Regarding alb PBAE-groups in RvR



I would also prefer dropping to 2 ice wizards, thats still plenty of damage output, especially when combined with some cold debuffs.

Your looking at a minimum of
2 clerics
2 ice wizards
1 sorc (40 body 36 mind)
1 minstrel
1 guardbot

Leaving you 1 spare spot, now you can do like Pin and take a full mind sorc and make the other sorc full body.
Maybe a 2nd slammer/guardbot, perhaps even a 2nd minstrel or what seems a common choice a third ice wiz.


From experience... Without 50% debuff, 2 ice wizards does not work... Damage output (versus 45% resists) isnt enough...

I'm not too keen about non-ae casters... PBAoE is what keeps us alive most of the time, without PBAoE, how do you kill 3-4 savages / bm's on one of your casters before your clerics are OOP? (1 ice wizard is a joke with +45% ice resists on most 'good' groups)

The group with 2x Wind Theurg, sure PBT and pets will help, but doubt its 'the best'... They'll do very nice when everything goes 'as planned' in 8 vs 8 fights, but (imho) will fail vs higher numbers... (where mez/root failed on multiple enemies and you have 1-2 tanks per caster)

With 3x ice wizards (or even 2 if you have a debuffer), you can survive fights that go wrong more often because you only need 1 moc to kill a fg... (moc to kill the tanks near, the other casters interrupt whatever is interrupting them)

I'd like to do :
2x Ice Wizard
1x Mind Sorc or Shield Paladin or Ice Wizard
1x Body Sorc
1x Spirit Caba
1x Minstrel
2x Cleric

This way you have 2 (or 3) pets, debuff for pbaoe, debuff dd'er (and backup dd'er if body sorc is done debuffing for wizzies), disease, speed, 1x sos, 2x bof...

The biggest advantage of that group is that all damage output is debuffed, you have disease to increase your 'damage' even more (well, lower their healing power is almost the same) and enough pets to annoy half their healers...

Too bad we dont have an active spirit cabalist (I have one, but I cant play Wizzie + Caba or Sorc + Caba yet ;) (gonna try it anyhow :D))...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
The group with 2x Wind Theurg, sure PBT and pets will help, but doubt its 'the best'... They'll do very nice when everything goes 'as planned' in 8 vs 8 fights, but (imho) will fail vs higher numbers... (where mez/root failed on multiple enemies and you have 1-2 tanks per caster)

The group I'll be in tonight is:

Mind Sorc (me)
Spirit Cabby
Air Theurg
Air Theurg
Ice Wiz

Yes it is reliant on CC, but there is quite a lot of it (mezz, root, disease, stun, pets galore).

It's not a PBAE group though, it's an assisting debuff-nuke group. Sometimes we run with Body Sorcs instead of Air Theurgs, then concentrate more on Body-debuffs. Either way, the target tends to lose 2.5k hp in ~1.5s (most target tend to die in a single nuke each anyway after str/con and resist debuffs).

The downside of non-pbae caster groups is they don't scale quite as well with numbers - if we meet over 2fg (and don't have a good wall position, or something) then we can't do enough damage before running oop or being overrun.

The upside is we are not reliant on all getting in close to each other, which means we are not as susceptible to AE or amnesia, not as reliant on Purge and MoC, and have many options to CC or nuke an enemy off another group member.


I know, not saying it doesnt 'work', but its not the 'best'... Neither is my group, there's no 'best'... Some groups (debuff groups) work good 8 vs 8, others (pbaoe groups) work good vs larger numbers... (pbaoe is very evil vs zergs that stick close to each other, keep-suicides work very nice, 36 dead hibs yesterday at glenlock when we came in from behind, 6k in 15s :))

Ice Wizards can work in a debuff group too, top nuke isnt as good as the theurgs version though... After the 50% ice debuff, an ice wiz will nuke for around 500 instead of 650ish from an theurgist... And when we play with a debuff-sorc, its me who plays it, and usually the only sorc in the group (thus hardly have time to debuff, cause I'm trying to CC stuff :p)...



Looking forward to seeing more alb PBAE groups in RvR. We just started a mid PBAE group. Think that mid PBAE groups might work just as well.. We are soon to find out tho..

