SPAM random annoying things


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
To be fair, most the time location problems are over-exaggerated due to bad experiences being the most vocal.
Nah they're particularly bad especially in the East Midlands, Leicester has a similar problem with a place called Braunstone, but the Labour government invested so much money into it its slowly getting better building leisure super complexes, etc, whilst the rest of the city suffers from Library shuts etc, Braunstone has a new Library build (More like a computer cafe mind)

Mind you, no idea what Nottingham are doing about St Annes

21st century socialist ghettos :p

Which brings me back to the thread title, that's another annoying thing ;)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Nottingham's OK. Lived here for ~12 years. It went through a shit bit about 6 years ago when Labour's policies were in full swing - pubs were closing - wine bars were openining in an attempt to cash in on their "cafe culture".

Now nottingham is getting back to it's bitter-drinking roots. There's a lot of very good micro breweries and pubs are now competing on quality of their product once again.

Still, way too far from the fucking seaside tho :(


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Spending all day looking forward to going out and having a dance and then not being able to.

Also being hit by a car while cycling home (I'm all right, just a bit bruised and with a bit less skin than before. But I'm definitely too sore to dance).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
When you just start doing something and realise you need to take a shit.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
When you try and fail to take a shit before getting in the shower. Only to step out of the shower and immediately need a shit.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Old People who have nothing going on so drag everything out I feel sorry for them but they should be banned during peak hours.

First in the post office on Monday. I get there for 08.50 so 10 minutes before it opens and I am already about 23rd in the queue. So we get in and one by one the old people go up take out a bank card and ask how much they have in their accounts. Then they proceed to tell the member of staff what they have planned and then ask for £20 cash. If you wanted to check your balance and get cash use the fucking machines! Instead I have to queue for 30 minutes to send my passport away.

Then this morning between 8-10 my doctors do emergency visits for people who have to go to work. But when I got there it was a waiting room full of the old dears. The one in front of me in the queue was told she could leave her prescription renewal with the desk and collect it later but she replied that she would rather see the Doctor about it. So you would expect the lady on reception to tell her "Sorry you need to book an appointment, this time is reserved for people who need to go to work" but instead she was told to take a seat. So I sign in and then have to wait till 09.40 to see the Doctor who proceeds to fob me off. Seemingly the fact I can't swallow or talk has something to do with being overweight, I have been the same weight for 15 years, but I suppose sudden onset throat issues could be a symptom. And on the way out I see the same old dear leaving the other exam room and she had been in there about 5 minutes longer than me.

Both of these upset me.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Corporate American tossers who say in an email they are going to "reach out" to someone for an answer. Just fucking speak to them you brainless bullshitting cunt and stop filling up my inbox with your nonsensical drivel.


Dec 26, 2003
Old People who have nothing going on so drag everything out I feel sorry for them but they should be banned during peak hours.

First in the post office on Monday. I get there for 08.50 so 10 minutes before it opens and I am already about 23rd in the queue. So we get in and one by one the old people go up take out a bank card and ask how much they have in their accounts. Then they proceed to tell the member of staff what they have planned and then ask for £20 cash. If you wanted to check your balance and get cash use the fucking machines! Instead I have to queue for 30 minutes to send my passport away.

Then this morning between 8-10 my doctors do emergency visits for people who have to go to work. But when I got there it was a waiting room full of the old dears. The one in front of me in the queue was told she could leave her prescription renewal with the desk and collect it later but she replied that she would rather see the Doctor about it. So you would expect the lady on reception to tell her "Sorry you need to book an appointment, this time is reserved for people who need to go to work" but instead she was told to take a seat. So I sign in and then have to wait till 09.40 to see the Doctor who proceeds to fob me off. Seemingly the fact I can't swallow or talk has something to do with being overweight, I have been the same weight for 15 years, but I suppose sudden onset throat issues could be a symptom. And on the way out I see the same old dear leaving the other exam room and she had been in there about 5 minutes longer than me.

Both of these upset me.

They congregate in M&S at lunchtimes too - we need a good pandemic to clear out Gods waiting room tbh.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Seemingly the fact I can't swallow or talk has something to do with being overweight, I have been the same weight for 15 years.

true that. when I went in for an allergy scan last year the guy basically said : lose weight, stop smoking, do some sports. I said "but I'm here to snort some pollenz man!". He owned up and confided that he has to run that spiel by everyone who crosses his desk. He then said that he himself smokes and doesn't do sports. meh.


Currently a stay at home dad
Jan 24, 2004
friend of mine just posted this on Facebook saying that he had a weird night



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
That moment of good health in a killer hangover and not using it to go to the shop, now have to slug it...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Films that have the cunting credits at the beginning backed by some shite pretentious music. I always want to turn the fucker off.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
true that. when I went in for an allergy scan last year the guy basically said : lose weight, stop smoking, do some sports. I said "but I'm here to snort some pollenz man!". He owned up and confided that he has to run that spiel by everyone who crosses his desk. He then said that he himself smokes and doesn't do sports. meh.
Would be nice if they listened to your problem dispensed advise based on your issue then laid down the law on how I am killing myself by weighing more than someone who is my height but rake thin and not built the same way I am. :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
things that are labeled "finest" from tesco but my dog wont eat


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
Forgot to buy alcohol and all the shops in this stupid town close by 11pm. My parents have a shitty booze stash.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Forgot to buy alcohol and all the shops in this stupid town close by 11pm. My parents have a shitty booze stash.
Unlucky dude. You need Scottish Parents we have a epic booze cupboard. I found Pernod in there the other day and even had port in there for a Cheeky Vimto. We played the door number game one poker night and easily found 10 unusual bottles in there :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I am killing myself by weighing more than someone who is my height but rake thin and not built the same way I am. :)

c'mon then soze. Spill the beans. Just how porky are you? :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Scouse said:
c'mon then soze. Spill the beans. Just how porky are you? :)

When last reliably checked I was 17st at 6ft so about 4st over weight. But I have been within a st of that weight my whole adult life and i have a stocky build. So fuck the Dr and his Nazi BMI.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
BMI means shit.

I take after my dad, he is a fat bastard too. He made his living jumping out of airplanes with a machine gun and a bag full of equipment. He is 50 odd and still a fat cunt but still runs the marathon each year.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
BMI means shit.

Fat people say that :)

I got to 17st. I'm 6'2" and quite broad shouldered.

I'm now just under 14. Went to India a few years back and picked up a bug in time for coming home - a week of shitting and puking put me down to less than 12.5.

Frankly 13st is just perfect for me.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, point being...being over weight does not necessarily mean unhealthy or unfit. Some people are just made that way.

My wife eats pretty much anything in site, I have to hide stuff before it gets consumed. She is a size 8 and close to 6ft. I am 6,1 and 17.5st yet I eat fuck all really. I don't eat crisps, I don't really eat sweet things. Toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and a home made dinner, something middle of the road healthwise, usually leaning towards "healthy" stuff. Nothing inbetween. I probably walk a good 5-6 miles a day yet still carry round extra wight. That being said I am also broad shouldered so I tend to sort of fit, it's not like I have a big belly and I can still see and feel ribs so I am happy!

so anyway, anyone buy any nice shoes lately?

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