SPAM random annoying things


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Finding out that 16 years after I left it because it was dodgy as fuck, it turns out that Vodafone's sales organisation is just as dodgy as it was back then.

Short version is I took out a new SIM only contract as work are moving to BYOD, was given a good deal, told I could transfer my number (and the chap would do that for me) and a land of milk, honey and lots of data awaited.

Activated it today and asked the chap to transfer my number - he emailed back saying he couldn't do that but he could call me and put me through to cust services.

Went through to them and found out not only is transferring numbers from Vodafone to Vodafone not possible, but he had set me up as a Sole Trader despite the amount of times I told him I was PAYE...

So SIM cancelled, and I'll either get another line with EE or give Sky a go.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I can't recommend o2, I only got it because of free EU roaming, but generally the reception and data speeds are atrocious. I never had an issue with Vodafone in that regard. I regret switching to o2 now.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 12, 2004
I'm with giffgaff mainly because it is cheap and has EU roaming, currently on 40GB for £10 a month with 5GB EU roaming. Data speeds aren't very good since it is deprioritised O2, you basically get the same as an O2 PAYG customer.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
It still annoys me that 25 years since 3G became a thing, all reception basically shuts down around large events like football matches. It's infuriating tbh, the networks should be able to handle 100,000 people at an event.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I dislike the lack of being able to force WiFi calling as a priority when at home.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I've got roaming with EE, which includes not only the EU but the US, Mexico, Oz and a few other places so happy to stick with them - I just like having two different networks if possible as EEs data can be a bit flaky at times since they rolled out 5G.

Other option is to use my personal number for work calls and pocket the £45 (minus tax) work are paying towards it, more difficult to switch off then though :/


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Academically I'm a data scientist. Occasionally for happy fun times I like to build and train networks to do things like drive a car, but now I'm doing something work related, mostly messing about with words. I just kicked off a bunch of stuff that's gonna run for about 10 hours and my GPU is going to become a home heating appliance.

Checking a voltmeter I have attached to the server here its sucking some 600W out the wall, so lets say this is gonna cost me 6KWH (an accursed unit ngl). I'm annoyed for three reasons: 1) I should charge work for my frigging power :eek: 2) I feel somewhat guilty for using the power, but I suppose that's my NL side ahem, 3) I feel preemptively guilty for maybe playing games later and using even more power :eek:

At least my legs are warm ffs


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
@TdC You're not thinking holistically. The power you're using now is not going to cost as much as the power you use in the future! Think bigger!

(*PTSD intensifies*)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Academically I'm a data scientist. Occasionally for happy fun times I like to build and train networks to do things like drive a car, but now I'm doing something work related, mostly messing about with words. I just kicked off a bunch of stuff that's gonna run for about 10 hours and my GPU is going to become a home heating appliance.

Checking a voltmeter I have attached to the server here its sucking some 600W out the wall, so lets say this is gonna cost me 6KWH (an accursed unit ngl). I'm annoyed for three reasons: 1) I should charge work for my frigging power :eek: 2) I feel somewhat guilty for using the power, but I suppose that's my NL side ahem, 3) I feel preemptively guilty for maybe playing games later and using even more power :eek:

At least my legs are warm ffs
You should also feel guilty that somewhere out there is a poor gamer who can't afford a GPU because you want to create work-only rainbow tables ;)


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
@TdC You're not thinking holistically. The power you're using now is not going to cost as much as the power you use in the future! Think bigger!

(*PTSD intensifies*)
its still running! seems 10h was ...optimistic :eek:



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
You should also feel guilty that somewhere out there is a poor gamer who can't afford a GPU because you want to create work-only rainbow tables ;)

I'm getting some cool stuff out of visualizing the weights changing actually. Reminds me of the rings of Saturn.


This is the difference between untrained and trained weights. Looks a bit like the Moon :)
Each "column" is a vector. You're looking at the values side on, so to speak. To me it shows how the values that make up each vector wiggle about a bit (legit science terminology), whereas the overall tint of the column gives you an idea of what "direction" the vector is pointing, e.g. darker / lighter are opposites.

Here's what happens if you look at the columns top down. Pretty no? Reminds me of a forest on a sunny day :)



Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
@TdC doing all this super nerd stuff, whereas I sit here writing AI models:


Code is super complex, clean, horizontally and vertically scalable...

Console.WriteLine("Hello underling, I have a simple question for you. What do you think of TdC? Be as detailed as you want...: \n");
string response = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"\n I see your response was: \n '{response}'. \n But that's bullshit. \n");
Console.WriteLine("But to tell you what I really think, as a super AI, would require another dose of FH CoC");


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm getting some cool stuff out of visualizing the weights changing actually. Reminds me of the rings of Saturn.

View attachment 49138

This is the difference between untrained and trained weights. Looks a bit like the Moon :)
View attachment 49139
Each "column" is a vector. You're looking at the values side on, so to speak. To me it shows how the values that make up each vector wiggle about a bit (legit science terminology), whereas the overall tint of the column gives you an idea of what "direction" the vector is pointing, e.g. darker / lighter are opposites.

Here's what happens if you look at the columns top down. Pretty no? Reminds me of a forest on a sunny day :)

View attachment 49140
Yeah but you could run Doom on it and your not...


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@TdC doing all this super nerd stuff, whereas I sit here writing AI models:

View attachment 49142

Code is super complex, clean, horizontally and vertically scalable...

