Recent blunders at the relic raids


old.Gombur Glodson

then just learn from the mistake and dont do it again


Indeed, I have learnt from this, more than you can tell.

And no, honestly, I dont intend to tell the Middies about everything we get upto.

But im sure there are still people, who if they also had their hardware stuffed by the server crashes, would also be slightly pissed off, all be it, acting in the same way or not.

Im willing to stand up to the mistake, but everybody else seems to belive that if this hadn't have happened, we would have simply rolled on, taken the rest of the relics and not lost them. Things went the way they did, you cant change that, and you also cant tell how they would of if things went differently.


Oh, and to mention...
Having fallen out with a couple of people in the realm, and deciding not to group with them, mainly due to either of us not getting along, I was told one thing by many people:

"Thats pathetic, childish. Its only a game fgs, grow up"

I think that same thing applies right here....



Teaspoon yes you and I (specifically) don't get along, if you don't get along with others too does that not tell you something. My reply expressed my feelings about this post which YOU created, it was objective and informative (telling you that we were still raiding).

I think that your lack of humility to say "hands up I m truly sorry guys" shows the type of person you really are. And that is an arrogant person with no thought for others.

I think with Albion you have sealed your death warrent by acting and responding the way you have. Too many people are after your blood now. I suggest you move to mid or hib which ever one you fancy.



Originally posted by SoulFly Amarok
Teaspoon :twak:. You can just go away and die. same goes to qwegji WHAT EVER guy u are.

And yes, one to the :touch: Lionhearts . You should have informed your guild about not going up there/take the relic.

There. Everything said -> Soul = Furious.

We did inform the guild, several times not to go up there, as he said - he had switched the chat interface off to avoid lag, stupid, and i'm bloody sure he wouldn't do it again (if he's got the balls to play the character again after all this slagging) - but you think he should die? You poor kid.

Any need for you to drag our guild name through the mud Soulfly? You need to remember who you friends are, not so long ago we took a lonely newb paladin under our wing...

And Gideon .. im surprised at you ... making a poor kids life hell by abusing him on this public forum? sheesh ... i bet he's feeling real great now. You need to calm down some.


I am not very happy with the idiocy some people have shown that has effectively destroyed the chance of reclaiming some glory tonight

You regained your glory by actually pulling it of. Most of the mids I spoke to were extremly delighted that it had at least been tryed. It showed what this game could be like. You had some real bad luck this time (hopefully not something to be repeated) by the sounds of it and I hope you will learn from the experience rather than bicker with each other over what went wrong this time. Hope this is just the begining of aggresive alb rvring rather than the final straw. gj :cool:


WTF?? Grow up the lot of you, the mids already know we were on the way so blaming teaspoon is a bullshit excuse for a failed raid. If we had rams on 3rd door, if we had not let the mids pick us off by dividing us in the keep and if the server hadn't crashed twice costing us 20 mins to regroup. It is all IF's at the end of the day, the mids knew we were coming and that is a FACT, lay off teaspoon and look where we failed instead. There were many good points but the tits who spammed /s during the raid should be shot, half of Nilo's orders were missed due to idiots saying 'lo' to their long lost exp partners. Yes we made mistakes but we can learn from them.


I thought prydwen would gather the older, more mature players. Judging from some of the posts above I see my mistake.

You really feel you have to blame the failed attempt on one (or 2) guys in the realm, and doing it in such a childish manner? No way in hell this (original) post had much to do about us getting the relic or not. Even if it did have a great impact on the raid, what good does this do?

bah, children


this message u get at certain realm status, whats it say do u know, im not making this up but a while back i had a message come up on screen about armsmen needed to defend keep and it wasnt guild or a say message but a white one like u would get from the server i was in somewhere like camelot area when i got it.


Originally posted by Arlone
I thought prydwen would gather the older, more mature players. Judging from some of the posts above I see my mistake.

You really feel you have to blame the failed attempt on one (or 2) guys in the realm, and doing it in such a childish manner? No way in hell this (original) post had much to do about us getting the relic or not. Even if it did have a great impact on the raid, what good does this do?

bah, children

Yay, at last an adult opinon on what actually happened..........

Damn shame half of the server is nailing Teaspoon to a cross, hope they do the same to GOA for the server crashes and the person who forgot the ram beak that set us back 20 mins or the snow that caused us all the lag so much the guards killed us or..............


Another thing:Maybe it could be a good idea NOT to bring all those people lvls 5-39 since all they're good for are slowing down the framerate anyways..with less "greycons" running around I bet the server wouldn't have crashed.
Anyways,it was a good try and I'd like to /salute Nilo for organising.
We'll get them next time! :)

SoulFly Amarok


NOt pulling anything down to the ground level here, just that something there went horribly wrong. And what kind of player thinks that there would not be any instructions in the guild chat...->not checking or even better, asking like: "guys, what's the plan after we get in?"


No, they did not know. Otherwise we would have been nuked to death at the second door or something.


And yes, your wonderful server crashes gave us a nice delay in attacking the relic keep. That was the main reason of this failed relic take attempt.

Teaspoon, Qwegji and GOA. I salute you and really :fluffle: you for making our great event go down the drain :|

Well, anyway wish u all luck, bb july euro or us..Doesn't look that bright on pryd..Patches bring nothing nice n the game is b0hring.



Chill people. :)

It's not like this is unique.. If it makes you feel any better, the first (or second) relic the Mids went for (months ago), was aborted when we charged the fortress with a nice 'Server going down in 5min' message from GOA. ;)

You'll get over it, and try again. =)


OK, at the end of the day IT'S A SHAME but I think Victory was just not meant to be ours with the server crashing on us twice last night.

