Random things that annoy you


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Food poisoning (YAY, every time I eat, within 5-10m it comes up!) no eating for me!
Transport prices in the midlands.
Chavs on bikes.
People who play music on busses and trains loudly. Oh ffs. Kill them all.
> Watford gap.
Maths (New loathing)
People who hate cats (You know who you are!)
Single people with low self-esteem
Television license for bollocks tv
Localised football (international is fine)
PC (Pol Corr) people


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
underrated film tbh, watched it not long ago and forgot how funny the wedding scene was.

"Maiwage, is wot bwings us togever"

now back on topic......


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Adverts. All of them. No exceptions.

To extend this. That FUCKING SHIT Budweiser advert with that pub band playing Push It by Salt n Pepa. FUCKING DIE YOU *****.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
People who walk really slowly on the pavement while kind of zigzagging along it so you can get passed!


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
hmm...just off the top of my head:
  • people who make airports get evacuated
  • people who take a double buggy into town on saturday while shopping for clothes. if you can fucking afford a designer buggy and about 40 oilily bags then you can also afford a babysitter
  • people who own oilily bags
  • any people who are in town on a saturday shopping who loiter the fuck about
  • people who make an ickle ponytail on their 3 year old daughter's head, in the center, so it points straight up, tied with a brightly coloured elastic because for some reason utterly beyond my comprehension they think it's cute
  • drunk people in my street who, late at night, find the sudden urge to shout "wanker" at each other at throat tearing volume completely irresistible. this tens to happen on a work day rather than the weekend strangely enough.
  • the dutch guy in the queue ahead of me at starbucks schiphol when I was coming back from Iceland who refused to speak english to the english girl trying to serve, using only dutch with deliberate wording to be obscure(even though she asked him extremely politely if he could use the starbucks terminology so she could take his order) but did have the gall speak english to his english friend (who was trying to distance herself from the scene) and even complain of the service he was getting.
  • pre-prepared food in (workplace) restaurants that has been kept warm for too long

aaaaaaand....I'm spent. for now.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Most of them are things I hate about other people.

  • People who wear hands free kits at work and hold the mic up to their mouths.
  • People who walk around with bluetooth headsets in at work and it looks like their talking to themselves, then you start talking to them and they hold their hands up to you to be quiet.
  • People who talk excessively loud doing the above two, usually managers with small dicks who feel the need to try to look important.
  • Insecure, man-hating, unattractive women. You're not attractive, he used you for sex, it's gone on for centuries, deal with it.
  • People who can't maintain a safe braking distance and "accelerate -> break -> accelerate -> break" in the outside line causing phantom jams.
  • People who push into queues.
  • People who drive dangerously and risk lives, just to get two or three cars infront of you.
  • Toilet society. By that, I mean anything accesible to chavs: all chav rags (The Sun, Chat Magazine, Heat), Iceland, Poundland, Kerry Katona, Jordan, Citroen Saxos, Burberry, bull mastifs, Fred Perry, X Factor, Big Brother, Cascada, Benidorm, Max Power, Excessive gel on hair, Elizabeth Duke jewllery, the names "Channel" / "Chantelle" / "Caitlynn" etc, love bites, fake tan even in winter, Playboy motifs on P reg Clios, car cruises, three kids at age 20 and no father(s) to be seen, violence, tanning salons, Jeremy Kyles.
  • People who don't understand "ten items or less" in Tesco at the self-service and take two weeks shopping through. Ignorant retarded low life fuckwits.
  • Lorry drivers who drive at 51 mph to overtake a lorry doing 50 mph on an uphill section of motorway, slowing both lanes to a crawl.

That should cover most of it. I could think of more.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
[*]People who push into queues.

This happens every day to us at school.

I pick my lad up at 12.40, thats when the next session starts so some mothers take their kids then (tends to be the fat slappers and the following as it lets them sleep in longer/watch Jeremy Kyle) we all queue up as you should waiting to be let in and everyday, EVERY FUCKING DAY 2 muslim women come and just walk to the front of us all and stand there as though they haven't done anything wrong. So very close to saying something the other day, and I will, so rude, like we are shit on their shoes.

