I'm finding myself in agreement with Toht.
Kickstarter mugs are not investors - just cash cows to be milked then politely ignored.
Either its vapourware and you never get anything or they already pretty much finished and your 'investment' is pure profit for them.
Exactly what rights do you think kickstarter mugs have?
CorNokZ said:Stayed home yesterday, because I use public transportation, and we were supposedly getting a massive blizzard with several inches of snow. We got fuck all snow..
Today I got up early to go to classes and guess what.. A FUCKING BLIZZARD!
With regards to Bioshock infinite - I am actually tempted by the pre-purchase because of X-Com, I have no got around to buying it yet but intended to later on. A hard up mate would welcome Bioshock 1 as a gift too.
I would be buying it on release day anyway.
Is it supposed to fucking freak me out as much as it does? Because it gives my big girls blouse and a heart all sorts of attacks the few times I've tried to play it.tbh I'm not sure that Bio 1 even works any more. I remember deciding to replay it about two years ago and it just kept crashing :-/
I have something I need to talk to a college about but I think they will all find it as either bragging or use it as a tool to get what they want which puts me in the shit with the higher ups. And it is contextual that it would take me ages to explain to anyone else. Tis a right cunt.
Yes I did. And I am fairly sure what i typed was closer to what i meant than a place of higher education which i clearly needWhat?
edit - did you mean colleague?![]()
I think the law is flexible enough. You have to tell them they're shit, then let them prove they are in fact not shit (but in reality fuck up again), make sure they have any appropriate training, give them a formal warning, then kick them the fuck out, right? Bit of a pita, but it has to be a balance between employers and employees rights. Too much of either is bad for everyone.People who get given a very precise deadline plenty of time in advance, along with several reminders that the time limit is about to run out and if they don't sort their shit out life will get more difficult for them. Then bitch and moan about it when you just go ahead with it.
Employment law needs to be sorted so useless cunts can be fired easier!
Driving work truck today when wind put a tree's branch flying out to hit my wing mirror and sent it through my passanger side window in an explosion of glass, was great fun cleaning out all the glass and making the call to my boss who was tbh extremely reasonable about it.
Still somehow feel i could have avoided it and like abit of a prat oh well![]()
Girls who don't like giving blowjobs. What the fuck is the point in them?