// Nacha 50 Pac Healer <Girl Power>

p.s. look out for those pink midget girls...


my experience

ive tryed playing 2 accs at the same time in emain (3 if u count my buffbot)
we did rather well but we tryed to avoid the zergs by using /cg
the group was with a few friends and worked quite good in emain.

it was:
2 paladins (one played by me)
1 icewiz (played by me)
1 mincer
1 pbtbot(played by other pala)

there were 3 more spots but we couldnt be arsed getting it full and we did well with only one ice wizie.

one thing i like VERY much was when hibs when inside amg/mmg and started to use pbae as their defence.
i saw loads and loads of albs trying to go for caster or healer but nothing woked and they died instantly.
BUT with the combo of paladin/icewiz i opened the door with my paladin and used AEiceDEBUFF in the room and every1 got interupted! quickly stepped close to the door and pbae'ed must of the room taking out 2 or 3 of the hibs.

stepped back and did the same thing with AEiceDEBUFF - this time i went inside the room instantly and started to pbae while healers/casters were interupted and killed again 2 or 3.

last time i ran outside main gate room to save my life from the slambots and did the AEiceDEBUFF and stepped in the middle of the hibs (note that i had my paladin on guard/stick to prevent possible slam) pbae'ed and the last remaining hibs died.

it may sound n00bish and maybe lucky but ive done this about 6 times now. 4 in emain (all successfull) 2 in HW when we were blocking mids at mmg on RR and hibs went inside mmg room to try the same tactic.

if u bothered to read this i hope u saw my point.
as it says it was only my experience of it


It'd be nice if ice wizards got anywhere near the utility of a mana eldritch - disease and aoe str/con debuffs are not to be sniffed at.


2 Ice wizards alone I agree would struggle, but Domain and Garbannoch manage, however your always gonna run with a sorc and at least have the 15% debuffs, if not higher.

At least 1 guard/slam bot is essential as well.


Tbh, I'm fine with the utility that Ice Wizards have, their not 'that' bad... The biggest problem isnt so much the utility of the Ice Wizard, but the group in total...

The Hib (and even Mid) variant has some advantages over us... But its not so much 1 char, but more the whole group...

'we' also have the disadvantage of facing higher resists then our mid or hib counter parts ... (Spirit & Energy resist, vs Cold resists)

For us to have high Spirit & Energy, we need a high enhance cleric (higher then 35, as 35 only gives 8% of both), while hibs get 16% cold resist @ 35 'enhance'... And mids, well, either 16% or 24% cold resist (as the shaman usually has high 'enhance')... Spirit is hard to get for hibs too (warden if I'm not mistaken), and energy is a bitch for mids too (healer)...

So while mids and hibs have 'harder to get' resists for their counterpart, they both have good resists vs us (cold)...


Well if your ever need a lvl 50 ice wizz then just pm me ;-)


paladin ......Slam

How about

Minstrel insta stun..
Or minstrel/sorcerer pet (cockathingies with stun)
Even Pets that stun....Wind.

Creativitty of the mind makes yer unpredictable


As said before a caster group will rely to much on timered RA's and when they do take damage even the best of clerics will struggle to keep them alive. Where as a good tank group will stand a chance even with bof and sos down with a good MA.

I do hope the theurgist changes will give them more of a chance in RvR, there becoming as much a rare site as any type of cabbie used to be.


Yep very good point about the resists, clerics cant quite get the 37 enhance 16% energy resist and the 40 rejuv 100% rez.

Hibs can of course get the 16% cold and last rez, and shaman can afford to go for the 24% cold if they wanted. Typical that alb has it hardest :rolleyes:


Originally posted by sindala
paladin ......Slam

How about

Minstrel insta stun..
Or minstrel/sorcerer pet (cockathingies with stun)
Even Pets that stun....Wind.

Creativitty of the mind makes yer unpredictable
Magical stun lasts about 1 second on det 5 tanks.


Originally posted by lac_desariel
I roam with

1 Cleric
3 Ice wizards
1 minstrel
1 Body sorc
1 Body cabby
1 paladin
3 FG adds

why a pally and not a shield armsman?


for slam/guard bot only, try to get a scout first the got highest dex of all shield spec classes, reaver next highest dex, arms theird highest and then pala ther dont even get dex while leveling while all the other 3 classes get it :).. therefor pala=poorest guardbot :D scout=best :)





+ scout got some adventages (spelling?) palas, arms, reaver dont get... high dmg on range.. advengtage for reavers is pbaoe debuffs.. for arms? think it only can be high hp and for pala end reg if u want to run with speed 6


We usually take a paladin because end-regen helps caster groups too... (speed-6 running into groups is 'teh bomb' :))

A reaver would be nice, but... Your already ae-interrupting with pbaoe ;)

And Kagato, versus the normal groups, we dont have to pull out all our goodies like moc/bof/purge/etc... Its only versus good groups that we need to get goodies, and even then we're currently trying to minimize the amount we need... So that we always have some goodies that we can try to save a fight with... (like before we never 'planned' moc, now often we 'plan' moc so only 1 or 2 of us moc instead of all 2-3)


Originally posted by Tilda
But yes at the moment, the most effective alb caster group is:

Wind theurg
Wind theurg
Spirit cabby
Ice wizzie
Hey! That's our group! ;)

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