Rant: Guild Only and "we're ok" Groups



This is what I hate, people who think that if theres room you have the right to fill it. I also hate it when people invite their friends to a group without asking, usually I dont mind but more and more often we get a really low lvl person, it ruins the xp (because theres an extra guy) but we cant take harder because hes too low to help.

This isnt being mean, when I xp hunt I want xp..im still a nice guy but my priorities are different.

At low lvls, its easier to hunt in smaller groups and kill more managable monsters, I would rather hunt in a small group getting good xp then a big group getting less anyday, espiecally when I have limited online time...

I mean usually if someone is similar lvl to us I wont mind them joining, but there are certain times when our group is "full" even with 5 people

You blacklist who you want, but if you start acting like an ass because we wont let you in its you who should be blacklisted, when I go looking for groups its very rare that I dont get

"we dont need anymore, sorry"
"already got 2 clerics, sorry"
"your too low, sorry"

my response?

"sure, np :)"

and I move along...no reason for this post, I hope you see that now. :clap:


Originally posted by Witchunter
What's wrong with these people?
Personally, I'm blacklisting players and if too many people from the same guild hold the same 'guild only' attidute, I'll black list and refuse to group, or help them if they're dying.

And you wonder why people don't want to group with you if that is your general attitude....

You have no implicit right to join any group at any time. People don't even have to give you a reason. I really, really, really, really hate it when as group leader I get unsolicited msgs asking to join group, the get distracted from that group by attempting to justify my refusal or the fool starts flaming. It totally pisses me off and it is soooo rude. I don't have to give a reason and I have no obligation to group anyone the group doesn't need.


Well as a healer if often have the chance to group with high lvl people, the other day me and two other tanks(4 lvls above me) were getting great xp. Several people asked if they could join but I said we were fine, we really were and they didnt get the slightest annoyed. These people were at my lvl or below, but when my guildm8 (one lvl above me) i let him in. Sure this might piss some people off but why not start a new group, this has happened to me alot before and I really cant blame guildgroups etc for this.



If we have spaces, and there isn't anyone else on the way, I'd usually let anyone in who could contribute (it bugs me when people 10 levels lower ask to be powerlevelled -- so sue me).

Often we do hunt in guild groups; we're pretty much all friends and a guild group often makes for a more relaxed hunt. Sometimes, if people have had a bad day, a relaxed evening with friends is what they want; if people in the group ask me to keep it guild only then that's what we will do.

These days (at 35+) if a stranger asks to join, I'll be inclined to ask my group if anyone knows them and can vouch for them. I hate being nagged by new people or finding we've got a powerleveller on board, because it's not the way I like to play. Also, if we're setting up to spend a few hours slaughtering pygmies, or pikemen, or whatever, I'd rather spend it with friendly people who will at least talk to me.

I do always try to make room for infiltrators, though. I don't know what it is about the class but I've never had a bad experience grouping with them. They just seem like a nice set of people.



My view on the subject.

If you are not looking for new member (for any reason) then for god's sake turn of your looking for members flag....

It is sooo anoying to use the Find function to locate groups then to be told repeatedly that they are not looking for people.

It's not that hard to do and will save you and other people a lot of hassel.

Plus I really hate drive by invites.. no forplay just a popup saying you have been invited, sometimes 4 or 5 time.

Though for some reason this only happens when I am / was tasking and not when I am looking for a group.. maybe next time I am looking for a group I sould run up to a guard, yell TASK, and run away repeatedly :)


Re: Priorities

Originally posted by linnet
I do always try to make room for infiltrators, though. I don't know what it is about the class but I've never had a bad experience grouping with them. They just seem like a nice set of people.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Bless you... what a nice person this is!:)


Originally posted by Rhino-DAoC
You blacklist who you want, but if you start acting like an ass because we wont let you in its you who should be blacklisted, when I go looking for groups its very rare that I dont get

"we dont need anymore, sorry"
"already got 2 clerics, sorry"
"your too low, sorry"

my response?

"sure, np :)"

and I move along...no reason for this post, I hope you see that now. :clap:
See, this is the attitude 99% of players have. That is a very good attitude my friend Rhino :)
I always say the same, I mean... it doesn't hurt to solo for a little bit at some levels until you do find a group. Occasionally a group has come to me (and I am a scout?!) and asked if I want to join them.
The only annoying thing I know is that people have their group flagged as looking for members but say that they don't need any more when you ask to join... even in this case I just say
"Please turn off your looking for members flag. But np m8, good hunting."


As a Scout I have to say it is really frustrating trying to get decent groups sometimes. I frequently run round at the pygmies asking about for groups (if you dont ask you aint gonna get).

Guild only I can understand, I have done it myself a few times, but generally I will always invite solo players if they ask and are not seriously below/above the average level of the group.

