You should be playing on Camlann. :worthy:Tijl said:And what if you find a low level char soloing, shoot him till he's 5% and watch him die on a mob?
You should be playing on Camlann. :worthy:Tijl said:And what if you find a low level char soloing, shoot him till he's 5% and watch him die on a mob?
The race is over, the first lvl60 (current cap) already exists on Euro PvP server.duact said:atleast it will be fun to exp race
rvn said:daoc is sooooo over played by those who has been playing for several years (wich probably is 70% of population).
my dad tought me how to play when i was a youngster, and his dad tought him, and so on and so forth.kirennia said:Hate to be a bastard but really, how long has DAoC been out?
Draylor said:The race is over, the first lvl60 (current cap) already exists on Euro PvP server.
First invites were sent out 1st October (or last few seconds of 30th September) - I think thats called stupidly fast
Well, thats what happens to virtually every developer: the publisher has too much control.Sendraks said:Looks like Blizz have majorly pissed everyone off with their announcement about region specific servers.
Maybe its out of date, but Id expect a currently active 25-page thread to have the up-to-date information.What servers will the Middle East and Australia utilize at launch?
We're still examining options for the Middle East and Australia and will release more information for these regions as soon as possible.
Coccas said:Its wrong to compare content in wow and daoc since they are very different to eachother... endgame as i see it in daoc is to grind toa over and over to get the best items possible then go out to emain and get "pwn points" over and over again, there is no varience in endgame as i see it. in wow i havent seen the endgame yet so i cant comment on that but from what i have read what its gonna be like it sounds alot more fun than daoc, leveling can be done completely solo by quests or grinding mobs,
and for you that complain about delivery quests... it very often leads to another much more fun quest.
I'm only lvl 20 so far and in these levels i've had much more fun than i have ever had in daoc and like rvn said, pve in wow is more fun than daoc rvr.
Well no wonder, duh, its a beta.. will be alot more people on when it is released and then u will get a community running and finding grps will be alot easier. Most people who play beta went there with friends and dont socialise much, wont be like that in the real thing.scorge said:I have been playing WoW BETA for a month, And as usual have been jumping around testing classes and races out, so my characters are not that high as they could be.
I must admit Blizzard has done a good job with WoW so far, they have taken the best bits of other MMORPGS and implemented them. Blizzard still have a lot more things to do but i believe they will try and make it available in december. Also some people are not aware but some content has been removed from BETA and is being tested internally, this is to ensure that the BETA testers actually have new areas and content to explore, so the final release will have a lot more content then now.
WoW has a form of RvR, but instead of 3 sides (mid, hib, alb) there is Horde Vs Alliance. It also has a talent system, which is best related to realm skill points in DAOC. Every level After 10 you get one Talent point as well, you can put these in talents to specialise your toon, e.g. 1 point in fire to increase damage or decrease mana cost, increase critical strikes and high level ones giveout new abilities.
Will WoW kill off DAOC, probably not, will it take some of DAOC player base away, probably yes
The main thing i dont like about WoW is that while i am on the US beta, its not easy to find groups due to the time differance. Thankfully most classes can solo pretty effectively, but sometimes it does feel like your playing a singleplayer game.
Communities (and Guilds) are what make MMORPGS successfull, As soon as these start to form on Euro Wow servers, people will be spending less time in DAOC and more time in WoW.
What i dont want to see is DAOC English servers turning into skeletons, we all complain about hib/mid/alb Zergs. How boring would it get if you hardly had anyone to fight in RvR, where is the fun in that.
We definetly need more fresh Blood on the English servers, i know marketing DAOC in the UK is none existent, and then new users have to get to 50, TOA and level artis if they want to compete. And also find a decent guild that is recruiting. I know Mythic/GoA have said that They are getting more users subscribing every year, but i do wonder how many of these are 2nd, 3rd accounts and not actually "new users".