Rant (Possibly Sexist)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
Fek off with the slow learners. You can't see any emotions in words so post a smiley or do make it clear when you are joking. Not much to ask really. Atleat this way us dumb people can see when you're being a biggot and when you're just calling people gay for shits and giggles.

You're not American are you?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
TdC said:
expecially the latest fad amongst my girly mates which is utter failure to decide anything. raah, that drives me up the wall!! where do you want to go? what do you want to do? what do you want to drink? they just don't seem to know!! offering a choice seems to make matters even worse: shall we go to a play or are you more up for a movie? oh dear :(
I agree with this one as I am currently experienceing this first hand. Took girlfriend to the pub the other day, get to the bar, I say "What would you like to drink?" Answer, "Oh, anything will do" Arghhh!!!! Then she complains when I get her a tequila. After all, she did say anything.
My brilliant idea (which may be in place in some places, I dunno, I'm from Cornwall remember) is to put men areas in womens clothing shops. Just a space in the corner with a TV, some papers and coffee/tea where men can congregate and not look anxious the whole time, trying desperately to stay next to significant other as she looks for pants so that it doesn't look like you're the one browsing. Or to while away the hours as she tries twenty different things and then buys the first one.
I'd love to see this. I have haorrible memories of standing around by the changing rooms in Top Shop, waiting for 30 mins for my girlfriend at the time to re-appear. It's not that I mind waiting, it's just the fact that every single woman tends to glance at you, and you just know they're wondering if you're just some pervert watching women come out of the changing room.
Also, if you suggest to your lady that you may bugger off to another shop while she tries stuff on, you are told very bluntly that you can't do that because you have to see her in the clothes to see if she looks nice. 30 mins later they come out in the clothes they went in in and tell you that nothing looked good.

*head explodes!*


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
babs said:
2. My brilliant idea (which may be in place in some places, I dunno, I'm from Cornwall remember) is to put men areas in womens clothing shops. Just a space in the corner with a TV, some papers and coffee/tea where men can congregate and not look anxious the whole time, trying desperately to stay next to significant other as she looks for pants so that it doesn't look like you're the one browsing. Or to while away the hours as she tries twenty different things and then buys the first one.

I think they did this in Bluewater shopping centre last Christmas, put a bunch of Xboxes in as well.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
DaGaffer said:
You're not American are you?

No i'm not. Couldn't come back with a better insult? It's a fair fact that without the emoticons/smileys/ :eek7: <--these guys, you can't really tell if a person is serious or not.


You are a real asshole.


You are a real asshole :p

Now, which one is taken like an insult?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
old.Tohtori said:
No i'm not. Couldn't come back with a better insult? It's a fair fact that without the emoticons/smileys/ :eek7: <--these guys, you can't really tell if a person is serious or not.


You are a real asshole.


You are a real asshole :p

Now, which one is taken like an insult?



Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Ok I should have kept up with this thread, as there are quite a few points I would like to make hehehe

Braggart said:
A successful man is a man who can earn more than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is a woman who can find such a man.


Although there is a smiley there in this day and age that statement is SO wrong. Most of the women I associate with want to stand on their own two feet and not be supported by their partner but, contribute equally to the partnership.

Old.Tohtori - please shut up you really are making matters worse for my gender not better

To Scouse this really just stems from being polite. When you go for a piss you stand up however us ladies have to sit down. You obviously have no idea how much of a shock it gives us to sit on freezing cold porcelain or you would not have even made that statement. Remember we ARE multi-tasking and probably thinking about 1001 things when we go to the loo and more often than not do not notice if the seat is up or down until it is too late.

Granny said:
I don't think the differences are the issue though - the real question is why is this the case? Nature/nurture? Old argument, I strongly think it's purely nurture and that there's no inherent biological differences between men & women's brains that cause behavioral differences, just that we're raised differently and have different roles and pre-conceptions drilled into us.

From the psychological studies I have done concerning gender I totally agree with Granny.

SK said:
I think they should make a Male only shopping queue. You also have to be on your own, so no wife/gf with you.