But following on from that, personally I thought last night was ace... it's the most unity we have shown in Albion EVER, we got a much better turn out that we had hoped for :clap:

We learnt that we could use another Ram or 2 for the last gate, but Most importantly we learnt that with a dedicated and patient force like we had last night WE CAN DO IT!:clap:

I'm sure after the 2nd crash we lost people, which was a shame, as I think that if we had still got the moving out force at the last attempt we would have had a slightly better chance.

But for our 1st attempt I say bloody good work, and a big thanks to NILO (and SOTL)for making it happen..


according to the chronicles... the scabbard is still neutral, whats that about?


If people on this server finally start growing up, we may even be able to capture a relic.


Originally posted by Hendrick
If people on this server finally start growing up, we may even be able to capture a relic.

Aye I totally agree.

Too many people couldnt even do the simple thing like follow their group leader. Im probably not going to make many friends here but the lack of Rams was more than likely cause for the failure of the raid as opposed to Teaspoon (all be it not being very smart).

Not having a ram on the last door and being a lvl 9? was rediculous. That took at least an extra 20+ mins which would be better spent legging it back to Albion with the relic under our arm. How could anyone think we could take a relic keep with 5 rams? Im not expert but I would have arranged at least 9 (3 for each door maybe) or at the very least 6 (2 on each door) !! As some of you had said, time is most important on raids and and that 20+ mins could have made the difference between success and failure.


Wicoa - having being insulted repeatedly, and having seen many times, people saying that "Appologies are not enough", and seeming how everybody had already spammed me, and now labled me how they see fit, I dont think any of you care what I say now.

Besides I also didnt get a relic last night.

That and my PC still wont boot.


There were more rams but people carrying them couldnt get back on after the 2nd crash.


As far as i know, sufficient rams were arranged but 3 ram carriers were unable to log back on after the 2 crashes :(

Lotsa tempers raised here, maybe understandably. However, lets hope the people who made mistakes learned from it.

Even though we didn't quite succeed, I feel it was a big turning point for Albion. Lets hope the doom and gloom Albion players now feel a bit more self belief. We've shown that we can do it and that was the most important thing learned from last night.



PS - Teaspoon, an acknowledgement that your post wasn't the brightest thing to do certinly wouldn't do any harm ;)


Originally posted by JohnBoy
There were more rams but people carrying them couldnt get back on after the 2nd crash.

Ah if that WAS the case then I apologise for my last post.


Setting up siege engines is damned complicated. You need people to carry the stuff, and if only one of these goes LD or just dies at the wrong time out of bad luck, you are arsed.


Hamish: Said this before in another post, but will gladly do it again :) SotL was in charge of the rams.. We had 7 or 8 of them. But with the 2 crashes i was not able to log in, still wasnt at midnight. I heard one or 2 others werent able to log in aswell. I for one had 700 wood and almost all of the parts for a ram to make one with the wood i had on me.

So no rams for the last door was not planned. We would have had altleast 2 per door and one or two more. But it seems the mids had an alliance for this raid.. 4th realm u say :) nope GOA :eek:

disclaimer: For any mid who feels offended by this out of order accusation....;)


Aaah seems my boss was faster in posting the explanation about the rams than i was :(

Anyway its explained now :clap:


Originally posted by TeaSpoon
Im willing to stand up to the mistake

And yes, it wasnt the best thing to do I know that, but I was everso peeved that my PC wouldnt boot, and still wont.


Originally posted by DeSlisser
Hamish: Said this before in another post, but will gladly do it again :) SotL was in charge of the rams.. We had 7 or 8 of them. But with the 2 crashes i was not able to log in, still wasnt at midnight. I heard one or 2 others werent able to log in aswell. I for one had 700 wood and almost all of the parts for a ram to make one with the wood i had on me.

So no rams for the last door was not planned. We would have had altleast 2 per door and one or two more. But it seems the mids had an alliance for this raid.. 4th realm u say :) nope GOA :eek:

disclaimer: For any mid who feels offended by this out of order accusation....;)

As it was made clear about the rams I did apologise for the post, I do believe the rams was the main cause of the failure of the raid as for that we only have GOA/Mythic to blame.



Thing is, tempers were raised and feelings running high . Lets look at the positive things that came out of the raid, and there were many of them :)



FGS this whole bloody thread is getting a bit personal now...yes teaspoon made a mistake, yes it MIGHT have let the mids know a whole 30secs earlier, whatever.

But scapegoating teaspoon for the failure of the raid is a load of <pre-edit before mods do>. just following the thread through there are at least 4 separate things that contributed to the raid not going perfectly..but then anyone who seriously expected total perfection has their head in the clouds. Relic Raids <certainly from Alb's point of view> is still a new thing..of course we're gonna make mistakes

Personally I don't see much difference between the mids being alerted a little ahead of schedule <although even this is disputed> and failure to carry enough rams or whatever. the whole thing is a learning the next raid, teaspoon won't make his, and i would hope that we would bring more rams. There, problem solved.

Blimey anyone would think that teaspoon trained 6 glacier giants or summat.

If you still get aggro teaspoon from guildmates or whatever, just message one of the Dark Wombles and we'll give you a new home. Admittedly we're a small guild rather than your sotl size, but the offer's there. Guaranteed there are no arseholes in ours :)

That applies to anyone btw..we need more people. just bear in mind that we're more interested in small numbers of good people than egomaniac arses <you know who you are>

just msg me , eliseth/undying or stormcrow and we'll see what we can sort out. dont care what lvl you are as long as you're even remotely interesting.

_Unnamed quote_______________
Still, go away and die-


how wonderfully friendly, what a lovely contribution to realm unity that is.

Caessa 30scout
Tyraette 7 Inf


The good thing is that it does not seem necessary to capture all the keeps first, before taking the relic keep. That's nice to know.


took me a long time to write that so ignore ram refs :uhoh:

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