Console.WriteLine("Hello underling, I have a simple question for you. What do you think of TdC? Be as detailed as you want...: \n");
string response = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"\n I see your response was: \n '{response}'. \n But that's bullshit. \n");
Console.WriteLine("But to tell you what I really think, as a super AI, would require another dose of FH CoC");
I sense Co-pilot tbfh


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
@TdC doing all this super nerd stuff, whereas I sit here writing AI models:

View attachment 49142

Code is super complex, clean, horizontally and vertically scalable...

Console.WriteLine("Hello underling, I have a simple question for you. What do you think of TdC? Be as detailed as you want...: \n");
string response = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine($"\n I see your response was: \n '{response}'. \n But that's bullshit. \n");
Console.WriteLine("But to tell you what I really think, as a super AI, would require another dose of FH CoC");



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Yeah but you could run Doom on it and your not...
I just watched a video where the presenter was changing the value of PI in Doom and what it did to the game. You'd see walls shifting about as the engine tried to figure out where to paint them on the screen. Higher values would result in something that looked a lot like a stuck program from the days if Windows 95 and that stuff but was actually the engine trying to compute things in a world where a circle's radius/circumference ratio isn't what it should be, well, according to us.

In a fun coinkidink it appears the value for PI in DOOM is actually wrong. Carmack apparently once admitted that one of his many failings is not being able to correctly remember the 10th digit of PI (or words to that effect) :)


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Fucking hell I am so out of touch with certain things in the real world.

What really fucking pissed me off happened yesterday. I have started to clear out my garage as a means of excercise and to allow me to start another project. Great, found some old paint cans and some computers. Right lets go ask the dump people do they take them to dispose (paint) and recycle (computers). Got near the dump and the queue was fucking massive so I drove past to turn around and come home, thankfully it was shut so home I went.

Browsed the web and WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK THOSE CUNTS. I now have to book a fucking timeslot to go to the fucking dump? What the fuck. I remember just turning up, opening the boot and chucking the shit into the big fuckoff bins by walking up the metal steps. I also have to register my fucking car reg with the Council. Is this everywhere now or just Rushmoor/Hampshire being cunts? All I can see is more fly tipping with the cleanup/recovery costs being forced upon the council tax payer.

Oops, should have started with a bad language and rant warning but fucked clicking at the top of the post.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Oops, should have started with a bad language and rant warning but fucked clicking at the top of the post.

Fuck off - what ya talking about??

(agree about council tips though, 100%!)


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
So it is pretty much the normal now?
It's 100% normal for you to eff and blind on a very regular basis - nice to have you posting, Big Fucking Nose! ;)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I just watched a video where the presenter was changing the value of PI in Doom and what it did to the game. You'd see walls shifting about as the engine tried to figure out where to paint them on the screen. Higher values would result in something that looked a lot like a stuck program from the days if Windows 95 and that stuff but was actually the engine trying to compute things in a world where a circle's radius/circumference ratio isn't what it should be, well, according to us.

In a fun coinkidink it appears the value for PI in DOOM is actually wrong. Carmack apparently once admitted that one of his many failings is not being able to correctly remember the 10th digit of PI (or words to that effect) :)
Cool, so when will TremAI be ready then ffs?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Fucking hell I am so out of touch with certain things in the real world.

What really fucking pissed me off happened yesterday. I have started to clear out my garage as a means of excercise and to allow me to start another project. Great, found some old paint cans and some computers. Right lets go ask the dump people do they take them to dispose (paint) and recycle (computers). Got near the dump and the queue was fucking massive so I drove past to turn around and come home, thankfully it was shut so home I went.

Browsed the web and WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCKING FUCK THOSE CUNTS. I now have to book a fucking timeslot to go to the fucking dump? What the fuck. I remember just turning up, opening the boot and chucking the shit into the big fuckoff bins by walking up the metal steps. I also have to register my fucking car reg with the Council. Is this everywhere now or just Rushmoor/Hampshire being cunts? All I can see is more fly tipping with the cleanup/recovery costs being forced upon the council tax payer.

Oops, should have started with a bad language and rant warning but fucked clicking at the top of the post.

I avoid things like this by cycling to the tip with my trailer. I just breeze past all the lazy arses dumping old paint cans and computers and do what I need to do :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I now have to book a fucking timeslot to go to the fucking dump? What the fuck. I remember just turning up, opening the boot and chucking the shit into the big fuckoff bins by walking up the metal steps. I also have to register my fucking car reg with the Council. Is this everywhere now or just Rushmoor/Hampshire being cunts? All I can see is more fly tipping with the cleanup/recovery costs being forced upon the council tax payer.
Happened near us. Conwy county council require everyone to book a timeslot.

Lots of stuff getting fly tipped, lots of rubbish getting burned. Where there's large volumes, people are digging holes and fucking stuff in there too.

Conwy getting pats on the back for the levels of recycling that's occuring. Exactly the opposite of what we're supposed to be doing.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I avoid things like this by cycling to the tip with my trailer. I just breeze past all the lazy arses dumping old paint cans and computers and do what I need to do :D
I couldn't walk in. I tried once, just to check - had a piece of hard plastic in my hand (an old bit of drainpipe) - which I wanted to dump as part of a load I'd put in my car. They told me to fuck off.

I booked a slot at another tip and took the shit there. But not before I'd fucked the drainpipe over the fence and into the skip. You should have seen the look the cunt gave me :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
If you'd arrived by car and parked up outside that's probably why. I've never heard of a tip that wouldn't let people in as part of a walking or cycling journey.


Part of the furniture
Dec 19, 2003
Booking to go to the tip/dump is one of those things that came in during, or perhaps after the covid lockdowns. Also our local tip used to be open every day but now it's only open three days a week.

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