Radical suggestion for how realm skill points are awarded


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Balbor said:
There should be other rewards for RR6-10, but ones that don't gave such a huge impact on RvR. Like no con penilty in PvE deaths, reduction in RS, Rez spell becoming more effective when can on High RR players

Good ideas.



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Shike said:
seems to me some ppl just want everything without doing what it actually takes to get it.

Getting anything done in DAoC takes alot of everything you've got, some have enough time to commit themselves, some don't. I'd imagine the majority of RvR guilds worldwide expect their members to be online for 4hours+ a day. Anyone who can't spare that time is shafted then, no RvR groups, no RPs... join the zergers or PvE. Which is the fate of the majority of players.

Yes, someone commited enough can form a group etc, but it takes alot of effort and... time.
A game you pay to play shouldn't expect you to spend many frustrating hours infront of your PC before you get anything back.

Anyway, why are people in this thread assuming there're only PvE and RvR players? Only minorities lean to those extremes. Most players fit somewhere in between, enjoying a little of both:

PvE <------------------------------|------------------------------> RvR


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
I dont like it.

I like the fact you get stronger slowly but surely.

I like the fact that if you have put in hours off RvR you have a advantage over people that havent - or are just starting.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Balbor said:
would rather see all three realms being ballanced out

Yeah because you do know what your talking about.

Balancing so many class's while pumping out expansions isnt the easyest thing too do mate.

There are so many an so much testing involved.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
no i wouldnt enjoy 500 albs camping amg all with moc and raging power

pve servers are a thing of their own

getting the max reward for rvr in a week would be just bad


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Incidentally - one thing that should happen, is that rps per kill should scale more dramatically with RR of your target.

The current setup does not sufficiently reflect the extra diffculty of killing an RR9 over an RR1 imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
behatch said:
Yeah because you do know what your talking about.

Balancing so many class's while pumping out expansions isnt the easyest thing too do mate.

There are so many an so much testing involved.

oh no, its very very easy to balance the three realms out, you give them access to same tools for starter. Before you say the realms aren't suppose to be equal, they are, they are just supose to be different, and a Troll looks different to a Highlander, who looks different to a Luri.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
What, like RvR players wanting to level purely from RvR kills and do no PvE at all?

yes.. because this is exactly how it is? wtf u talking about? :mad:

_everybody_ have to do PVE, its not a choice.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Escape said:
Getting anything done in DAoC takes alot of everything you've got, some have enough time to commit themselves, some don't. I'd imagine the majority of RvR guilds worldwide expect their members to be online for 4hours+ a day. Anyone who can't spare that time is shafted then, no RvR groups, no RPs... join the zergers or PvE. Which is the fate of the majority of players.

Yes, someone commited enough can form a group etc, but it takes alot of effort and... time.
A game you pay to play shouldn't expect you to spend many frustrating hours infront of your PC before you get anything back.[/b]

this is the nature of a mmorpg though I think. Time invested pays off, if it was easy to get toa'd and rr11 there would be absolutely nothing to play for anymore once everyone got that. Now you might say, but but.. for fun? Hmm, not really a working concept for quite many but carebears, ppl want to see progress and results of "hard work" ingame and as you also know quite many are willing to do alot to get an edge over another player (heck, the existance of radar on a subscriberbasis proves this more than anything). DAoC is a competative environment and not made for casual players (TOA killed the casual bigtime) or ppl wanting to get RPs for killing mobs in an easy way (there is no hard pve in daoc tbh). I can understand and accept if keeplords and similar give a small amount of RPs since Mythic obviosly want ppl to toy around more with keeps that they have put alot of work and effort into in NF though. I suggest trying a PVEbased game if one wants more results from PVEing.

Abilitys granted from PvE.. give me one single good reason why PvE should give more than it already does in the form of equipment and TOAabilitys (note, here is something you actually get from pve, and yes, it is abilitys so i dont really see why PvEwhores are complaining). This is what i kinda mean when i say, seems to me as if some ppl want it all without doing it all. If you want RA's, go RVR.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
Shike said:

STOP that!

Calling someone a 'whore', whether it's in jest or not, part of an expression or not, is HORRIBLE. Excise the term from your vocabulary. STOP USING IT.

Call me oversensitive all you want, that term will NEVER be acceptable language for me. It's nasty, it's demeaning, and it's incredibly negatively charged. Using it in ANY form lowers an argument to unacceptable levels.

So just stop that.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
I'm not a PvEProstitute btw, neither are many people exclusively interested in PvE. What you say above is true, there should be rewards equal to the time you put in and the current RA system works well for that. Where is doesn't work, is the gap it creates between highRR gank-squads and lowRR groups.

