

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm playing NF at the US servers too, and I know of several who got banned, so there's no doubt they find the radarusers. When I start my game it always loads a small patch (about 2 mb). I'm not an expert here but perhaps that's a part of the program revealing the abusers.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 24, 2004
I really hope that this is possible for GoA to implement in Europe. I know that some countrys (germany for example) have extremly strict rules about reading data from someones computer even if the intensions is good and the user agrees to it, i might have rememberd wrong though.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Theres ways around resident memory sniffing that get round those laws, it revolves around coyright rulings. Dont know the exact details.

What would be really funny if GOA implimented the radar abuse thing now rather than wait till 1.70, then all the tarts running round thinking "uber mesa gets more easeh harpees till GOA fix meh game!!" insta-bye-bye....


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Cracked said:
I really hope that this is possible for GoA to implement in Europe. I know that some countrys (germany for example) have extremly strict rules about reading data from someones computer even if the intensions is good and the user agrees to it, i might have rememberd wrong though.

Its been covered on every other thread about this here and on VN Boards - Mythic dont scan your computer... they dont scan your memory, it just looks like that are monitoring to see if anything hooks into game.dll (nothing wrong with that as nothing should be)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
Of course you know what this means, don't you...

Mythic-ban-inc radar! FTW!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
Its been covered on every other thread about this here and on VN Boards - Mythic dont scan your computer... they dont scan your memory, it just looks like that are monitoring to see if anything hooks into game.dll (nothing wrong with that as nothing should be)

Hmm, if thats the case Id be suprised.

As far as I know alot of viruses hook to .exe's and if this were the case Mythic would be banning a hell of a lot of innocent people who had viruses on their PC's, however judging by the usual whines on VN you can be guaranteed that Mythic hasnt banned anyone because they had a virus otherwise countless whines would exist.

This leads me to believe that they are scanning peoples PC's, and anyone who plays off a computer who works that has any sensitive data could be breaking the law by allowing confidential material to be scanned.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
What "shocks" me is that a high % of you guys who read this thread, browse the hacksor forums etc are way too curious about this for your own good. Just stay the hell away, don't ask questions, don't search google, don't click links, don't do it - you'll be tempted and before you know it you're in a world of shit. Lamer! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
i just rely on my mushrooms stick one down as soon as someone aproaches the mile gate they all start trying to nuke through the walls :D

go mushroom insta radar :) likewise nice end storm around and you get Spam messages so you know roughly were peeps are.

Also LagDar is great although not so great if its sucky enough so you go INC then 30 seconds after it stops your all lying in the dirt ;)

Sort of canary situation you know that there is gas but it dont matter because your sodding dead to warn anyone :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Melachi said:
This leads me to believe that they are scanning peoples PC's, and anyone who plays off a computer who works that has any sensitive data could be breaking the law by allowing confidential material to be scanned.

What you are saying there is illegal, there is no way Mythic would even try to scan running processes or files on your PC, thats simply against the law unless you agree to it. They will 100% not be doing this.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
sko said:
What "shocks" me is that a high % of you guys who read this thread, browse the hacksor forums etc are way too curious about this for your own good. Just stay the hell away, don't ask questions, don't search google, don't click links, don't do it - you'll be tempted and before you know it you're in a world of shit. Lamer! :twak:

Know thy enemy well.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Tears said:
What you are saying there is illegal, there is no way Mythic would even try to scan running processes or files on your PC, thats simply against the law unless you agree to it. They will 100% not be doing this.

Mythic or GOA can scan my PC any time they want. If you got nothing to hide you got nothing to worry about.

And its easy to get permission to scan someones PC. You just put it in the CoC or EULA.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
Ralgedi Smurf said:
you will get paranoid, dont think so much about it :)

But yeah ban em all, and name a shame for the love of god!!

Should definately name people caught, right away not waiting for them to be caught twice. Be nice to have a sticky thread "Cheat of the Week" which lists those caught each week.

Big arrow with "LAME CHEAT" above their heads in game (and over their property if they have one) would be nice too (stays even if stealthed) :cheers: Oh and make all their chars lvl1 with 0 realm points and take all equipment and cash off of their accounts.

If GoA do bring in these measures it will be interesting to see how many people oh so coincidentally decide that they are bored with the game just before :touch:


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bunnytwo said:
Should definately name people caught, right away not waiting for them to be caught twice. Be nice to have a sticky thread "Cheat of the Week" which lists those caught each week.

unfortunately thats not going to happen. GoA wont be allowed to publish any info (i.e. names, chars, accounts) which got busted cheating.

i had this idea in my head for ages:
-dead corpses of the cheaters, hanging on the walls of camelot
-temporary banned chars in a cage on the market place
(also would be funny to count the lets say 1 week ban only with the time the char is logged in....means the char needs to be online 168 hours till he can get out of the cage :D )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
Vepo said:
Albions told me it was a hoax and that they will continue to use radar.

