Reaver Flexible Weapons Animations Fix

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Most of the price rise was to do with exchange rate differences. Between when the prices were first set and the price rise the exchange rate had gone in our (UK) favour so each £ gave them less €. They rebalanced it at the time of the price rise to mirror the exchange rate then however this slightly screws the UK because that rate was at the end of an exchange rate swing and as it swings back we now get charged proportionatly more than those paying in €.


Originally posted by PJS
Im with chodax on this one. Im a software engineer and for something as easy to diagnose and fix as this having it broken for 9 months is just the absolute epitome of sloppiness. If a PLAYER can find the answer with no access to debugging or other tools for gods sake then the developers have no excuse whatsoever.
I also have a hard time believing that incorrect sounds playing for events or missing sound altogether is somehow hard to fix and just magically goes away in 1.63 without anyone knowing why. Its most likely an old sound data file linked to newer code or a new sound data file linked to older code. New sounds added for foundations or something have shifted all the others but its still looking in the old places.
Goa aren't the developers though that's the whole point that Driwen made. They will likely only have very specific privileges with respect to game files and game code. Given the nightmare Mythic have had with the run-up and then the post-release bugs in ToA I'd imagine that a request by an affiliate company to let them stick some new files in their license of the game is probably way down on their to-do list.
I think you're over-reacting too Chodax, it's a nice feature to have the proper animations but it's not exactly a 'major bug'. A major bug is, IMO, one which makes part of the game harder or impossible to play, missing eyecandy doesn't really affect anyones ability to play the game. I'd hope they take the opportunity to stick these files in with 1.63 but if not then I'll live without them.
And for what it's worth PJS I have a question about your suggested explanation for the sound bug. I'm not a programmer so if you clarify for me I'd be grateful. If it was game code looking up files in the wrong place then surely that would affect everyone? I have the same version of the software as everyone else and I've never experienced the sound bug. I don't see how it can affect only some people if the problem is with the code itself.


We have as much right to bug fixes as the Americans. This is something a junior programmer could have fixed in minutes. Its just not right being left broken for so long.
Its better to fix the easy things first, then you have fewer bugs in for slightly longer rather than niggly things being left in til the hard stuff is done.
Id imagine its a pretty big issue if you play a reaver.


You would not believe how many times GOA have told me "Reaver animations are fine", nicely done for proving them wrong.


Originally posted by svartmetall
Cool...I don't play one, but I've always thought their weapons animations were more gay than a Liberace lookalike at an Elton John concert.

'Bout time they got some decent ones.

LOL :) Best coment ever. cant stop laughing, infact cant even sitt upp. I vote this comment of the year :)

And who say mids dont have humor. ROFL


breach of COC - jkin good boredom work there lol


I notice this thread is no longer sticky. Nothing to do with it questioning GOA's competence now is it? (conspiracy theory? moi?). Anyway, just thought I'd BUMP it.



Small fix and Humberton Post

Small fix

Today there will be a small fix implemented to correct the graphics of the flexible weapons. You will see it as a small download when you start the game, and it is patched automatically as usual.

In other news, the Humberton Post is out with edition number 6, and they invite everyone to come and read it. You can find it at the Knight Templars, nice stuff.

Tune in again tomorrow for the Friday News.


Originally posted by PJS
Its better to fix the easy things first, then you have fewer bugs in for slightly longer rather than niggly things being left in til the hard stuff is done.

Actually, that's pretty much the opposite of how you tackle bugs in a commercial environment. You fix the big impact things first, then time permitting work down onto the minor niggles.

p.s. nice to see it get fixed
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