Reflections of a Thidranki Infiltrator


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Originally posted by Roalith
21 +2 CS
24 +5 Stealth
2 Envenom
19 Slash
1 Dual Wield

Was gimped, quite simply. Looks good on paper, and beautiful stealth means you never ever get uncovered. The high slash means a nice low damage variance on your PA, too. However, the painfully low envenom means you stand no chance of getting 'hit and run' kills. Bleed effect from PA just doesn't cut the mustard for those type of kills, and because Infiltrators can only use 1h weapons, the PA isn't even in the same league as critblades.

That's similar to the spec I had in Thidranki and it was anything, but gimped :D

I wanted to try an inf without poisons, just pure melee damage. I had stealth at around 18+5, and Slash a little higher(as far as I remember).

That spec helped me kill anything, but tanks. SBs were a little tricky, even if I PA'd them, they could still make it a very close fight, most of them going either way. But I rarely encountered a SB with better stealth, except for critblades who only needed a PA to get the drop.

Hunters/Rangers/Nightshades, all were absurdly easy.
Casters, one-shot every time
I never got to have much fun with tanks, they always moved in groups. I tried a skald who convinced me not to do it again. The only celt-champion I tried to dual ran away and logged :/

I'm going for an Envenom-spec inf now, 25Env , 21CS, 18Stealth and rest in thrust. With stealthed auto-trained to lv24 and using the fishing-hook + jewel, I should only need Envenom at 22.

This time, I will be going for every class in Thid :eek:


Originally posted by fukuj
would that be Anpu wyvernspur from Mid/Excal?

Yes, but I deleted my excal chars and defected to hibernia for various reasons way back in july or so :p



Originally posted by decline
By the time my hands were done stumbling around and found the mouse to click a style I was dead :-X
You might wanna try using the keyboard for styles. ;)


Agree with Ches on the Assassin big-up thing, yes the potential for alot of damage is there, but at lvl24 I think you'll find the main tank classes (specially spearos) will do you in 3-4 hits max, even if you are buffed. Reason I say this is, I stupidly attacked a Hib caster in the middle of a bunch of fighting Hibs (duh ;)), PA'd and legged it to let poison do the job, unfortunately for me, I got snared by a champ who then hit me and also got whacked by a spearo, who hit me for a good portion of my hp each time. So yes we can kill nearly everything that moves, if everything goes in our favour, evades, all poisons hit, players not really paying attention or panicking etc., otherwise you can say "gg, wheres my rez?" or /release if the wizzies are on the pad ;)


regarding stealth above level:

No. it is 100% useless.

your stealth bubble has a minimum size. theres some fancy equation, adding your level, opponents level and stealth level, in it, which eludes me at present. but fact is its capped.

For all assassins in thidranki (or any other class, i would imagine):

your life changes ALOT when you level. Its pretty much useless comparison. But as long as you're having fun, it doesnt matter much i guess :)


Killing a hib tank in 2 hits would mean PA'ing for over 550 damage which is just impossible in bg1. Level 50 assassin PA tanks for 550, not level 24's, afaik.


As a critblade with little envenom and great melee + perf artery COULD do it in two blows. If the tank cons blue to you at 24 one hit should do it.
One more thing, when will you albs or us mids take the darn keep? The hibs don't have the balls to keep it!!
We were there two days ago with like 30 men but couldn't get the hands on two rams..then after albs did a massive attack on the CK and took door#1 down but then i had to log. Yesterday all the middies listened to what i had to say and we killed many hibs and albs that time. Then two gimped players come and say: "I do what ever i like, i prefer someone else as a leader"
So... to keep it simple, they ran to the mb then they were ambushed and all got killed. Please let me in charge so i can give you great succes plus a nice present full of RPS for christmas!



I have found with my critblade, that I have been quite impressed with my performance vs tanks. PA'ing for 300 helps, then a garrote or two and it's over. 75% of the time, my Shadowblade obliterates SOLO tanks, however I think that's probably due to me being a twinked critblade :) If an infil got the jump on me I usually go down If i dont manage to turn their PA, same with nightshades allthough on a couple of occasions I have garroted my attacker and watch them flee as 200 damage is applied ;)

Not really done myself justice, so it's time to roll a shadowzerker as soon as Rapacious is capped out. Infils are the sodding problem, so It's about time I layed off casters and healers and obliterate me some enemy assasins, plus my Skald is inc, watch out peeps :)


From what I remember, a long time ago with my Critblade in Thidranki, was that mages were...easy. So I stopped trying to go for them after a making 50 RP's quite quickly. I wanted my time to last, after all.

Not to say I didnt kill any more mages, I did..but only when no other 'choice' targets presented themselves.

Spec, as much as I can remember it was something like 21+1 Critical strike, 19+5 stealth, 18+4 axe, 12+3 envenom.