Hehe only joking (If I never said that was a joke can you imagine all the people flaming me, would be fun to read though).

I'm glad to see Mythic are doing something to battle these cheaters. You never know maybe sometime in the far far future they may make online game cheating a crime and those found to be cheating are arrested and there computers taken away and not returned. That is if the game company where the cheater was caught wishes to press charges.

That reminds me of a very old video of a lan where someone yell "THERE IS A CHEATER IN HERE" Then the lights come on in the building and you just see this guy come running over to this guys computer where you see him proceed to remove the base unit, then another guy comes along gets hold of the guy throw him out of the building then the other guy throws the base unit into the car park which then smashes into a few hundred pieces.

And yes I know that video was staged incase someone thinks that I believed it's real.

I know this wouldn't happen and GOA would get sued, but they should name and shame the cheaters that are found. Give ingame names, real life names addresses, phone numbers. So we the Dark Age of Camelot community can harass the little s**ts.

happend in lan party antwerpen belgium a few years back

He was caught on cheating CS aimhack during competition and had to leave it was 23u pm so he had to call his parrents to come and get him :D


Dec 22, 2003
Yeah I was walking down street yesterday and I saw this guy radaring in mcdonalds
I walked right up to him and asked wtf he was doing the lame haxx0r and pounded his ass into a burger!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 14, 2004
mightybunny said:
happend in lan party antwerpen belgium a few years back

He was caught on cheating CS aimhack during competition and had to leave it was 23u pm so he had to call his parrents to come and get him :D

Lol teach the little git.

Can't see why they can't name the characters caught cheating (not RL names or anything), that would be the best punishment, those that have got an uber reputation through cheating will find themselves vilified.

If just go for the banning route, definately shouldn't be any 3-day ban for first time person is caught, should be permanent ban from start, not like they accidently installed radar and they have probably been doing it pretty much from the start. Makes it a joke if they can carry on using it on the off-chance that they will get away with it and then if get caught they can uninstall and carry on as if nothing had happened, keeping all the rps that they had gained through cheating.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Eraser said:
-temporary banned chars in a cage on the market place
(also would be funny to count the lets say 1 week ban only with the time the char is logged in....means the char needs to be online 168 hours till he can get out of the cage :D )

That is a class suggestion :> Put cheaters in a cage in aegir and they have to spend 168 online in there - very cool :> Maybe should be able to buy eggs and tomatoes from the nearby merchants and can throw things at them.
Hell, you should be able to whack them :) The more they get whacked, the more rp's they lose ^^

TBH though - at the end of the day, if you cheat - it's got to spoil some of the excitement of getting a legitimate kill, so what is the point? I'd honestly find it boring going into every fight knowing who I was going to meet and having a good idea whether I would win.

I fought a RR7 or RR8 hibby stealther the other day at amg, and within the first few seconds, I was on about 60% health and I'd hardly touched him. Then I was down to 25% health, and I think I got a Comeback / Frosty Gaze on him. Then I was on about 5%, and he was on 30%, he missed twice / I evaded, and then I somehow won - and that was what the game is all about - sometimes you win by the slimmest chances - it's great.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Eraser said:
(also would be funny to count the lets say 1 week ban only with the time the char is logged in....means the char needs to be online 168 hours till he can get out of the cage :D )

lol. I think lowbie Reavers should be able to whip them, for exp.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 28, 2004
They should be able to post in-game names, because they are not your identity, and you are free to make a completely different name at any time.

Bullshit "we cant post it" imo. Also, it wont do any good to have them strung up in their own realm....hang em up at the Thimble in Emain, 'at'll teach 'em.

Also le tthem die in the cage, and release BACK TO the cage...so people can just camp them all day for RP's. If they dont quit the game they will DEFINATELY learn their lesson.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Shanaia said:
Only difference between Mythic and GOA will be is they will instaban offenders they won't bother with suspensions etc ^^

i'd actually prefer to see them stripped 100% of there rp's ..... and suspended for 1-2 weeks...... that way the asshole elitists whome most people know use radar (but cant prove it) get found out.... and everybody knows they are cheating wankers :)

if they get a straight ban ..... nobody will know they got got using radar unless they tell people.....
hence they can make the good old "Hi , im leaving doac , been really nice knowing u all" kinda post........

and everybody says shit like "sorry to see you go,. your a really good player and i respect you lots" ..... IMO thats NOT the kind of farewell i want radar wankers to get.. they should ALL be shown for what they are .... hence losing RP's everybody will know what they been upto :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 12, 2004
Well, Mythic basically said it would be ok to use radar if you're still using a version pre-1.70, by implying that they only just implemented the code to find the cheats.

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