Recent blunders at the relic raids



Derric my guild posted for all level 35+ to turn up for the raid. I am currently 39 and killed a few mids solo whilst scouting about.

I understand 5-30/35 but to 39 is a tad demeaning. However a fair few people there were grey to me and if they were grey to a 39 they must have been way <30.

My guild LOE is in the alliance, can you please state next time clearly what levels you want to turn up to your allies and I will join in or continue to gain xp.



Mmmh Tyreatte, it seems u getting a bit personal urself..

Teaspoon and Qwe.. will soon enough be forgiven by all. Scapegoating happens, its a fact of life (sadly tho). Others will not make the same mistake soon again cause of this. It is a lesson learned by all. I learned i will NOT by any change pick up a relic (unless ordered via /send by Raid leader) or post on a public forum ever, when i crash out during a raid.. So something good will come of it after all.

Heads up Albion we did a hell of a job :D


OK a couple of things :

Apparently US servers can suffer the same crashes - so it is NOT GOA's fault, start slagging off Mythic.

Teaspoon was not the only one to tip off people, read the Albion forums where theres a hint of what was to come.

As it happens, I don't think EITHER of these posts made a difference. If these posts had been noticed, there would have been a LOT more mids there, and a damn sight earlier.

One thing I do know, mids got wind of it in IRC due to people talking in IRC channels that aren't 100% guildies - so before anyone starts throwing accusations around about posts on here tipping em off, go check you're llogs for IRC lastnight.

Did you have any non-guildies in there ? Did anyone mention the raid ?

IRC is the fastest way for most people to pass info, and if you aren't careful the wrong people get to know as fast as your guildies

Overall, it was an excellent raid.
Yes, the servers crashing the zone twice was a bitch
Yes, 2 people didn't think before they posted
Yes, some tosser took the relic instead of the planned group
Yes, we lost about 3 rams due to the crashes

What do we learn ?
Keep EVERYTHING about the raids ingame or 100% secure channels.
Make sure everyone in your guild knows what to do, to listen to the raid leader etc.
Next time we take SPARE rams. If you haven't been asked to take a ram or parts, take one anyway.

The greys were probably people that saw us all in Fort Sauvage and tagged along, you cant really stop em :/
If they were guilded, then tell their guild leaders, Lamh Dhearg were asked to bring only 35+'s, which we did.

We almost did it, a few things got in our way, but we have to learn from it.

Good going Albion.

old.What Wobbler

On the whole, i enjoyed the attempt.

We had some problems. Its time to stop arguing amongst ourselves and think about how we improve matters next time.

Hopefully the harsh bollockings given out after this raid will act to deterr hasty actions on the next raid.

In addition, other mistakes were made, we concentrated too much on getting the last door down instead of defending the keep - Which lead to it being overrun - we could have easily have seen of the first wave of Middies, then turned our attention back to the door. As it is, we were overrun by Middies who after a good battle, overran us.

Our alliance and others left it to SoTL to provide the Rams - we certainly have plenty of our own but didnt bring them.

Lets get over this and do better next time.


one little thing, taking mick aside, this original post was teaspoon coulndt boot his pc and was blaming goa. The main thing is you cant blame a game for stoping your pc work which is why the original message was so funny. I had a hd crash out when playing Hidden and dangerous once but i could harldy sue the makers for that. Teaspoon if you do boot the computer with a boot disk can you look at anything on the HD if so can you run a scandisk on off chance this gets rid of any problem. Is the pc new or old. try reinstalling what ever os u using over what you have.
since you can post on here you must have access to a pc so make a boot disk on that, control panel,add/remove and last tab is to make a windows start disk just make one and try booting computer off that. Make sure you check your bios is set to check floppy drive first, since on mine i have it set to go straight to hd to save time.


At least some people are looking towards the positive side of this incident. We now know that we can take relics, although it wasn't done successfully, it has given us enough experiance to get it right the next time.

More importantly, Midgard now know that their 'stolen' relics are under threat, so they'll be keeping a closer eye on things.

What this sums up as is:

Do Not talk about relic raids on any public forum, irc channel or any other medium.

Only guild leaders should know of any plans, and must keep these plans secret, even from their own guild. If anyone is found to be giving out information before a raid, even without intending to inform the enemy, their guild-leaders should be questioned and reminded of the code of secrecy. Ultimately, the errors of a few could jeopardize the effort of hundreds.