All it takes is a quick con check of all the people in the group before you start spamming the leader, not too much to ask. Its the class thing I dont understand, all classes have something they can offer to a group. I have been in some very oddly structured groups and more often than not have found it a lot more fun that the average 4 tanks, healer, minstrel and nuker groups.

I'm proably gonna get flamed to hell for saying this, but in a way I agree with Witchunter, if someone is not willing to do you a favor then why should you do one for them? I think its pretty harsh saying your not goint to rez them if you see them dead etc. But if they are in the same situation, looking for a group and your the leader ... what reason would you have for letting them join? Especially in RvR where the class tables are somewhat turned, those classes which are harder to get into a group are needed so much more.

I do always try to make room for infiltrators, though. I don't know what it is about the class but I've never had a bad experience grouping with them. They just seem like a nice set of people.

I agree, I think that any class that is harder to play (i.e stealth classes and some mage classes), you generally dont get idiots making it past level 20 because it can be sooo frustrating at times. You have to be a fairly calm and rational person to be able to put up with the ammount of patience needed.

What goes around come around, at the end of the day it makes no sense to make enemies within your own realm. Maybe its just me, but I like to meet people, see what they are like, judge for myself if they are an idiot or not. If they are then just pray they leave soon, and avoid them like the plague.

I dont know why so many people got so upset about this thread, like so many of you have said - its up to the group at the end of the day and they may have their own reasons. But its also up to the individual if they choose to help you out in the future! You never know you might make a new friend by adding someone to the group!


To be honest - everyone is right here. The matter of there being guild only groups is fair enough...whatever...really - you have the choice to group with whoever.

The problem you get is when the goalposts move...as in I have asked people who are in my level range who are flagged as wanting a group or wanting members to be added to their group. When asked they say no...which again is fair enough...but at least have the decency to take yourself off the group list..pah.

The other thing is that my shadowblade is always given these excuses - which as I have stated above...I dont mind. What i dont like is responses like "no"...just try and at least be friendly and curteous. Its funny that my healer never, EVER has been given the guild only hunt, or we are full response...its funny that - isnt it...guild only hunts always tend to make way for characters that will level them faster.

...and I thought Prydwen was the friendly server!

Anyone who has any problems grouping - between the levels of 6 and 40...come see me - ill even coach you some if you are new to the game....at least it will get you out of the hair of the xp frenzyists....eh DH!


Originally posted by Farnis
The problem you get is when the goalposts move...as in I have asked people who are in my level range who are flagged as wanting a group or wanting members to be added to their group. When asked they say no...which again is fair enough...but at least have the decency to take yourself off the group list..pah.

As i understand, it seems to be a bug, so the group is still listed when the group is full even though it doesn't show as listed to the group leader...


The reason for acceptance or refusal into a group are numerous. Refusal shouldnt be taken personally.

Have to agree with Bleri. I team up with him and the rest of the gang an aweful lot :) . That however does not mean that we dont invite others. That doesnt mean we never invite people !! or refuse to group because of personal reasons or just because you are not guild. Really stupid to think that.

Also, we know each other so well that grouping is both XP n loot fun but also the chance to chat bout a lot of stuff. When we r fine ... we r fine really. So take the chance and time to look at both sides Witchhunter before judging and blacklisting people.


my 2c i agree with everyone here in some manner .. most people i`ve met are happy to let people join .. but hey guys at the end of the day we all like different thing so don`t slag people just because they don`t want what you want... ;)

what really annoys me is people who beg to join your group...you finally relent and let them in ... then while killing a couple of mobs deciding where to go ...they come out with
"Sorry exp not good enough leaving"

then leave!!!!!! ooh that annoys me


Along those lines

We were on a guild hunt at the vendo camps in Midgard, got a single player (thane I think) who was also up at the camps bashing on his own.
He was struggling a bit with the adds, although he was a couple of levels bigger than us, and so we invited him into group with us.
At this stage things were okay, although it got a bit hairy a couple of times when we nearly died and after about half an hour of bashing, things were moving along nicely.

Then, after a couple of decent loot drops, one of which was handed over to the non-guild guy, he RAN into the middle of the vendo camp and pulled about 10 of them, disbanded and frigging disappeared over the hill, leaving us all to die.
Funnily enough, he then logged off, so this is one of the major reasons for why I prefer to not group with a stranger, because every so often you get a really bad experience like this which puts you off for ages.

Edit: Spelling


Re: Along those lines

Originally posted by Cadiva

he RAN into the middle of the vendo camp and pulled about 10 of them, disbanded and frigging disappeared over the hill, leaving us all to die.
Funnily enough, he then logged off, so this is one of the major reasons for why I prefer to not group with a stranger, because every so often you get a really bad experience like this which puts you off for ages.

