters, Mercenaries, and Berserkers are now given a new ability called "Advanced Evade" at 35th level, which enables them to evade in a 360 degree radius around them. Normal evade evades only those enemies who attack from the front.

this is a bloody disgrace. once again light tanks are thrown a cookie and hope they'll back off for a bit now.

If Mythic had read tl reports , which imo represent what people think that their class needs/doesn't need and for which some people spend ages sending in logs, suggestions etc, they had not put something as ridiculous as this in and would adressed the real needs of these classes.

heal mez- what a joke, rvr is all about who mezzes/stuns the fastest and the odds of a caster actually casting this spell opposed to cast damage spells or try so save their own asses are slim to not existant.

Also, in RvR only, we have doubled the amount that a particular armor's bonus reduces damage against a weapon type that it is protected against. This will reduce the overall damage that players take when hit by a weapon or bolt spell that their armor protects against.


We have change the armor tables for the game. Previously, the armor tables worked in such a manner that it was advantageous for melee characters to specialize only in crushing/blunt/hammer weapons. Now, the armor tables are spread out more evenly, giving all armor advantages and disadvantages against every weapon type.

= so typical, guess who was the realm that had the worst drawback of crush damage ? Having a bonus on studded AS WELL AS PLATE (<-- this is the hint)

Adressing mr landshark :

stop your crap allready about minstrels. Minstrel are thé most overall overpowered class in the game and get tons of nice treats in coming patches.

feats of a minstrel

- support class/groupfriendlyness due to chants (mana regen/hp regen/speed) AND a castable-whilst-movin mesmerize (and an extra ae mez coming in 1.51)
- solo ability due to 2xdd/chants/chain armor while being a rogue class(!)
-rvr solo ability mainly due to the stun/stealth combo and 95% chance of killing every low yellowcon/bluecon without real chances of getting hit back , making it a pseudo assasin in chain armor.
-able to spec dex/str as well as str only weaponry, giving various damage types

if anything is not right, feel free to correct me.

Minstrel must be the only exception to the unwritten "suck in pve=rule in rvr (and vice versa)" rule.

Add to that Speed of Sound, it being the most overpowered RA imho.

(Your group moves at twice normal speed for 30 seconds. This ability will not break in combat. This ability also bypasses the movement penalties from mesmerize, root/snare, and stun, although other effects such as inability to attack will remain.

And now you want more? (either stealthyness assasin/archer style or being on the dmg/hp table of melee characters)

You make me sick...


You only show one side of the coin there.

Minstrel lacks damage (lowest in Albion).
Minstrel lacks any form of group attack spell (don't even mention the AE mez, it's gimped to the point of uselessness - excuse me mr attacking person, can you stand still for 5 secs while I cast my AE mez :p).
Minstrel lacks hp (rogue hps are not fun, even with chain armour :p)

Ability to spec dex/str as well as str weapons is nothing special, I'm not sure on midgard, but all hib tanks, all alb tanks, all hib rogues, and all alb rogues have it.

On overpowered, I'd say skald is at least as overpowered. Much higher damage, speed, dmg add, mez, dd shouts, hp regen buff (in fact they get better regen than minstrel afaik).

Minstrel is a rogue class, stealth is a defining ability of rogue classes, without stealth a minstrel is a skald with half the damage output, oh yay!


Originally posted by Dannyn
Minstrel lacks damage (lowest in Albion).

As most of more groupfriendly classes should...

Minstrel lacks any form of group attack spell (don't even mention the AE mez, it's gimped to the point of uselessness - excuse me mr attacking person, can you stand still for 5 secs while I cast my AE mez :p).

it's a major support bonus to groups (speed/mana regen/...), and you can't expect your ae mezz to be as powerfull as eg. a sorceror's one, can you?

Minstrel lacks hp (rogue hps are not fun, even with chain armour :p)

Ability to spec dex/str as well as str weapons is nothing special, I'm not sure on midgard, but all hib tanks, all alb tanks, all hib rogues, and all alb rogues have it.

midgard sb's can only spec axe/sword, which is slash only and thus 100% str.
hib tanks : heroes can both spec celtic spear as well as blades/blunt/lw.

On overpowered, I'd say skald is at least as overpowered. Much higher damage, speed, dmg add, mez, dd shouts, hp regen buff (in fact they get better regen than minstrel afaik).
skalds get at max level +12hp/cycle whereas minstrels get +11hp/cycle (at least, classesofcamelot says so)

Minstrel is a rogue class, stealth is a defining ability of rogue classes, without stealth a minstrel is a skald with half the damage output, oh yay!

stun > mez . minstrel dd's are on a 15sec timer , opposed to skald's 20.

not a word about the RA ? grouppurge+speed <> extra group stackable dmg add ( i know which one to choose)


skalds get at max level +12hp/cycle whereas minstrels get +11hp/cycle

we did mention that that +12hp comes at 50 spec bs, right?

which no skald in his right mind has ever specced bs to :)

i dont know where the minstrel 11hp one is though, so dont start flaming me ;) :p


Originally posted by klavrynd

As most of more groupfriendly classes should...

