Regular Stealth Group anyone?


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
I've seen many NS's and Ranger's solo out there in Hibby Land and thought I'd float this idea by people.

I'm looking to see if anyone has an interest in starting a regular stealth group for RVR. (yeah I know it's been done b4 but I'm not looking to re-invent the wheel!) Nothing special just perhaps a couple of (or three) nights a week preferably fixed days though it should be flexible enough to move if required. Need to dedicate at least 2+ hours and be fairly reliable.

Nothing too heavy or l33t - just a bit of fun and a regular group who want to spend time working on their chars to become better in RVR etc... And maybe try and grp other times to get arti's perhaps if required.

There would be no specific ML requirements, Realm Rank or Realm Abilities - obviously the higher ML & RR the better for you but ideally you need to be a 50th level stealther - preferably with a half decent template.

I've a BB so can use that to provide buffs if needed. I could also (if required) set up a TS server for us to use when we group too.

It's not an RP Power level group and I'm not doing this for my own selfishness either I just think that there are a lot of solo'ers out there and maybe we should try and run more stealth groups. I do not claim to be any sort of leader so a good team effort would be nice along with a relaxed play style but some commitment and above all the ability to have fun and not take it too seriously.

If interested either PM here or reply to this thread. Or feel free to shout me down etc if it's a crap idea!


Loyal Freddie
Aug 21, 2004
i think it's a bad idea. more grp'ing sth'ers will result in more alb and mid grp'ing sth'ers and therfor would make it even harder for us who play a Sth'er to solo.

sth'ed ppl should be alone or in a duo. but thats just imo


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Many moons ago i used to play in a stealth group, we didnt actually roam together as such but it was nice to have other stealthers to chat too and occasionally come to your aid if you were getting picked-on by a group.

A stealth group is an excellent tool for any alliance to have as you can get proper intel on whats really going on out in the field.

As long as you don't zerg or gank soloers, I say go for it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
most retarded idea iv seen this week. 10 poits for u. yes promote stealth zerg and excuse is " we will get better" and then solo... piss off. stealthers are for solo and if u go ahead whit this ur killing the game for those ppl who solo.

mids/albs will make more stealth grps and its the end.

if u cant cut it as a stealther and want to grp, i strongly advice u to roll a grp friendly char and play whit that

makes my blood boil


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Depends on what the stealth group does tbh
If 5 of you are gonna hang out on a bridge and roll soloers thats not nice :)

But if you are a closet roleplayer like myself, taking a group of archers/shades into enemy territory and taking down towers is fun, rangers on tower door with fools bows and shades watching perimiter for inc enemy, helping out BG's with intel and tower retakes etc.

A duo/trio of stealthers is very effective taking out incoming re-inforcements at drop off points when the enemy has lost a port, or harrasing them en route from the keep when they have port.
Sad but true, I also enjoy keeping a watch over xp'ers at finns for example with a shade guildy, warning them if gankers are inc and taking out scouts/hunters around them without the xp'ers ever knowing :)

My personal favorite thing to do is just killing the 3 or 4 brittles on passing sorcs with GS javelins or rapid fire then just pissing off, I'll not get a single rp for it, but the next hibbie to meet that sorc won't see 4 or 5 blows negated by stupid fucking minature statues with a death wish :)

Duoing with another stealther is great fun once you both learn each other habits and playstyle.

It's not fun to be rolled by large numbers of enemy stealthers, if you are gonna group up for fun, just try not to make it too frustrating for the other guys with the red names above their heads :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
most retarded idea iv seen this week. 10 poits for u. yes promote stealth zerg and excuse is " we will get better" and then solo... piss off. stealthers are for solo and if u go ahead whit this ur killing the game for those ppl who solo.

mids/albs will make more stealth grps and its the end.

if u cant cut it as a stealther and want to grp, i strongly advice u to roll a grp friendly char and play whit that

makes my blood boil

There's always one arse in the pack isn't there - thanks for the shoot down btw :) oh and the 10 points :)

It's a choice thing - you either go as a grp or you don't. I should imagine those who are intersted will do and those such as yourself won't - fairly simple imo. No real reason to call the idea retarded and for you're information I've played several group chars during my time in DAoC. Stealthers are the most fun.