Edit: Spelling

To be honest, it actually sounds like he went linkdead, rather than some elaborate plot to get you all killed after getting the loot. I go LD lots, and would hate to think that people thought I was trying to get them killed because of it.


sounds like the usual LD while having autorun on.. after all, running and logging is kinda hard to do at the same time.. and especially a short time after pulling 10 vendos..

Tip migth be to ask players why they did this and if it just was some bad luck then let it pass, but things like this being done deliberatly is just lame = /ignore [insert lame name here] :)


Agreed in part

Yep, we did think about that, except for the fact that he went off bashing things on the way to disappearing and we were able to send tells to him and get a location on him rather than him just disappearing.

I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm an old cynic at heart ;)


Originally posted by SFXman

"Please turn off your looking for members flag. But np m8, good hunting."

This sometimes occurs when the last leader has had the flagged set on and left the group. It still lists the group as looking but on the new leader's screen it is set to off.

Also the looking for people frequently unticks itself when people leave or go linkdead.


Re: Agreed in part

Originally posted by Cadiva
Yep, we did think about that, except for the fact that he went off bashing things on the way to disappearing and we were able to send tells to him and get a location on him rather than him just disappearing.

I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I'm an old cynic at heart ;)
Bashing thigns on the way and able to /send messages to him... not an LD there if you ask me. Just did it to annoy you people and then logged off for some time till you would forget about it... or went /anon.
Oh well, some people are just... a bit... umm... strange.


I agree with Farnis (and I'm going to take him up on his offer - get yer butt down Spindy and help me to level Chisel :p).

There's a definate prejudice or bias against certain classes, and towards others. Often based on early bad experiences, certain classes dont get invited to groups no matter how well-played - or how useful - they may be. Others get invited even when completely incompetant :)

The reality is all well-played characters bring something to a group, and all badly played characters do not. I can only talk about my experiences in Midgard, FWIW ...

As an example or two, my partner plays a healer. She's not great at it, but has no problems at all finding and staying in a group (often with others higher level than she is).

Thanes, skalds, the first warrior or two, and shamans often find it very easy to find a group; runemasters, hunters and shadowblades do not, as we are perceived as weak or dangerous.

Thanes are percieved as good pullers and tanks - yet I have seen bad thanes killing entire parties with poor use of AoE spells (and a good thane save a party using the same spell). SBs are perceived as dead weight, because they cannot tank - yet I have seen good SBs take 40% of a mobs health with a well-timed single blow which didnt leave them with the aggro. Similarly Hunters are handy because they have a very long-range pull, and they can take a few blows when the mob actually arrives in melee, whereas a warrior with a shield who never gets the aggro whatever is pulled is dead weight, as a runemaster or beserker could fill his slot and do much more damage.

I also agree whole-heartedly with the suggestion that an "unusual" group can be both fun and productive - three runemasters can be every bit as successful as a tank, healer and damage-dealer. An unusual group just has to work on the tactics a bit more, as the standard pulling-tanking-damagedealing-healing-pulling routine may not be the best use of the parties' combined resources.


My take on things...

We set up our guild (jotun horde, later- Ghosts of Valhalla) because we wanted a guild of people who could work as a team and who would be nice friendly people to group with. We do tend to team up with guildies, because we know how they play and don't have to wait around much in general for them ;-)

We do however offer up free slots to people hanging round or people we have met before and liked their style of play...
But if we are waiting for someone, or we are doing well we will discuss in group whether we invite someone who is asking. invariably we say yes, because if they play well we will have another person to group with later.

We are happy to group with hunters, runies and sb's too because they all have something to offer.

People who have grouped with us always compliment us on our team work, because we encorage that.

As for a group full arguement, there are times when you are making good progress and you don't want the invariable call to kill something harder when you gain members which leads to loads of discussion and downtime.......


I always flag for players when I need someone - did the group you was trying to join have their status as in needing you ?

Be a man and accept it - there could be a 1001 reasons why they said no to you.

And please .. on the way out, collect your dummy .. it's made a mess on the floor... ;)


I always flag for players when I need someone - did the group you was trying to join have their status showing they needed you ? From your post I doubt it ...

Be a man and accept it - there could be a 1001 reasons why they said no to you.

And please .. on the way out, collect your dummy .. it's made a mess on the floor... ;)


Never really had a problem getting my thane into a group - I'm usually main tank/puller, and know how to do my role without causing the party to die.... and well, if I have to bite the dust so the healer can get away alive, so be it... just the type of guy I am

funny thing is, when I play my scout, getting a group is not only hard, its near impossible
I can outdamage a tank 2 levels higher than me (using bow), I can guard the main tank better than most others in the party, and I can pull and still take a bit of aggro

shame people don't know whats best of them...

back to solo the last 23 levels then...... managed the first 27 without too much trouble


Gotta agree with the majority on this thread, some times we've arranged a guild hunting trip, or maybe we're having a good time as it is. Nobody has the right to automatically be accepted into a group, we all pay to play the game so demanding people's paid time is a bit cheeky.

