Remove see hidden/detect hidden



It really fucks up the game for ranged stealthers,
if I go to amg, a full group runs to me and kills me.
Why do I even spec in stealth???

I can never solo, unless i'm lucky there is no asassin around.
Every time I go emain some sb(s) runs up te me and kills me, I feel like an rp cow with no defence at all.

Please remove see hidden/detect hidden, it fucks up the game for us stealthers, even worse then all the nerfs...


.....detect hidden is fine, theyre assassins they should be able to see further, but see hidden should be removed, as millions have said before, or at least camo put down to one minute after a kill maybe, rather than the 10 mins (ppl dont understand how long those 600 seconds are, every time you hit someone).


What you don't realise is that even if see hidden wasn't in the game and you were RR10 with +11stealth from items and 50 base stealth, assassins would still see you 250 units away.
What should be done is ban assassins from grouping... make em spontaneously combust if they come within 100 units of a friendly player. :p

edit: obviously not infs, I need them

Hit ^_^

soloing for assasins is so fun as all none stelthers group.
and solo sb kills a solo infil. if both is unbuffed and about the same rr.


I told you scouts are nerfed, with no plans to make them any better i have given up on mine. I am basically defenceless vs anything other than a caster. Plus there are so many SBs in RvR its just pointless speccing stealth, I have honestly considered a full respec to remove stealth.


so what u basically wants is to bring back the good old days where scouts (archers in generel) r a solo elite class ??



Just as a sidenote.

It wasn't stealth only that made archers overpowered. It was stealth, the damage combined with a low percentage of users who actually knew how BT worked.

Archery damage has been reduced because it was overpowered, that's no longer the issue though.


awww poor archers cant snipe grey con's no more :p aint there any plans to sort out teh stealth thingy ? i dont think IP should be in the game, but thats a different thing


Well, Mythic will never admit See Hidden was a mistake.
Assasin class players are claiming that scout/hunter/rangers are now meant to group by Mythic, not solo anymore (stupid remark, scout/ranger/hunters add nothing to a group, and why spec stealth if you are supposed to group?).
There have been numerous ideas given to Mythic to improve archer classes, but they just do not seem to care.
Oaklief is promosing some scout love for a while now, but he is saying scouts would get moved to hybrid damage table, and some improvements to our accuracy. Nothing about See Hidden, and or camo.
Playing scout solo now is just no fun. I get ganked just as I leave apk emain, as I pass amg, as I walk around in the bowl. Well, I would not mind to stalk off the beaten path, but I have to get there somehow first... I have 49 stealth. So should be hard to spot me with camo up... Just the insane number of SB's around makes is impossible to play an archer class (same goes for hunters with high number of infs about, and I have seen 2 rangers in about 4 months...).
Just a shame really. It seems Mythic wanted me to go 42 shield, 50 slash, rest longbow...
Ah well, lets roll an inf I think. 4 lvl 50's will be fun.
Regards, Glottis


If they are wanting us to group they should remove the stealth option and give us a shooting time that would be viable in groups because atm its a joke.


Making zerker on pryd after scouts dings 50, till they get a bit RvR friendly.

I hope they dont nerf zerker damage as they are clearly overpowered to....
Oh and the overpowered chanters can debuff their own damage for those who didnt know....


Uhm, ofcourse? You'd still be worse off though. Not that any of them are good changes. <shrug>


Yeah..iam just saying, he wants see hidden removed, if such a thing were to happen, yeah right, then ts would have to get removed aswell, and this he should bear in mind, even if sbs can't see from a mile away sb still > scout 7/10 times in melee.

from experience ofc. iam probably wrong


Originally posted by Exiled
awww poor archers cant snipe grey con's no more :p aint there any plans to sort out teh stealth thingy ? i dont think IP should be in the game, but thats a different thing
lol no sht you dont your a champ you dont get it cheap :p


Originally posted by -Laand-
Remove true sight aswell then? :p
god..... please do! i wasted loads of points on that and ran out of respecs, its shit


get rid of TS sure , but maybe , dont get rid of see hidden , but put that on a timer too like TS,
and as for scouts no longer viable solo class , bollox , i solo loads , get owend loads sure with no camo , but get my fair share of kill's , Ts used right is a nice skill for grp's , get em too /stick u , run around slamming dem SB's , make sure each grp member knows some need to sick 1st target , bad experience at hmg where i unstealthed 3 NS , 2nd 2 got killed but 1st one got away as grp left him after half damage done :/


Lvl 47 scout

I have a lvl 47 scout...dont play him much but...