And Stealthers are NOT just solo - I've been in some very nice duo's and trio's. They work very well. I've also solo'd and I enjoy that too - and infact I mostly always solo. No one said anything about zerg.... I said "group" nothing more. I wouldn't want to run around in a zerg - we would be asking for ground target every 5 seconds to see where people are! It's not practicle to work like that. Infact the best stealther groups are small close knit groups who work together in team. Zerging is just crap and I'm not promoting it or want to run it.

With IRVR, I've not met a solo stealther for a good while now - they usually go arround with WL's on their arse and stealth in packs.

It's just an idea to give some out there who want to have regular stealth rvr a way of doing so. Not everyone's cup of tea perhaps but hardly retarted - no more so than trying to organise a fixed group with other "grp friendly" char. I'm interested in getting a REGULAR group together or even just a couple of players playing regular if that's what happens. Ir's not just about getting good and then going solo - it's about grouping together regularly and having fun and sticking at it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
it doesnt really matter what you call it, a group of stealthers rolling soloers is still a zerg in the same way a full group that rolls soloers is still 8 zerglings. if thats what you want to do then fine, but dont pretend it is anything more than a stealth zerg.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Aiteal said:
Depends on what the stealth group does tbh
If 5 of you are gonna hang out on a bridge and roll soloers thats not nice :)

But if you are a closet roleplayer like myself, taking a group of archers/shades into enemy territory and taking down towers is fun, rangers on tower door with fools bows and shades watching perimiter for inc enemy, helping out BG's with intel and tower retakes etc.

A duo/trio of stealthers is very effective taking out incoming re-inforcements at drop off points when the enemy has lost a port, or harrasing them en route from the keep when they have port.
Sad but true, I also enjoy keeping a watch over xp'ers at finns for example with a shade guildy, warning them if gankers are inc and taking out scouts/hunters around them without the xp'ers ever knowing :)

My personal favorite thing to do is just killing the 3 or 4 brittles on passing sorcs with GS javelins or rapid fire then just pissing off, I'll not get a single rp for it, but the next hibbie to meet that sorc won't see 4 or 5 blows negated by stupid fucking minature statues with a death wish :)

Duoing with another stealther is great fun once you both learn each other habits and playstyle.

No - wandering arround a bridge is no fun. Humping towers has it's place as well. That's the best type of RVR there is - going into an nme realm and wreaking havock or assisting in a relic raid and so forth.

The only char I belive in being mercilessly slaughtered is a frickin WL - hate em!

Aiteal said:
It's not fun to be rolled by large numbers of enemy stealthers, if you are gonna group up for fun, just try not to make it too frustrating for the other guys with the red names above their heads :)

Been there - and no it's not nice. Very frustrating and although a Red name is an enemy, I'd like to be fair about it. Shame other's don't share that oppinion. I've been steam rollered loads of times and it's not fun tbh so I'm not advocating doing it to others.

Nice post and my thoughts exactly down to a tee. It's not about the zerg - a small group is deadly and have been used to great effect for raids.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Raven said:
it doesnt really matter what you call it, a group of stealthers rolling soloers is still a zerg in the same way a full group that rolls soloers is still 8 zerglings. if thats what you want to do then fine, but dont pretend it is anything more than a stealth zerg.

Like I've said elsewhere, I've been zerged - TOO often and it's extremely frustrating. I don't advocate it and never would. One way of stopping hib solo'ers getting steam rollered so often is offer an alternative to solo - a group. Again it's a choice people can take it or leave it. No one is asking solo players to group if they don't want to.

I have not said anywhere about ganking solo'ers! Sorry but that's just kinda lame.

I am struggling to understand the difference between a regular fixed group and a regular fixed group with stealther classes. Is it because stealthers can't be seen and don't stand there openly and loose an insane ammount of damage from chambers etc...? You can be zerged by a full group no matter what it's class make up. No one likes it so why do it to others? In my oppinion one way of combating it is to not be solo and be able to put up good fight and to be able to put up a good fight is group more and get better experienced with your class.