Though SilverHood I totally agree on Scouts. Getting into groups with a scout is a nightmare generally. The reason I lvl my scout so slowly is I can't be arsed to spend my first two hours online trying to find/start a group :p A lot of people have no idea about a Scouts damage capabilities, hitting almost as hard as a nuke caster, but being able to take 2 or 3 times as many hits back is pretty kewl. And nobody can speed pull like a decent scout...

Hopefully it's gonna get better come next patch too as our chance to hit against mobs has been increased, maybe people will notice we're doing a lot of damage then ;)


Originally posted by ViscountCharles

...... whereas a warrior with a shield who never gets the aggro whatever is pulled is dead weight, as a runemaster or beserker could fill his slot and do much more damage.....

But a shield specced warrior who puts his metal up is a lifesaver, no?
Life saver as in blocking like mad and holding the aggro on one char = easier to heal for healers. ( i usually get "complaints" that i draw *to* much aggro )

And for the grping thing.. the only times (besides the ones already mentioned to many times above) is that the person in question is a dick, or cant play. True that in the lower lvls it doesnt matter that much if you die once or twice from error. But to lose one days worth of xp because someone messed up (not by mistake just genereally incompetent) you do that only once.

(PS. I hope i didnt misunderstand you Viscountcharles, if so i'll stand corrected :))


I think people have got the wrong idea about grouping things :)
Guild things=of course guild only!
I find very narrow´minded the millions of posts saying I group with friends etc: How do you know that that guy you just refused for a group is not the funniest guy you will get along with?I mean go play some game on your personal shard if ya wanna have fun with friends, almost nobody has enough friends to cater for every situation in DAOC and you are missing a lot if ya don't group new people, sure they may be gits, but then imho you can kick them out(thats what that is for) ;)
About groups that are just fine, there is no such group that wouldn't benefit from some adventure until you reach lvl 45+ where groups are a fixated thing. And a group of 8 that are killing the right lvl mobs will always get better exp than 2-3 people!(lvl 45+ tanglers being the exception if sotl want to do their little dandy groups thats fine by me)
About the comments go off and find another group/solo
soloing is not *fun* in any way lvl 35+ as to make exp you have to kill mobs about the same lvl as yourself, and then = you will die, be it 50 resists/misses
find another group: with the server poulation of prydwen stagnant as low as it is groups are not everywhere.
And imho rvr is just another part of the game, solo rvr is most fun group rvr is most effective....so I will blacklist away anyone who I don't think is a nice person and that's my choice...
in rvr it's all about your realm and those people who don't help the realm outside rvr can imeä my thimble.


no one said Guild Only groups were a bad thing,

and there is such a thing as "we're fine groups"
at lvl 35, 1 healer and 3 tanks can get more xp in spindel than 6 tanks and 2 healers

besides, sometimes, you are hunting for drops, and really dont want anyone you dont know well runnning of with them


Krush - I think ViscountC was saying that a warrior who can not get the aggro (and hold it) is as useful as a chocolate fireguard...why have a tank that can't tank, when you may as well have a nuker/double hitter there instead.

Laters. :D


I see that now.. sorry viscountC .. guess i was too tired when i posted :)

I stand corrected =)

(but a highspecced shield warrior is still a lifesaver in RvE ;))


Originally posted by Truth
About groups that are just fine, there is no such group that wouldn't benefit from some adventure until you reach lvl 45+ where groups are a fixated thing.

Urm, except for those of us who are actually, in fact, quite happy with our groups and DON'T want anyone else to join us thank you very much.

There is no right or wrong way of how to play this game, only each individual's way or each set of individuals, ie a group. It is totally up to them if they want to add people to their group or not and it doesn't have to be justified to anyone as far as I'm concerned.

I've grouped with people I don't know and I've grouped with people I know well, neither is a sure fire way of getting xp. A group of strangers has sometimes bashed better than a group of guildees who've been together for months - depends on the mobs, the levels, the surroundings, if there are other groups about, etc.

Last night myself (shaman lvl 22) and a guild mate (runemaster lvl 21) went and bashed in Skona Ravine. We got invites to group with other people around our levels, we DIDN'T want to and had two hours of very nice slow xping just the two of us.

Another night we might be in a group of eight, or sometimes two separate groups of 4 or 5, depends on if all our guild is on, but at the end of the day how we play and how fast we choose to level is up to us.

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