Finally, any plans for future raids and reflections on this one should be taken to your respective guild or alliance forums and discussed in private ;)

P.S. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it last night but I want to congratulate all those who did, on a splendid effort :)

old.Gombur Glodson

we make mistakes,we learn and thus we grow. its what makes us human
I apologize for any flaming or badmouthing and my personal view has absolutely nothing to do with sotl POV
[Edit] typo


I for one thought the raid was blown from the moment i noticed it took nearly two hours ( yes i actually timed it ) to get to the keep, reason mainly being the crashes but theres also this - Disorganised procession of the army , people splitting up every now and then, bumping into trees when on auto-follow etc etc i think even before crashes it took the mob (yes the mob i cannot call it anything else yet unfortunately ) over one hour to get from Pk to Glacier Giant..

Please do not take it as anything personal but discipline is required with such things tis essential that everyone understands what he/she is doing there....(hence spam in /yell, one person even went to take the relic, without realising what responsibility it is to do so)

I am new to this realm so i know i have no say in this but i urge guild leaders and officers to control/restrict their people for the better of Albion.

So far i know of only one Guild with solid RvR raid behaviour - Order of the Knights Templar, not because they are 'uber' or best players, simply because they have enforced battle discipline and chain of command.

PS : Just a suggestion and a couple of thoughts , couldnt resist :/


RAR... Im sorry TeaSpoon, for saying thoes things... But I was pretty pissed.

Still, I wonder why some people accuse EG SotL NOT being unsupportive towards Albion. I mean, so far, raids gone both ways, good and bad. This raid was organised by a SotL member. And other people fuck it up? So, this only ecourages atleast me to do things with just SotL and few others who I know can be trusted. I cant speak for SotL, but I can speak for myself. So atm its a big nono for people I dont know well to tag along whatever im part of.

Im not saying all people are incompetent fucks, Im saying I cant trust all. Everyone has their bad apples, but I want to minimize the chances they come and fuck up things I want to do.

Well, ill stop the rant now. you got the point i guess.


Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
Still, go away and die-:eek:

And you pathetic little boy , go buy yaself a new life :rolleyes:

Telling someone to go die, just because of some freaking computer game , thats the behaviour of a non to bright 5 year old


Monkey... I used a boot disk, and was delighted when everything finished loading to find that it aparently wasn't there...Checked in the bios - nothing, couldnt detect my HD. The fact that it did it twice to me was kinda a kick in the nuts. Checked the IDE cables, all in place and probs, still no boot....

Went out for about 8 hours, came back and it works...

now to see if it crashes again...


good, sounds like a heat problem. but im no expert.


Originally posted by TeaSpoon
Monkey... I used a boot disk, and was delighted when everything finished loading to find that it aparently wasn't there...Checked in the bios - nothing, couldnt detect my HD. The fact that it did it twice to me was kinda a kick in the nuts. Checked the IDE cables, all in place and probs, still no boot....

Went out for about 8 hours, came back and it works...

now to see if it crashes again...

IBM Deskstar drives are notorious for overheating problems, also I would make sure that your system has proper cooling.


If you have the IBM GXP75 Hardrive... get a new one.

I'm currently using mine as a temp-downloads hardrive, as I'm not going to let it die for the third time, while being my primary hardrive.


still using my old trusted Quantum Fireball as primary drive.. only one, so far, ive had, that never let me down


pffft, if I got to play DAoC from work, I wouldn't care much for my PC at home either ;)


Originally posted by TeaSpoon
Went out for about 8 hours, came back and it works...
Gotta love when that happens :)
Go outside thinking "Damnit... now I need to buy a new HD", and then when you come back it just works. Great stuff :)

I have a IBM Deskstar aswell and have had no problems at all... get the latest promise drivers etc... and the VIA 4-in-1 drivers bla bla bla. Always helps.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Damon Doombring

And you pathetic little boy , go buy yaself a new life :rolleyes:

Telling someone to go die, just because of some freaking computer game , thats the behaviour of a non to bright 5 year old

Maybe you can sell me yours?
(start understanding the meaning of my post)


At least there was some decent RvR :D

Anyhow after the patch Character like my 34 Zerker will mainly be fighting in the new Levelled Battlegrounds :clap:

When is the 1.48 patch loaded BTW ?

Oh, and don't forget, it's a game and it's fun :)


old.Faye Arwen

Originally posted by Damon Doombring

And you pathetic little boy , go buy yaself a new life :rolleyes:

Telling someone to go die, just because of some freaking computer game , thats the behaviour of a non to bright 5 year old

exactly, what kinda lame behaviour is that, grow up man


Yes funny to see this thread bringing back from the graves of BW.

SoulFly : the patching process is working fine thanks, and the realm catched up against Midgard.

Teaspoon : a week after this *annoying for all* raid, Albion has captured the 3 STR relics. Today : Ablion still own them.

As for Qwegji, I am glad to have seen him back online.

Sometimes, its not bad to look a bit behind and accept that some bs can have been said ;)

Cheers, enjoy the 1.48 (crossing fingers for the servers)


Whismerill....... I know, I had the pleasure of being there :)

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