And I'm pretending nothing - I've made no statements that indicate my intentions other than a regular stealth RVR group! simple as that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
haha zerg all the way - if you have to do it do it - after all its better to be ahead in the arms race than behind ;)

mostly when i was a steather i duo'ed or trio'ed, because if you get more people its often hard to keep track of the team... resulting in less concentrated players as they reley too much on each other and you will basically just end up zerging other stealthers.
say one does a crasy attack on another steather, not pa or anything, just snare them and wait for the other stealthers to come for gank... not really fun for either part.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Galid said:
i think it's a bad idea. more grp'ing sth'ers will result in more alb and mid grp'ing sth'ers and therfor would make it even harder for us who play a Sth'er to solo.

sth'ed ppl should be alone or in a duo. but thats just imo

Yeah - I undertand your point and yea solo or duo is how most people play.

I , 9 times out of 10 solo. I've done some duo and trio and also some PUG's. there is no hard fast rule for stealth play, people (like you) have their own style. I'm just trying to get a small group of people who are interesting in doing it regular either a full 8 (which will be unlikely) - or even a 4 player regular group to do regular rvr and perhaps provide recon etc... for big raids will be of benefit to all.

I enjoy 1v1 RVR and I get a massive kick from it - so a small group will be awesome fun to handle some of the regular small stealth Mid & Alb groups that are out there.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Zaffa said:
haha zerg all the way - if you have to do it do it - after all its better to be ahead in the arms race than behind ;)

mostly when i was a steather i duo'ed or trio'ed, because if you get more people its often hard to keep track of the team... resulting in less concentrated players as they reley too much on each other and you will basically just end up zerging other stealthers.
say one does a crasy attack on another steather, not pa or anything, just snare them and wait for the other stealthers to come for gank... not really fun for either part.

Again... the intention is to be a small group of like minded people and not gank people - no fun in that.

As far as I'm concerned, If I can get one or two small groups going from this - it's a result and worth the debate.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
id like to see how u can keep 4+ ppl from not ganking solo stealthers... its allmost impossible...

and if u cant find 1vs1 atm, in irvr... u just looking at the wrong place... i get 1vs1 very foten and i love it. dont care about the zergs


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 24, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
id like to see how u can keep 4+ ppl from not ganking solo stealthers... its allmost impossible...

Well... With like minded people - who also dislike zergs and getting ganked the idea is that we don't do it. Yea some times it's going to be unavoidable if they attack first etc... but by and large hopefully it shouldn't happen often.

I've been ganked as a solo player by Albs and Mids more times than I care to mention and by groups of various sizes. Sometimes it's been more than one group if I've been stupid enough to stay in the middle of em stealthed and get spotted!!

A fair fight is an even number vs an even number and similar specced chars. A fair fight is not duo/trio against a solo but it happens all the time - you can't guarantee that when someone in your group attacks a stealther that he's in a group or even if he's solo. I guess it's about the definition of zerg and gank. Just because you wanna play fair and have 1v1 don't mean the enemy realms will.

I've never had it where two Mids or Albs leave me alone just because I'm solo - in fact I've never had it full stop! It just don't happen. If you RVR you've got to expect to be ganked and zerged. I'm not saying I want to do that but there is no getting away from the fact that Hibs do it as well as Mids and Albs. Just because I'm trying to start a regular group don't mean I wanna zerg everything in sight!

Kaun_IA said:
and if u cant find 1vs1 atm, in irvr... u just looking at the wrong place... i get 1vs1 very foten and i love it. dont care about the zergs

At the end of the day it's suck and see - if it goes OK and we get a reputation for not ganking and zerging then it's a result. At this rate it will go nowhere because as usual, people just whine, qq, shout down etc... and no one does nothing - same as it's been on Exca/Hib years.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Raven said:
it doesnt really matter what you call it, a group of stealthers rolling soloers is still a zerg in the same way a full group that rolls soloers is still 8 zerglings. if thats what you want to do then fine, but dont pretend it is anything more than a stealth zerg.

Well... no difference from any of the other 8-man grps around then :p


Loyal Freddie
Jul 13, 2005
Dont listen to them m8 .

