Respec is in 1.52! Plus, 16.5 DPS!


Roo Stercogburn

Will be able to cure mez! Woohoo! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes its a shame for those who like a simple life of mezzing the enemy and picking them off one by one that now there is a danger of having to use actual tactics...

...nah probably not. ;)



<Resigns herself to a life of crafting, her AE mezzing days over>


And I don't even get rp points for mezz, either! Bah!

- Pathfinder -

/em hands Lunar a Celestial Caillondar Robe, now hush :)


God i hate mez, and im glad theyve done something about it.


Originally posted by Aeiedil
can i ask what the big deal of camoflage is? if you dont get hit and dont attack within 10 mins i doubt your *that much* of a worry, more of a minor annoyance :p for the rest of the time youll still be seen a mile off, and when you are camo'd it only lasts till your attacked :)
They had to add this, or change the role of the archer class from the ground up. If you look at the original archer in DAoC - the scout - he was supposed to have 3 roles. A sniper, a scout able to stealth and report back on enemy positions and movements, and finally a ranged damage-dealer not unlike a caster, to give some help in group-vs-group combat. From everything I have read from archers on the US servers, see hidden effectively wiped out the first two options by all but eliminating archer stealth to even the lowliest assassin class. Archers who had specced 50 stealth were not even a proper stealth class any more, and were completely incapable of spying - the famous scout who couldn't. I don't know if Mythic ever actually wrote it down anywhere, but it was repeated over and over on the american boards, "these changes have been made to encourage archers to group in RvR" - which is preposterous, to take our weakest RvR role and say "this is what we want you to be doing and we are going to penalize your other abilities to force you."

Camouflage is a perfectly reasonable compromise to give archers their scouting stealth back. The alternative (in my opinion) would have been to rename the Scout to Bowman, let him wear heavy armour, possibly even put him on the light tank melee damage table, and give up any pretense that he is supposed to be a stealth class. Which would have been fine with me, I would have been happy to play a light tank ranger, but I was not looking forward at all to being the paper tank gimp that the 1.50 patch created.

Uncle Sick(tm)

... I still want to know what they meant by "flinch"... weally, weally want to know.

Orin Askhammare

maybe the way you flinch when you get hit by say an arrow?

Uncle Sick(tm)

Hmmm... usually the first arrow gets nullified by my barrier of negation... and I actually... flinch!! Knowing that if I don't leg it weally, weally kwik, I will get the next one in my Lurikeen bum...

Orin, yer a genius. Flinch! Wee!


Well I'm not overly impressed BM's have been shouting for better damage fixed styles etc and what do we get a instant dd every 2 minutes that we can only use in RvR. :puke:

The 360 degree evade thing is interesting but as a BM if you've got 2 people on you yur dead anyway. And for the mercs this is useless woohoo 360degree chance of evading except they only have evade 1.......

And I'm not the only one that feels This way

The only thing that really interested me was the armour resistance changes. Its a cert that at least 90% of hibs are going to be blunts or pierce cause slash is not pointless in RvR for Us


It's only 1.52 D. Hopefully the real light-tank improvements will come later.
Along with fix to minstrel stealth, making-worthwhile of friar/bard healing lines, RPs for demezz/mezz/heal/rezz, /em trails off into the distance waving his arms


minstrels dont need stealth anyway :p and its only buggered against ASSASSINS, and the whole realm aint made of assassins, although if everyone went and whipped out their shade alt it might be :\


Oh please dont let me "accidentally" double click

In order to facilitate faster re-training, you can now select a specialization at your trainer and click the train button mulitple times. Previously, you had to select the specialization you wanted to train in every time you trained in it. Now you can just select it once and click the "train" button multiple times.

I see respecs "all the time"



Couple comments to few posts...

Archers now get high damage thrust and crush arrows, so you might be able to kill other people than mages/lowbies with right arrows. There was a test about them on some boards a while back (the arrows came already in patch B), and they did significantly more damage.

Mezzing will still disable the enemy, but not as badly as before. As I understand it, you need to cast the 'cure mezz' spell, so it takes a while to get all the people unmezzed. Second, it will be on the primary and secondary mezzers, so while they are curing, they can't mezz themselves. We've yet to see purge in action, too. I think everyone knows how hard it's to get even a heal in RvR even if you have healers in your group. Purge and cure mezz will make mezz weaker, but it will also make mezzing classes more viable in RvR as they can cure, too.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

way to go Mythic!! i think these changes are good and needed too. Life as a tank will hopefully be somewhat more meaningful after it :) I have spent far too many battles mezzed, watching and awaiting my turn to die :rolleyes:


Hmmm......when you really think about it, Nightshades are way to overpowered compared to Infiltrators and Shadowblades.