They do its the queue for less than 10 items

TDC said:
I'm with Xtro on this one tbh. Still, there are many things that puzzle me about ladies behaviour in general. especially the latest fad amongst my girly mates which is utter failure to decide anything. raah, that drives me up the wall!! where do you want to go? what do you want to do? what do you want to drink? they just don't seem to know!! offering a choice seems to make matters even worse: shall we go to a play or are you more up for a movie? oh dear

TDC I personally feel this is more of an emerging trend because of the change in women in society that has occurred post war. Going to work having a good career. For me I don't want to be making decisions when I get home from work about what to do, where to go, what to eat, as I have been making decisions all day long. When I get home I don't want to have to think, just relax.

babs said:
Firstly, the chief culprit in the 'what's the difference between the sexes?' debate is womens' lack of hobbies. I find this especially true. They get pissed off if you spend time doing something you enjoy if they don't have something to occupy themselves with, but if you ask them what they like doing it's 'spending time together' (doing nothing again I might add, but at least she isn't the only one), or 'I dunno, nothing really'. I normally have about ten things on the go that I can be doing if I'm at a loose end. Women, get an interest.

I do not think this is the case and if it is there is a reason for it.

From my own observations.

Sometimes in a relationship it is impossible for us gurlies to have hobbies as our partners expect us to be at their becon call
Making supper / lunch / tea in line with their schedule is a prime example. This is so extreme in some cases some women just give up any enjoyment they find in "other" activities and become a loose end when not doing stuff for their significant other.

I would never have become so into online gaming if JBP hadn't introduced me to it four years ago. Now it is I who has the hobby and JBP on many occasions getting cross with me for playing too much planetside / ef / bf / cod.

Back on topic I do feel Tom is right about the pockets. Women just dont have pockets to put stuff in we have a handbag which means normally when we get to the checkout we have to fumble firstly to find our purse and then fumble to get the right stuff out of the purse in order to play for our groceries.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Ahhh but if women had penis's next to their pockets to play with then they would all insist on having them.

Pocket billiards RULES!!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Just a quick point about the toilet seat. It can work both ways, why, oh, why don't women put the seat back up when they're finished ;)


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
As I said whipped because its polite to put it back down re the cold porcelain issue :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ok. Apologies if my point got lost in the rambles of a modern poster, we've all done this.

My point: Don't judge a gender, race or nationality by individuals and don't judge individuals by race, gender or nationality.

Hope that clears it.

Though...DaGaffer...the smiley point stands! :D


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Trem said:
Ahhh but if women had penis's next to their pockets to play with then they would all insist on having them.

Pocket billiards RULES!!!

Why on earth would I want a penis, as far as I can see all it does is interfere with the male brain's ability to reason objectively :p

Secondly pockets near to our sex organs (would look very odd) especially as, if we (women) are that intent on all day self pleasure we could wear pants with inbuilt vibrators :). Kinda makes pocket billiards look a tad drab if you ask me :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Yoni said:
They do its the queue for less than 10 items
just a joke or actually meaning that men dont do any shopping? (cant read wether you are serious or not as the rest of your post is serious and no smiley here)

TDC I personally feel this is more of an emerging trend because of the change in women in society that has occurred post war. Going to work having a good career. For me I don't want to be making decisions when I get home from work about what to do, where to go, what to eat, as I have been making decisions all day long. When I get home I don't want to have to think, just relax.
But uhm if the other partner has worked aswell, then isnt that a bit selfish? The men has been making all days long and now he has to make the decisions about dinner and where to go. While he has as much rights on not wanting to do that.
Probably something you need to balance out in your own relationship and probably is usually done. Just saying that the attitude of now women are working aswell, they dont have to make many of the decisions at home sounds abit wrong.

Sometimes in a relationship it is impossible for us gurlies to have hobbies as our partners expect us to be at their becon call
Making supper / lunch / tea in line with their schedule is a prime example. This is so extreme in some cases some women just give up any enjoyment they find in "other" activities and become a loose end when not doing stuff for their significant other.