Scout should be scouting so invisible to ANYTHING...but he should not be able to damage or attack people when in cammo. Solution make a scout cammo 1 minute after fight and make him unable to attack 1 minute after he leaves cammo. This way scouts can scout...and cannot abuse the stealth to gank anything they want

Reduce stealth: give any lvl 50 player at least a chance to see a lvl 50 Assasin class...Its insane that you have te be standing like 10 seconds on the same spot before you spot an assasin with 60+ stealth

So in general make stealth less powerfull but give stealthers a way to move unseen. Remove the power to attack when unseen so they cannot abuse the power of stealth...If assasins/scouts wanna kill someone they gonna have to use the less powerfull stealth mode (so they could be seen before the can even attack someone) and if they wanna be sure they are not spotted they all should get cammo ability...simple


Odysseus is specced 45 bow, 42 shield, 36(+?) slash, 25 stealth.
He still hits like a pussy.
If IP is not up he still gets beaten to apulp by assasins.

Even with IP AND Purge up, assassins are a hard fight - assuming they dont have purge - which they all do after IP was taken from them.

From personal experience with my theurgist;
If an archer starts shooting at me I go 'COOL free RP' - not 'OHNO this could cost a /release'.....
Think about that. Archers are supposed to kill casters right? Not give them free RP right?

Scouts are gimps.


Originally posted by zlair
so what u basically wants is to bring back the good old days where scouts (archers in generel) r a solo elite class ??

You mean when BT wasn't and stuff like that?

This is an issue and should be look into, it's not rigth that 2x classes get the same spec line, but when the 1 class buys a RA the others spec line becomes...nothing? and to make matters wors this is passive, so don't say "get TS against it" cause wait, they can see me passive ? and I get to see them for a 1 min on a 30 min timer? and they get it passive? If you wanna talk about assassins suppost to see better then our archers, wait SCOUT? what does that tell you.... When I mean 2x classes I mean archers vs. assassins, basicly the same.


Originally posted by bishibosh
.....detect hidden is fine, theyre assassins they should be able to see further, but see hidden should be removed, as millions have said before, or at least camo put down to one minute after a kill maybe, rather than the 10 mins (ppl dont understand how long those 600 seconds are, every time you hit someone).
Couldn't agree more :)
10 min timer is kinda long, and the main problem of see hidden is I'm standing up in a hill far away from everyone watchign a hib/alb fight when suddenly a infil walks STRAIGHT at me when I start walking away (stealthed) he turns to my direction, sounds like fun when I can't even stand at 2200 range without beeing seen?


Originally posted by Vireb
lol no sht you dont your a champ you dont get it cheap :p

lol, giv MoPain and MoParry any day, my job is to cause dmg not live longer :clap:


would any other scouts actually be kinda ok with stealth line being removed in place for a selfbuff line, including stuff like "smell hidden" against shadowblades and fire/ice(snare)/poison arrows hehe

Repent Reloaded

kaay, I might be wrong ere but I read on cata that they r takin slam out of scouts shield spec line.... :eek2:


ok... so then its not worth speccing in shield or stealth.... 50 slash 50 bow it is, lol
oh ye and if they do remove slam we wont get a respec ofc


I doub they will take that away, doub that badly, cause it's a shield line whatever class it is who is speccing it.


Originally posted by Avena
I doub they will take that away, doub that badly, cause it's a shield line whatever class it is who is speccing it.
ye but this is a special case, its a scout speccing it. Who said they deserved the same line as everyone else :)


Rangers/Hunters get self-buffs/pets/better meele when scouts get the ability to slam and use there bow, I Can't see why they don't deservive this , but matter of fact I have almost never been killed by a scout with that tactic cause I can yell for help and my little doggy will interupt the poor scout :)

..but I'm gonna read that stuff on catacombs I can't imagine how many scouts are gonna wine cause of this then....

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