There's always been a gap and ToA just made it worse, NF will make it bigger still. The point behind this thread was to look at ways to even that gap. Not to make a distinction between RvR and PvE players, which is a mute point. Even so, it's not likely Mythic will ever balance the game... but there's no harm in throwing around ideas like this. Constructive feedback would be better than the type of abuse Svart is getting though :p

Won't work:
-You can't customise your character's skills above RR5
-Custom titles are no substitue for an impressive RA list, which only a few RR10 people on the server have
-A zerg with RR10 RAs will be scary

Will work:
-Increases class utility and allows for some interesting setups(hybrids in NF will be viable with Det and 5min purge)
-Opens RvR to a whole lot of players, possibly seeing zergs/camped milegates filter into 1fg forces > RvR will spill into other zones
-You aren't restricted to playing a single character, any class can be levelled and taken to RR5 within a month...

Balancing it out, there will be more positives than negatives. If it brings more people out to rvr and evens out the gap, can't be such a bad change.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Margaret said:
STOP that!

Calling someone a 'whore', whether it's in jest or not, part of an expression or not, is HORRIBLE. Excise the term from your vocabulary. STOP USING IT.

Call me oversensitive all you want, that term will NEVER be acceptable language for me. It's nasty, it's demeaning, and it's incredibly negatively charged. Using it in ANY form lowers an argument to unacceptable levels.

So just stop that.

fair enuff, I apologise. Cant edit now im afraid though. And no, i dont think u are oversensitive, i just havent thought of it that way. :fluffle:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Escape said:
I'm not a PvEProstitute btw, neither are many people exclusively interested in PvE. What you say above is true, there should be rewards equal to the time you put in and the current RA system works well for that. Where is doesn't work, is the gap it creates between highRR gank-squads and lowRR groups.

There's always been a gap and ToA just made it worse, NF will make it bigger still. The point behind this thread was to look at ways to even that gap. Not to make a distinction between RvR and PvE players, which is a mute point. Even so, it's not likely Mythic will ever balance the game... but there's no harm in throwing around ideas like this. Constructive feedback would be better than the type of abuse Svart is getting though :p

Won't work:
-You can't customise your character's skills above RR5
-Custom titles are no substitue for an impressive RA list, which only a few RR10 people on the server have
-A zerg with RR10 RAs will be scary

Will work:
-Increases class utility and allows for some interesting setups(hybrids in NF will be viable with Det and 5min purge)
-Opens RvR to a whole lot of players, possibly seeing zergs/camped milegates filter into 1fg forces > RvR will spill into other zones
-You aren't restricted to playing a single character, any class can be levelled and taken to RR5 within a month...

Balancing it out, there will be more positives than negatives. If it brings more people out to rvr and evens out the gap, can't be such a bad change.

best and only way to even the cap between casual and hardcore is to tone down RAs imo. They have had a far too large impact on RVR ever since they came out as I see it. I agree with what you are saying, but I also say that to reward players with goodies from killing mobs isnt right. RVR should be made easier to access and more fun overall so the average player actually has an interest in participating in it. Fun isnt getting steamrolled in 2s by a highRRgrp due to RAs. If its players using every inch of their char that they possibly can, then its a diff story and the better player should win but this havent really been the case in DAoC sadly, we have seen zerkers beeing supreme, we have seen (and in some cases still see) savages been absurd and beoynd, healers ASD was silly.. and some RAS that still exist are idiotic aswell. Today we can add in BG, FZ, grapple and a multitude of artifacts to the list that is crazy aswell.

Game should be brought down to earth, RAs toned down, overall damages toned down and then reworked abit. Thats whats needed to fix the mess DAoC currently is. Not more fluff, not rewards for killing mobs etc.

A funny thing is this, on pryd for example, we have around 1600+ primetime online, i'd guess around 600+ lvl50s. Now look around in the frontiers and ask yourself, where are all these 600 ppl? Get these out to RVR and DAoC would be a helluvalot more fun tbh. But that aint gonna happen aslong as they can run into some "tweaked to the teeth with overpowered abilitys group" and get smashed into /release in around 10seconds. It just isnt fun, and _that_ is the real problem in my book. Ever since SI came out, damages and swing/castingspeeds have exceeded its former expansion. It aint good tbh.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
You just summed it up quite well Shike. The notion some people still entertain, that people can 'do a bit of RvR' is dead, completely dead.

A funny thing is this, on pryd for example, we have around 1600+ primetime online, i'd guess around 600+ lvl50s. Now look around in the frontiers and ask yourself, where are all these 600 ppl?
I've said pretty much exactly this before to people. If RvR's so bloody great, why aren't we all out doing it...?

We're not all out doing it because it's not fun, it's not rewarding and it's not appealing to the vast majority of players. RvR fans and fanatics can try to dress it up any way they like but the numbers, here, really do say it all. If 'most' players loved RvR, 'most' players would be doing it. And they're not.

Get these out to RVR and DAoC would be a helluvalot more fun tbh. But that aint gonna happen aslong as they can run into some "tweaked to the teeth with overpowered abilitys group" and get smashed into /release in around 10seconds. It just isnt fun, and _that_ is the real problem in my book. Ever since SI came out, damages and swing/castingspeeds have exceeded its former expansion. It aint good tbh.
Yes, agreed.