I know they are muslim before anyone has a go at me because they are dressed in those big black bomb hiding clothes, the head to toe things.



Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Indeed Trem, they live and behave by their own rules.

I'd like to add to my list:

  • Religion, especially Islam / Muslims

They get five, fifteen minute prayser sessions a day for free? They get paid the same as everyone else? Away and fuck off.

*waits for General bleeters to accuse of racism*


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I don't particularly see what religion has to do with that. you may as well hate smokers or people who use the loo regularly.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
You don't see what prayer sessions have to do with religion?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
This happens every day to us at school.

I pick my lad up at 12.40, thats when the next session starts so some mothers take their kids then (tends to be the fat slappers and the following as it lets them sleep in longer/watch Jeremy Kyle) we all queue up as you should waiting to be let in and everyday, EVERY FUCKING DAY 2 muslim women come and just walk to the front of us all and stand there as though they haven't done anything wrong. So very close to saying something the other day, and I will, so rude, like we are shit on their shoes.

I know they are muslim before anyone has a go at me because they are dressed in those big black bomb hiding clothes, the head to toe things.


So why don't you say something? They know they're taking the piss, and rely on English reluctance to "make a scene" to do so. Politely point out the queue, then if they still do it, tell them in no uncertain terms to fuck off to the back of it. I don't take that kind of shit from anyone any more.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Indeed Trem, they live and behave by their own rules.

I'd like to add to my list:

  • Religion, especially Islam / Muslims

They get five, fifteen minute prayser sessions a day for free? They get paid the same as everyone else? Away and fuck off.

*waits for General bleeters to accuse of racism*

tbh I'd say that's no different to smoking breaks. Since I gave up I've noticed just how much time smokers take out of their day. Total hypocrite I know, since I did it for years.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
You're probably right gaff, I don't work beside smokers so I don't know enough but I thought they'd smoke on tea breaks.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
I've just thought of another one

smoke breaks for smokers


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You're probably right gaff, I don't work beside smokers so I don't know enough but I thought they'd smoke on tea breaks.

Tea breaks? I don't think I've worked anywhere with "official" tea breaks for about 20 years :) TBH its not entirely the smokers' fault; most companies now kick them outside so they have to do the ten minute trip for the two minute cigarette.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
When I was in the RAF and there was no work on we all used to sit in a crew room drinking tea and generally being bored, the smokers had a seperate room to smoke in which was like their little den, and as a result when an NCO came through with a crappy little job that needed doing the smokers hid in their little smokers den and did nothing while we all got shafted. But they were straight out that door when somebody mentioned any of the good jobs we got.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
smoke breaks for smokers

I've just thought of another one.

Actual equal rights.. People with diasbilties get help.. What do smokers get? Thrown into the cold.


Actual one: People who ask questions on a particular subject, 35m after the lecturer asks if anyone wants to know about it as he didn't want to go back.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
You don't see what prayer sessions have to do with religion?

prayer sessions weren't my argument, it was the fact that people having extra breaks for whatever reasons. I work with three smokers, and they cartainly don't work an hour and a half extra a day. I don't care a fig that they smoke, just like I wouldn't care if they were muslim, catholic or had a fetish for flinging burning kittens at each other, but I do care that they work a shorter day than I do.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Tottenham panicking and signing up 'Arry before the derby. Scared wimps.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
you could always go and stand with the smokers outside...and say your having a smoke break without the actual smoking bit

You'd think wouldn't you, but I suggested that once and was told to go back to work, althought that was a different job from the one I have now.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
you could always go and stand with the smokers outside...and say your having a smoke break without the actual smoking bit

It was actually the smoking break that was one of the reasons I gave up! Going out to a godforsaken shed on the other side of the car park in the pissing down rain to support my ciggie craving got very uninteresting very fast. That and the fact that I was literally burning away over £150 a month (compared to $1 a pack when I was in South America).


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Our smoking area is just outside my office, so if I fancy a quick smoke I'm only away for 2-3 miuntes, around the same as people going to the toilet.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Going to the toilet is a break in itself. I normally factor in my daily poo when it comes to breaks, tack it onto the end of you tea/dinner break and thats an extra 10 mins :)

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