The hobby thing goes both ways and the food thing depends on each couple. With my mum and dad it certainly isnt that my mum matches it completly with my dad. So I dont think it is as bad in general as you make it sound (off course could be different in UK, but doubt it).


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Driwen said:
just a joke or actually meaning that men dont do any shopping? (cant read wether you are serious or not as the rest of your post is serious and no smiley here)

She was indeed joking. It made me laugh :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Women have always worked. Its only the 'nuclear family' idea that suggests they haven't. Most couples work out between themselves who does what in the family. So long as they're happy with that, then its not really our business to critisise.

Look, in general, women do certain things one way, and in general, men do those things another way. Its a fact, its always been that way, it always will be that way.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Driwen said:
just a joke or actually meaning that men dont do any shopping? (cant read wether you are serious or not as the rest of your post is serious and no smiley here)

Was a joke apologies for no smiley

Driwen said:
But uhm if the other partner has worked aswell, then isnt that a bit selfish? The men has been making all days long and now he has to make the decisions about dinner and where to go. While he has as much rights on not wanting to do that.
Probably something you need to balance out in your own relationship and probably is usually done. Just saying that the attitude of now women are working aswell, they dont have to make many of the decisions at home sounds abit wrong.

My point exactly. I was expressing that women shouldn't be exected to always make a decision on what to do etc

Driwen said:
The hobby thing goes both ways and the food thing depends on each couple. With my mum and dad it certainly isnt that my mum matches it completly with my dad. So I dont think it is as bad in general as you make it sound (off course could be different in UK, but doubt it).

Again I was making a point / giving some understanding. As for shopping my dad does all the shopping as my mum works and generally me and JBP go shopping together as I can't drive and he is much better at packing the bags at the checkout than I am :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yoni said:
Sometimes in a relationship it is impossible for us gurlies to have hobbies as our partners expect us to be at their becon call
Making supper / lunch / tea in line with their schedule is a prime example. This is so extreme in some cases some women just give up any enjoyment they find in "other" activities and become a loose end when not doing stuff for their significant other.

I disagree. Women are spectacularly bad at having hobbies (there are exceptions obviously.) Personally I still do most of the housework because I've lived on my own for years and I'm used to it. Mrs Wij still has no hobbies though. In fact that's probably the reason she's tired so early in the evening. Boredom. Yet she won't find any hobbies. Hobbies are silly men's things. This isn't just Mrs Wij. Most women I know are the same. If you aren't actively entertaining them (ahem) they have nothing to do.

Ever wonder why men don't watch soaps ? We don't have the time. Too many interesting things I could be doing. Women are at a loose end most of the evening :)

For whatever reason most men and women ARE different.





Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Wij said:
I disagree. Women are spectacularly bad at having hobbies (there are exceptions obviously.) Personally I still do most of the housework because I've lived on my own for years and I'm used to it. Mrs Wij still has no hobbies though. In fact that's probably the reason she's tired so early in the evening. Boredom. Yet she won't find any hobbies. Hobbies are silly men's things. This isn't just Mrs Wij. Most women I know are the same. If you aren't actively entertaining them (ahem) they have nothing to do.

I can't agree but only from my own personal exerience. My marriage was like the first example I gave (why I am not married anymore to that person).

I love hobbies and would much rather be fidding about doing stuff I enjoy than hanging round annoying JBP when he is doing his boy stuff.

I don't watch soaps either I cant abide them yet my ex husband loved them and once tried to subject me to 6 hours of emerdale farm from 2 different time periods. When I started reading I was shouted at. Nice mental torture eh :eek:

And yes men and women are very different in the long run probably for the best, we should as a partnership be able to capitalise on those differences. The whole is greater than the sum of parts and all that :).

With regards to grocery shopping maybe the solution is for the bloke "always" to hand over the pennies (not always provide the pennies there is a difference) :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tom said:
Look, in general, women do certain things one way, and in general, men do those things another way. Its a fact, its always been that way, it always will be that way.
yes but women and men has also always been raised differently (pre WW2 women were raised to be house wifes and men to earn money). So doing things differently might have been something that is nurtured.
Atleast with time we will know what actual differences between men and women are due to nature. I do believe that there are some differences how womens and mens brains work, but probably not as much as people claim there are now.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yoni said:
I can't agree but only from my own personal exerience. My marriage was like the first example I gave (why I am not married anymore to that person).