I think the original vision of RvR in a MMORPG was a very brave one. But I don't think it survives contact with the day-to-day reality of a MMORPG, especially not one that's been around for >2 years.



One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
NIce proposal at all, but Mythic never will do so.

Biggest fault in my eyes is, that RP only awarded for a player kill. There are lots of other things that should be awarded too (e.g. keep take, entering relic keeps etc., batteling Dragon or Legion should be awarded at least once.)

And regarding RP awarded for playerkill, several times we were lucky to catch an high rr group and bring em down. The award was about 15-40 RP for an RR8+ player. On the other hand, fighting a average rr group is awarded by 250-500 rp per kill. Should be opposite, shouldnt it?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Brolundar said:
And regarding RP awarded for playerkill, several times we were lucky to catch an high rr group and bring em down. The award was about 15-40 RP for an RR8+ player. On the other hand, fighting a average rr group is awarded by 250-500 rp per kill. Should be opposite, shouldnt it?
The RP awards for a high-RR versus a low-RR group are about the same under the same circumstances (a few extra RPs for the high-RR group, but nothing noticeable). I'm sorry to say it, but if you only get 15-40 RPs per high-RR kill, your group was not exactly alone in killing them.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 9, 2004
Belomar said:
The RP awards for a high-RR versus a low-RR group are about the same under the same circumstances (a few extra RPs for the high-RR group, but nothing noticeable). I'm sorry to say it, but if you only get 15-40 RPs per high-RR kill, your group was not exactly alone in killing them.

Was one of these rare fights without adds.
And sure, dunno what happened before.
But that's not the point.
It's very hard and needs a bit of luck too to win such a fight. The more comon result is being defeated within 30 secs, if catched by Eclipse, even faster.

High RR groups have a much longer time between two /releases, if the have to relese at all.
So reward should be much higher for defeating them.
But in real its inverse situation.


Fledgling Freddie
May 8, 2004
Margaret said:
STOP that!

Calling someone a 'whore', whether it's in jest or not, part of an expression or not, is HORRIBLE. Excise the term from your vocabulary. STOP USING IT.

Call me oversensitive all you want, that term will NEVER be acceptable language for me. It's nasty, it's demeaning, and it's incredibly negatively charged. Using it in ANY form lowers an argument to unacceptable levels.

So just stop that.

I feel the same way about excessive caps usage :(


Loyal Freddie
Jan 11, 2004
That kind of flippant reply to someone expressing justified outrage only serves to diminish your opinions' worth in the eyes of the readers.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Brolundar said:
NIce proposal at all, but Mythic never will do so.

Biggest fault in my eyes is, that RP only awarded for a player kill. There are lots of other things that should be awarded too (e.g. keep take, entering relic keeps etc., batteling Dragon or Legion should be awarded at least once.)
Do like the idea of keep/relic takes getting rp reward.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
Brolundar said:
Was one of these rare fights without adds.
And sure, dunno what happened before.
But that's not the point.
It's very hard and needs a bit of luck too to win such a fight. The more comon result is being defeated within 30 secs, if catched by Eclipse, even faster.

High RR groups have a much longer time between two /releases, if the have to relese at all.
So reward should be much higher for defeating them.
But in real its inverse situation.

High RR groups, especally those from Mid and Hib ca easy stand toe to toe with 2-3 low RR groups (low average that is), even ballanced ones and win, or at least take down many of there oppoinants. This means even if the Low RR groups win they probably ended up getting less that the side they just defeated, Rewards for killing high RRs needs to be increased.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
inviteme said:
***Senseless flaming removed***

Jesus...you really are an ignorant, flaming little child, aren't you? Why are you so determined to stink up this thread with your immature nonsense?

And FYI people in Purple Warriors on Excalibur and Order Of The Knights Templar on Prydwen will be only to happy to confirm that Margaret is one of the nicest, friendliest people you could ever meet in the game.

Which, judging by your behaviour here alone, is more than could ever be said for you.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rewards for killing high RRs needs to be increased

I agree with this completely. An extra point per Realm Rank is obsurd. Should be an exponential increase of up to double RP for a RR11 - That is a very good idea imo.

Edit: Would be nice to see an "RP Pool" per character as well, so the more you kill without dieing the more "RP worth" your char (or group) accumulates. Means the uber-groups that run around emain unharmed for 4hours will be worth substantial RPs when they do actually die. You may actually then see lower RR groups actually BOTHERING to take them on, as they are actually worth the risk then.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Jenkz said:
I agree with this completely. An extra point per Realm Rank is obsurd. Should be an exponential increase of up to double RP for a RR11 - That is a very good idea imo.

Yes, agreed. Hell, a RR10 should give 10x the RPs you get for a RR1.

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