Rant: Guild Only and "we're ok" Groups



Originally posted by Elvewen
My view on the subject.

If you are not looking for new member (for any reason) then for god's sake turn of your looking for members flag....

It is sooo anoying to use the Find function to locate groups then to be told repeatedly that they are not looking for people.

It's not that hard to do and will save you and other people a lot of hassel.

Plus I really hate drive by invites.. no forplay just a popup saying you have been invited, sometimes 4 or 5 time.

Though for some reason this only happens when I am / was tasking and not when I am looking for a group.. maybe next time I am looking for a group I sould run up to a guard, yell TASK, and run away repeatedly :)

just a shame that the LFM's flag seems to be rather broken

not only do u have to turn it on every 5th second (somehow it deflags very very often), but when u DO turn it off, it still shows up on any players Find screen even if it IS turned off


Originally posted by Farnis
Krush - I think ViscountC was saying that a warrior who can not get the aggro (and hold it) is as useful as a chocolate fireguard...why have a tank that can't tank, when you may as well have a nuker/double hitter there instead.

Laters. :D

Agreed in principle - however there is always the person who nukes the mob as soon as you've pulled it. Now taunting purple cons is VERY hard for any tank and when you've got a full group you are always (hopefully) pulling purple cons.
Personally I can always hold the aggro (mob and his bafs :)) as long as the healers/nukers don't start too early. In some of the groups I've been in the nukers have slagged off the tanks for not holding the aggro when the person in question has launched their massive nuke before the tanks had even hit it - wonder why the mob aggros them and refuses to budge :rolleyes:

Some people out there are happy to blame everyone else for their mistake - and then do it again and again and again ..... Oh well, thats one person not to allow into my not full group :)

(but I'm sure this doesn't apply to any of you guys :))


Originally posted by markm
In some of the groups I've been in the nukers have slagged off the tanks for not holding the aggro when the person in question has launched their massive nuke before the tanks had even hit it - wonder why the mob aggros them and refuses to budge :rolleyes:
This has to be on eof the most annoying things I must agree. I "wonder" why a mob won't budge after some über spells are cast on it before tanks even get to whack it once... people should use that thing between their ears sometimes.


Yep - nukers who nuke too early and archers who crit shot at the wrong time are also dubious...havent seen many of them over level 30 tho - I think people are learning now....

...oh and healers...watch out for those insta heals..;)


Originally posted by Farnis

...oh and healers...watch out for those insta heals..;)

Yay for insta heal!
The single target one isn't too bad, but the group insta - its like 500 damage, times 8 people = Lots and lots of aggro.

I know that if I use it I will die, so I tend to only do it when there is another healer or shaman in the group to res me, or if the mob is nearly dead anyway. It's better that those useless thanes die than me!


add to the mix if your a swordspecced warrior like me(imho = gimped). The taunt Drawout is a joe.. itdoesnt have any bonus to hit.. against a purple it can be a royal pain in the b-hind. If you miss the two first swings.. good luck trying to get the aggro back.. especially if you got a badger in the grp (zerker ;)). Or a trigger happy RM (no harm in that.. IF the tank has the aggro).

Hopefully well get the respecc by the end of next year (GOA time), then this one goes all HammaH.

sword taunt :touch:

hammer taunt :twak:

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