Go ahead and make a stealth grp and you will have such a laugh if you get them all on ts too .

Play the game how you want too m8 and dont let anyone tell you different .

I play in a stealth grp and i wouldnt have it any other way .

People hate me for playing in a stealth grp but do i give a shit NOPE! .

( Stealthers are made for soloing ) What a load of crap , maybe ns-inf-sb for soloing if they want but not rang-sco-hunt . now im NOT saying we cant solo cause that aint true .

Stealth grps are the way to play in my eyes and the more stealth grp get together the better me think . stealthers want big fights and long fights and latly i have been having some great classic 5 on 5 , 6 on 6 stealth fights and when the dicks who play easy mode 1 button chars (life tap life tap) dont add its great .

I think its time daoc give melee class there own battlefield and casters there own place too .

People are sick and tired of stealth grps but us stealthers are sick and tired of the life tap shit time and time again , i hit a tank harder then i hit a caster so somthing is wrong there .

Anyway GOOD LUCK with your stealth grp and i hope you can get one together cause when you do your game play and fun will raise :) .


Zerg or be Zerg


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Porkbelly said:
Dont listen to them m8 .

Go ahead and make a stealth grp and you will have such a laugh if you get them all on ts too .

Play the game how you want too m8 and dont let anyone tell you different .

I play in a stealth grp and i wouldnt have it any other way .

People hate me for playing in a stealth grp but do i give a shit NOPE! .

( Stealthers are made for soloing ) What a load of crap , maybe ns-inf-sb for soloing if they want but not rang-sco-hunt . now im NOT saying we cant solo cause that aint true .

Stealth grps are the way to play in my eyes and the more stealth grp get together the better me think . stealthers want big fights and long fights and latly i have been having some great classic 5 on 5 , 6 on 6 stealth fights and when the dicks who play easy mode 1 button chars (life tap life tap) dont add its great .

I think its time daoc give melee class there own battlefield and casters there own place too .

People are sick and tired of stealth grps but us stealthers are sick and tired of the life tap shit time and time again , i hit a tank harder then i hit a caster so somthing is wrong there .

Anyway GOOD LUCK with your stealth grp and i hope you can get one together cause when you do your game play and fun will raise :) .


Zerg or be Zerg

ye stealth grp can be fun sometimes but judging from how useless u guys are I DONT THINK ITS FUN TO GET KILLED IN A GRP BY SOLOERS HEHEHEHE XDDDDDDDDDDDDD i mean ... dont u feel like deleting ? XD


Loyal Freddie
Feb 5, 2005
get as many people together as you can and kill every single last motherfucking one of em - its just a video game


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
id like to see how u can keep 4+ ppl from not ganking solo stealthers... its allmost impossible...

and if u cant find 1vs1 atm, in irvr... u just looking at the wrong place... i get 1vs1 very foten and i love it. dont care about the zergs

I'm not gonna get into the debate hugely here, I solo or duo, rarely been in a stealth grp above 2 of us. However, what about for those of us who have a sniper?

I enjoy a sniper but there is no chance I can get good 1v1's as sniper til I have MoS4 and I can see em coming to get some arrows off. Surely I shouldn't let game mechanics stop me from banding together with others to reach that goal so I can solo properly? Just a thought. :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
if you roll and play a stealther can you like SOLO then ??? not fucking zerg around


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Porkbelly said:
Dont listen to them m8 .

Go ahead and make a stealth grp and you will have such a laugh if you get them all on ts too .

Play the game how you want too m8 and dont let anyone tell you different .

I play in a stealth grp and i wouldnt have it any other way .

People hate me for playing in a stealth grp but do i give a shit NOPE! .

( Stealthers are made for soloing ) What a load of crap , maybe ns-inf-sb for soloing if they want but not rang-sco-hunt . now im NOT saying we cant solo cause that aint true .

Stealth grps are the way to play in my eyes and the more stealth grp get together the better me think . stealthers want big fights and long fights and latly i have been having some great classic 5 on 5 , 6 on 6 stealth fights and when the dicks who play easy mode 1 button chars (life tap life tap) dont add its great .

I think its time daoc give melee class there own battlefield and casters there own place too .

