RE: Getting hacked


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
Ingafgrinn Macabre said:
Verizon..... I've been portscanned many times by a similar ip address (might even be thesame one) also traced back to the verizon iprange...
That ISP should check their users a bit better cos I think there are some pretty active hackers amongst them.
Big ISP, and its not illegal to port scan.
Formatting C drive is excessive to say the least, i personally dont run anti-virus and stuff cause if i ran all the security tools out there, along with all the WinXP services, system would sue me for over working it and slave labour.

i tend to just install anti-virus once ever 2-3 months and do a complete update/check. normally use Fprot too.

His file was prolly just opening up access to Remote desktop access in services. a edited version of that service could happily give him access in anyways he wants, without showing a icon that someone has connected either. prolly something he downloaded from and ran with a few mouse clicks, searches a few IP-ranges over night, and tacks a list of targets.

Firewall, well i have a router with that built in, tend to block everything coming inbound unless its a port i need, then i enable it.

reporting him to ISP is ofc the right thing to do, but will never stop them running scripts :(

I hope you changed your passwords for EVERYTHING, including DAoC, cause u never know, he might play it!

oh and PS >> Be safe! wear a condom when u do this lonely CyberSex with hairy BigBob who is accessing the Inet from the library behind bars :puke:


Dec 24, 2003
And just so u know it you dont even need to have any firewall functions enabled in the router.

The fact that you have Public A B and C class adresses on the inside of the router (lan) in a naturall defence in its own. *hint*

I strongly suggest this to as many as possible that have a "hot" ip-adress, to the internet.

if you need non passive functionality portforward, and use static IP adresses on the LAN.
By portforwarding you can still use servers like ftp/ventrilo/active direct connect/green light in bittorrent etc.

Well whatever you can get a Gateway/router for like 20-50 Euro, Linksys/Cisco wholeheartedly supported. And im pretty shure you wont regret the purchase.


Jan 7, 2004
Teknoid said:
and its not illegal to port scan.

some isp's hide it in theyre T&C's... i know AOL do... although not illegal they can and do perma ban users caught doing it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
report it to your own isp and they will probebly help you get the guy aslong as you have the dates etc he did it. strange your virusprogg havent reacted and removed it tho as these proggied usualy are easy to remove or patch(winupdate)


Can't get enough of FH
May 23, 2004
I am absolutely paranoid about attacks, even reading this now has made me run everything I got to check my machine. I usually install things on a test machine (this laptop in fact) and if F Prot/AVG/Zone Alarm even go off it does not even touch my main machine. In fact I think the only thing that odes have internet pass through is DAOC :) And even then, I go LD now and then when I just block stuff cos I am suspicious... paranoid... hell yeah. A few of the guys at work here have jobs just breaking into systems and testing to see if they can 'get in' and then suggest how to stop it next time. Amazing programs that are not even 1mb and can do so much damage.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
sounds like netbus, trojan based, you have opened some friggin .exe file you shouldnt have opened......


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
remi said:
sounds like netbus, trojan based, you have opened some friggin .exe file you shouldnt have opened......

nope, i didnt execute it, after i downloaded and executed the webcam driver, "it" executed in the background without me knowing, or norton

anyway, long time ago, formatted 3 times since, and got some new hardware, and enabled my hardware firewall on my router, and using a software firewall, along with norto av'05

think im coo now xD

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