Whether due to lack of my skill, or just unluckyness..I only took out a cleric twice. Both times, due to panicking clerics I think, more than anything else on my part.

I remember Perforating a tin-plated tank once, and being so shocked at the complete lack of damage that I ran off. The targets I enjoyed fighting were Scouts, Rangers and nightshades. Seemed like every single nightshade I came across had really bad stealth, or else they just didnt care that I lined up a PA, hit them, garotte..and they were dead.

Rangers and Scouts were both fun with their bad stealth, and also the fact that you just knew at least 1 (if not more) infiltrators or nightshades would be close.

Infiltrators..I had many a good fight, sorry I cant remember the names any more but Im pretty sure it wasnt a one-sided affair, for either of us. When I got my PA off, I won unless there were more than one, or had a group backing them up..when I did fail my PA (or they jumped me) they won. I do remember finding a 'blue con' infiltrator..and I used backstab 2..and one-shotted him. Made my night..

I left with 404 realm points, and have since had to shelve Acaia for a little while to get my armourcrafter up to speed. If anyone from Midgard wants any masterpeice armour up to and including the heavy starkaskodd arcanium stuff..bring lots of money!

Now Acaia is back on the level treadmill, and just reached 34. Im sure she will be out in Odin's, Forest Sauvage and Darkness Falls soon. And, as I quite like the playstyle..a 50 Critical strike is the planned spec. So the same will hold true..I get the jump on a lone person, do the full PA chain and they are likely to drop. I fluff my PA or they have backup, and Il be eating grass fairly quickly, as my backup damage aint so hot.

Bjodala, 50 Healer
Nydoi, 24 Warrior and Armourcrafter (1115)
Acaia, 34 Critblade


I've taken 4 SBs through Thidranki and I can honestly say that LA is the most overpowered specline available to Midgard classes at level 24.

It's all well and good being blasé about other peoples claims, but just because you haven't experienced it it doesn't mean that it's not possible. (Regarding those who don't believe it's possible for SBs to completely destroy anything in Thid).

I've gone through every viable spec I can think of in Thid, my favorite HAS to be 21 LA, 21 Axe, 19 Stealth, 2 Crit and 2 Envenom. There isn't a class I haven't solo'd. Pretty much anything I attack dies without my having to kite.

I've 3 hit Heros, Armsman and Champs. Granted, those are rare occurences but I have done it. Mages still get one hit with BS1 and Mourning Rage, again, a rare occurence, but it happens.

I've only ever been solo'd in a fair fight by a LW Hero, who I went back and totally destroyed, moose and all.

It's not about skill either, I'll be the first to admit that. LA just hits a truckload of damage with the 3 style combo that completes at level 21 LA.

My Critblade PA'd for 450ish with a Mourning Rage on Hib Tanks and they fell pretty quickly too, but that all depended on whether or not I missed the 2nd/3rd swings, which are essential with such a slow weapon.

I find it amusing how people are so quick to dismiss the claims of others because their characters didn't do aswell as others.


Il have to agree with you there, Dook. Im going through the process of taking a Troll Berserker into Thidranki...and my quickbar is simply holding Left Axe styles, as the bonus damage is obscene.

Any other melee classes from the other two realms ever try and gain experience from levels 5-12 on Orange cons, when solo? I actively search for them, and take them out...without that 'stupid bunny with no ears' mode. I cant say what happens after 15th, as ive yet to experience it <grins>

Sample fight would go along the lines of Ravager, hit for about 65 damage, Get hit for 20. Atrophy, hit for about 80 damage, get hit for 20. Another ravager/atrophy combination and that orange creature is looking at about 1/2 health, depending if the left axe actually hits...and Ive taken about 80 damage, assuming no evades or parries.

Put that berserk mode on, and the damage I take goes up by about 5 a swing, but my damage then goes into the ridiculous. Hands up how many other classes have 2-shotted an orange con creature, at level 12, and remained on 100% health. From what I understand, it doesnt get appreciably worse as the berserker goes up in power... Yes, Il take more damage..but if I can consistently out-damage the creature by a factor of 3..who cares. (40 damage compared to 145)

In my opinion, Left Axe is far, far too overpowered and a big nerf bat is coming its way sometime. Of course, I could be entirely wrong in my assumption that it carries on like this..and there will come a point that Il have to (shock horror) revert to killing yellow con creatures.

Bjodala, Ascended Healer
Nydoi, 24 Warrior (1115 Armourcrafter)
Acaia, 35 Shadowblade
Eystorarn, 12 Berserker


Originally posted by Roalith
Solo Hunters are a safe bet 1 v 1 - they rarely ever uncover you, wear slash vulnerable armour

is studded now slash vulnerable?

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