People are sick and tired of stealth grps but us stealthers are sick and tired of the life tap shit time and time again , i hit a tank harder then i hit a caster so something is wrong there .

Anyway GOOD LUCK with your stealth grp and i hope you can get one together cause when you do your game play and fun will raise :) .


Zerg or be Zerg

I wish i worked for Mi6 and would immediately strip u from your Licence to Post anything stealth community related.

On the topic now.
Its ok if u made a grp of stealthers...but dont do so aiming just to roam around and use SL/Ml7/mos to kill other stealthers (yes many go around grped too...but many times...if u see 2 stealthers even a bit close to each other...that doesnt mean they r grped...or that if u jump 1 the other will jump u and add)
So if u r planning to do a grp like that...aim for small (or larger ; depending on your numbers) visual grps (even with DI or not) and teach visuals that they should really fear running around even in numbers.
If sadly for u and for the stealthers/visuals that DO solo out there think that u cant do that and u will only stick with the lamest thing to do (even if it has nothing to do with game rules...but has to do with honorable play)...give us the dates u r going to do that we go do something else than creating some mid-high rr stealthers that dont know sh*t about their class or the stealth game on even terms. (no...i dont photograph any hib specific grps)

PS : I know many hunters/scouts/rangers that can solo pretty well out there...maybe the opinion u got is based only on personal results u may have had (i know its tough playing a solo stealthers on prime time...dont go around making it more difficult. I have seen u 3 grped and doing your thing at 10 gmt in the dont tell me u just cant kill anything on your own cause 'there is a big bad zerg out there and we zerg back'.
PS2: imo..if u only 'zerg' .. u lose your individuality..hence no reason for a named personalized gratz thread.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Lick said:
get as many people together as you can and kill every single last motherfucking one of em - its just a video game



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
The point so many(too many today Imo) miss is that the stealth classes are perfectly designed to test ur own skills vs an enemy. Instead of relying on other grp members to make you win, its ALL about what YOU do.

It is ofc stealth that makes this possible and I for one would NEVER grp up on either of my 5 stealthers, coz it would loose the appeal of selecting your fights to see what you can achieve as a single char.

If you want to work together with realm mates to beat enemies do it on a visible, since most visible classes are planned around this. Working as a team, stealthers are NOT! (in most cases...recent changes have ofc changed this fact a bit, battlemaster some stealthers and a few other abilities, which you ofc all know. Dont even get me started on the most misplaced of classes...mincer....neither a real solo or grp class) As stealthers were planned from the start of daoc, it is my understanding that they were NOT planned to be played in grp fights, since there was always another class who could do their job better.

Well thats just my oppinion.

More solo'rs ftw!



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Rauno said:
if you roll and play a stealther can you like SOLO then ??? not fucking zerg around

If you roll a group char, can you like fight other fg's and not ZERG down soloers? kthx


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Lol what aload of bs,

The only way i think a stealther should be played is solo,

Wanna grp? roll summin else


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i can understand that sniper rangers my have trouble getting 1vs1... couse they see theyr target too late :(

but as im a melee ranger mos3 does the trick and i can see enyone far away enough to get my positionals in (but if they have camo up and i dont... another story :D)

i still feel the same way.... what diffrence there is when u get rolled over by 4 man stealth grp or a 4 man visuals.... nothing really... ur dead, but stealth grp can see u better in stealth. and u cant do shit about it.

and melee rangers who cant compete 1vs1, are really funny :D
im rr4 and i can kill eny rr stealther... whit a exeption of few players who own me 10 times over :D

template is the key.... crappy temp = u getting nowhere

oh well, most stuff went bit offtopic :p


Can't get enough of FH
May 30, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
template is the key.... crappy temp = u getting nowhere

Yes and no ... even with a decent and not great template u can still do very much in stealthed rvr (i still cant undestand how i could do the same rp/hour i did in the past, with a pretty ok template, during the 2-3 weeks i played rvr with random parts i found in vaults;was on 15% heat and i still killed high rr stealthers running with heaters,when i was all slash .. battler/malice).
Imo its is something like 2/4 skills, 1/4 template, 1/4 luck and situation.

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