Note, I didn't say low damage, I said lowest. Yes, even the healing classes out damage minstrels. Nice :p

Originally posted by klavrynd
hib tanks : heroes can both spec celtic spear as well as blades/blunt/lw.

Non-issue, tanks prefer strength weapons anyway. SBs lack of dex/str is offset by being able to wield a two-hander (which no other stealther can).

Originally posted by klavrynd
not a word about the RA ? grouppurge+speed <> extra group stackable dmg add ( i know which one to choose)

No group purge for minstrel, that's the druid RA. SoS doesn't cancel mez, it merely negates the speed hinder effect. You still can't attack while mezzed on SoS. Also it's a 30s buff, a lot of mez is 60s+ so you're going to come to a sudden halt after 30s :p


Originally posted by old.tRoG

i dont know where the minstrel 11hp one is though, so dont start flaming me ;) :p

47 trog. No minstrel in their right mind specs over 44 (or maybe 45 if they think the new mez is going to be good :p).


so the classes which can mezz get a mezz-cure....

lol and wtf wtf wtf:

theurgists I supose thats not a mezz they have in the air line?

nice1 mythic


No it is not a mezz.
If it was why did they give albion a seconday AE mezz in form of ministrels as Mythic stated it.

And please don't whine about what you think it will be. It is like all archers whining about see hidden destroyed (yes past tense) the game.


Originally posted by old.Iunliten
No it is not a mezz.
If it was why did they give albion a seconday AE mezz in form of ministrels as Mythic stated it.

Camelot Herald: Spell Library: Vapormancy

Confusing Storm

Mesmerizes the target. Attacking the target will break the spell.
Resist type: Spirit
Target: Enemy Target
Range: 1250
Radius: 300
Duration: 32 seconds
Power cost: 32
Casting time: 3.0 seconds

do you know anything????

the question is whether minstrels or theurgists are 'secondary mezzers' not if its a mezz or not. I happen to think thats a valid question.


Originally posted by Aeiedil

3 : think abotu the figures. 30% thrust resist, 35% base absorb, then a max of about 27% thrust from items, thats 92% reists. on another assassin this will come down to 67, but at minimum on any of these thrust-resistant armours my damage will be reduced by between 40 and 65%

I think you skipped your math lessons too much.

30 thrust, plus 27 from items makes 57% + race bonus (if any)

Now 100*0.43 is damage that gets trough, of which 35% is absorbed.

So, final dmg is 100*0.43*0.65=~27%

However this is STILL insane percentage of damage resisted/absorbed! Isn't anyone else noticing how crazy giving 30% base resists is? Even 15% is damn lot. You can get nearly 50% resist with a 15% natural bonus.

Since we've yet to see the exact numbers from the number breakers, I won't declare this final yet.

The way I'd like to see it that 10% is 'high' resist, 6 being medium and 3 being small, all armours having a weak spot and all weapons being good against something.

The idea of making RvR last longer by doubling resists is total poo! You, infact, don't make RvR last longer, you just make some weapons useless in certain situations. I don't mean that scale shouldnt be crush resistant, for example. The resists just should be set at such level that no matter how you are specced, you still can win! I really don't see how a hammer warrior could kill a spear hero for example.

Heros are pretty well off if this goes in. You could spec in CS, LW and parry to be a killer against alb and mid. A warrior isn't that bad either, spec hammer and axe and shield to smack those evul tanks. An armsman could spec slash and thrust and polearms to kill those mid and hib heavy tanks. However this sacrifices a lot of points, making them less versitale (no slam for heroes or armsmen, no parry for warrior).

Worst off are classes that don't have the ability to choose their weapon damage. For example albion friars and clerics can only spec crush, as can mid healer and shaman. Ok only friars of these can actually deal serious damage, but I'm sure there are other classes that get hurt more others.

I really really hope the resists are 15 MAX for RvR since higher seems totally insane to me. I guess a thane could spec axe and hammer and SC to be good, but then shield would be pretty useless except against archers.


Originally posted by old.Jiggs

the question is whether minstrels or theurgists are 'secondary mezzers' not if its a mezz or not. I happen to think thats a valid question.

Think Minstrels are the secondary mezzers..

Theurgists (like Light Eldritches) are the tertiary mezzers...

Primary: Sorc (not many)
Secondary: Minstrels (loads)
Tertiary: Air Theurgist (mibbe Cleric.. though once every 5m ain't too hot)

Primary: Bard (loads)
Secondary: Mentalist (none that'll spec that high)
Tertiary: Light Eldritch
(although actually, Light Eldritch has AoE mezz... Mentalist only has single target... Mentalism is a pretty useless spec... hence noone will have that de-mez)

Primary: Healer (tons)
Secondary: Spiritmaster (none that'll follow that spec)
Tertiary: none (they've only got 9 classes after all)

That clear anything up? they might give heal-mezz to more classes if it doesn't balance things enough... (or remove it from the secondaries if it makes things too unbalanced...)
iterative process this... things always changing. :)


- You no longer flinch, parry or evade while on horseback.
Nooo! Evuhl! I actually got killed with my mentalist on a horseback ;)
Came back from AFKing and noticed that a curmudgeon was hiting me on the lagged horse... DOH!! :rolleyes:

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