What Mythic should do is somehow find a way to nerf the 'weakest' assasin class in the game without harming it's much stronger natural enemies.

I know!!

Pierce Shades must now face:
30% penalty vs Plate
30% penalty vs Studded
30% penalty vs Leather
15% bonus vs Chain

Shadowblades and Infiltrators can add Hibernian tanks to their list of easy kills and us Nightshades can add.....oh wait, no we can't!

Yippee!! I hear you all cry, Nightshades are even weaker now! Thank goodness for that.

Mythic, you're so stupid it's hard to understand. Kiss my ass!


[Cerebrus]. it was a change we had coming to bring out damage into line with other classes

Total bollocks :\ I now have to choose between my nice piercers, and searching for blades in preparation for the respec :(


/em Whine, grrr, moan, waahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Got it out of way now. I feel better now thanks.



Lanceloc, it pisses people off when the character they've spent ages levelling gets nerfed to hell.

Boards are a place to let people release a little steam and express their opinions. If you don't have anything to say, just don't say it.

When our game gets spoilt by idiots who don't actually think about what they're doing, it upsets people.


I was just taking the micky outta the moaners. I'm allowed to arent I?

Freedom of speech and all that.

Anyway, until Shrouded Isles comes out this game is still in development and I advise everyone to take each patch with a pinch of salt until that time.


at least you can choose 2 damage types, Cerebus. My friar is rather stuck with crush.
Btw: sod off with the "minstrels shouldn't have stealth" line. That's like me saying assassins shouldn't have envenom, removing it, and telling you to shut up and put up.
Or.... how about asssassins shouldn't have evade 7 plus the dodger RA? More defence than the average tank. I'll put you on evade 1 and you won't mind, cos you shouldn't have had more defence than a tank in the first place.

Orin Askhammare

You mean evade VII, dodger AND the 50 spec thrust style dragonfang that gives a 9 second stun off an evade?


Ogri, dragonfang is an albion move, not hib. i get a med stun off an evade, which i never get to use in rvr because i normally end up hammering garrotte due to just trying to kill fast and get the hell out the way

Landshark, you read what i said wrong. what i said is minstrels dont NEED stealth, not that they shouldnt have it. a lot of minstrels seem to run around at speed 5 rather than stealth at speed -3, and so stealth isnt as essential to a minstrel as it is ot an archer, who is meant to scout, or to an assassin. assassins need the evade because otherwise we are dead. a few reasons why we should have this defence

1 : our armour has 10% abs and is vunerable to slash, thus making it little use against a lot of players\archers, where as a tank has an absorb of 27/35% for scale\chain\plate

2 : unbuffed i have the same hp as your average caster, if it wasnt for me searching out a wealth of +con items. even after these i know casters with more hp than me

3 : think abotu the figures. 30% thrust resist, 35% base absorb, then a max of about 27% thrust from items, thats 92% reists. on another assassin this will come down to 67, but at minimum on any of these thrust-resistant armours my damage will be reduced by between 40 and 65%

4 : evade replaces being able to spec shield or parry, nightshade have no parry, nightshade have no specced shield, tanks have both and block as much with these as i do evade in most instances. just remember that all these skills only effect hits from the front


I might be able to actually scout properly now without death or some other kobold kicking my arse. :clap:

Nice balance tho so you can still get caught.

Now all I need is groups who like archers to help me level some.

4X Scout
2X Warden
1X Eldritch (see those balls fly)


Originally posted by Aeiedil
minstrels dont need stealth anyway :p and its only buggered against ASSASSINS, and the whole realm aint made of assassins, although if everyone went and whipped out their shade alt it might be :\

I'd be happy to loose stealth entirely if minstrels were given something to make up for it. Perhaps the ability to deal damage or something :p


Sorry Aeiedil. Perhaps a little defensive there. =)
Just a note, isn't diamondback at a much more easily-attainable spec lvl?
I'm curious as to whether dragonfang is still uber when body resist affects stun duration; 9secs down to 6secs could make a fair difference....
my 6sec shout down to 4secs will just suck :p

/ramble off

edit: damn right dannyn. Though I'd rather hit like a girl and keep stealth :/


wtf do you call your shouts dannyan? does more than i do :p and minstrels can spec a weapon :p


Yeah but we hit very weakly with said weapon. You have PA to offset your normal melee abilities. I can't believe my shouts hit harder than a PA (talking maybe 250 damage at 43 on a yellow, less if they have body resist). Not to mention you can hit and stay stealthed if you one-shot. :p


i cant 1-shot that often, and as for the shouts/pa....

that assumes i get a pa off, and i dont get a pa every 10/15 secs :p


15 secs for the DD shouts.
10 secs for stun.

Course I oop in under 30 secs like that :p

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