I love hobbies and would much rather be fidding about doing stuff I enjoy than hanging round annoying JBP when he is doing his boy stuff.

I don't watch soaps either I cant abide them yet my ex husband loved them and once tried to subject me to 6 hours of emerdale farm from 2 different time periods. When I started reading I was shouted at. Nice mental torture eh :eek:

You don't have a manual for teaching these enlighted attitudes to other girlies do you ? I'd gladly pay the P&P.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Its easy let your girly understand the benefits of some of your hobbies admittedly wij she probably wouldn't take to your love of you entering other forumites bottys but some of them she may like and take up as her own.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Wij said:
Ever wonder why men don't watch soaps ? We don't have the time. Too many interesting things I could be doing. Women are at a loose end most of the evening :)

men do watch other TV series though and cant watching a soap(if its done because you like the serie not because you want to fill an hour of the day) be seen as a hobby?Also in my experience women dont have much trouble getting a hobby, might not be what you see as one though.

And yoni no real need to apologise just was hard to notice as 1) this is such a thread were such things could be meant seriously 2) I dont really know you, so its again hard to judge what you meant ;).


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Shopping for "nice things" (varies from woman to woman) is as much a girls thing as it is a blokes so yes it could be percieved as a hobby but not one which distinguishes itself between gender.

Shopping for groceries is no ones hobby


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yoni said:
Its easy let your girly understand the benefits of some of your hobbies admittedly wij she probably wouldn't take to your love of you entering other forumites bottys but some of them she may like and take up as her own.

Trust me. None of my hobbies are of interest :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
Yoni said:
Originally Posted by SK
I think they should make a Male only shopping queue. You also have to be on your own, so no wife/gf with you.

They do its the queue for less than 10 items

Yes when I go shopping for weekend breakfasts I am forever kicking women out of that queue with trollys full of stuff :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
JBP| said:
Yes when I go shopping for weekend breakfasts I am forever kicking women out of that queue with trollys full of stuff :eek:
Hmmm, interesting discussion. Can't say I agree with much of it, and that which I did I've already forgotten, but it's interesting all the same.

All I know is that I can't multitask for toffee and that my Jo is lovely. I once went through a phase of trying to read stuff on the net while on the phone to her, just didn't work. I'd be trying to listen, but it would come to my turn to talk and I'd be somewhere else entirely. Needless to say, face away from the screen until the screensaver kicks in now, alternatively switch the winamp visualisation on, that's pretty in a non-distracting way...

As for shopping: I'd put it down to far simpler causes. Women (generally) enjoy shopping as a hobby. Men (generally) see it as a chore. Personally I'm perfectly happy to go shopping with Jo, I but a fair bit of music, and we have a cushy deal whereby we go shares on Games 3 for £10 budget games. I think I have limits: I think "doing" the Trafford Centre any more than once a month would drive me insane, but I'm fine with it on the occasions that we go. And as for credit cards - that's got to be the easiest to explain: Women carry big purses, men carry slimline wallets with minimal cash in them. Which one is easier to slip out?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I can multitask fine. I also work out time and motion studies for my next task while performing the current one so that any tasks which can be done concurrently are arranged so that I spend as little time twiddling my thumbs as possible. Simple example, start the hot tap running when taking out the rubbish so that I can wash my hands with hot water after without waiting for it to heat up. Once you;'ve really thought about tasks it's surprising how many can be done at the same time.

Yes, I also level two crafters on DAoC at the same time too :p



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 28, 2003
ECA said:
Isn't "Shopping" most womens hobby?

Shopping can also be a mans hobby, its just that man shopping has to contain the same elements as man life.

1) Flashy lights are important
2) Breasts are always good
3) Engines vroom vrooom

oh and as for sterotypical jokes for those who are easily offeneded, look away now

What does W.I.F.E stand for? Washing, ironing, fucking etc

Oh and men can multitask, how do you think porn works eh? :p

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