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- #61
Don't stand for it. Put your huge great hob-nailed boots on and kick her in the cu...
Originally posted by mank!
Overuse of smileys, sorry
Originally posted by Embattle
Not saying it is....just don't expect a great response from the General forum members.
Origionally posted by Bohdi
Excuse me while I point out that your mod is utterly utterly shit. You pimping every forum on the planet wil not change this. Now kindly make like a tree and get the fuck out of here, you scurvy infested, mangey cuntstain.
Originally posted by old.Kez
Nothing to see here, more along.
Oh yes, Bodhi has been owned with a capital 'p'Originally posted by Mr Flibble
Oh yeah and how the fuck could I be infested with scurvy? Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C, it is not related to any bacterial or other microorganism infection and therefore I could never be "scurvy infested." Next time think about your insults so that they actually make some sense.
Originally posted by Perplex
Fuck off and die of AIDS etc blah blah
Originally posted by Scooba Da Bass
Which is alright, except the result would have been exactly the same had he posted here and only here
Originally posted by Mr Flibble
Why? Your right you have every right to flame me. That doesn't mean that you should. I really am amazed by the way people treat each other on these forums. I really can't imagine any of you saying some of these things to me or each other face-to-face.
Explain to me why you think it's shit and maybe I'll dignify your response with a retort. Oh yeah and how the fuck could I be infested with scurvy? Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C, it is not related to any bacterial or other microorganism infection and therefore I could never be "scurvy infested." Next time think about your insults so that they actually make some sense.
Personally I hope that the next time you request an admin in bwadmins for your games that noone turns up to help you. Why should we if this is the attitude you display towards us.
Originally posted by bodhi
I never realised insults had to be gramatically correct - "Fuck off" being a case in point - but I shall remember this for the next time a shit cunt such as yourself tries to pimp his pathetic excuse for a mod on these forums. Now kindly fuck off and learn how to spell "Originally posted by bodhi" (I'm still amazed you managed to get that wrong, considering the forum even puts that in for you when you press that magic "quote" button - but then if you cant see why your mod is utter arsejuice I don't expect you to be able to spot it). After that if you'd like to have unprotected sex with an Ethiopian Transvestite and rid the world of your presence I think we'd all be a lot happier.