Radar User.

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Ladonna said:
Yes i was in that group leading it and i recall excatly what you are saying but from my point of view we ran to AMG and you ran away towards ATK i clicked on your name and used face to find you.

I know it's hard to beleive but when you dont keep running then face will find you.


I started retreat from amg the second they said fgm dcx, but cg might have been slow and you might have been able to target me the last second going uphill, so np i accept you explanation, but it did look very suspcious.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Easy one this...no proof, no name, no balls.

Do we really need to know anymore from someone who accuses from the shadows?

The only thing this post proves is that one arse has admitted to breaking the rules and used a radar to confirm nothing other than a lucky mouselook or someone with long clip turned on...

even better Taco has used the radar with his mates account and said he did use it...instant ban imho. He/she/anonymous coward clearly is the one who can definately be accused of cheating, no matter why it was done.

WD m8, getting your m8's account banned, starting another "If I cant win they must be cheating thread" and not even the backbone to stand and face your unwitting victim.

If you get kicked DAOC will be a better place, now stop reading this post as it must be past your beadtime and you have school tomorrow.

Yours angrily


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
imo you shouldve reported him as soon as you got the evidence
i hope goa investigates such kinda stuff
ban all the cheaters, regardless of the realm


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
I would like to know the name of the person you say is cheating. You will not now if this so called person has been banned. You will just get a email from GOA saying thank you and we are looking into the matter at hand.

I've had a many of these emails after reporting people of cheating in Battlegrounds (bridge bug), not once did I get a different email saying we have spoken or banned this person.

Just tell us his/her name in my opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Nice work, although tbh you shoulda waited for the guy to get banned then post your evidence and the story all at once :)

If what you say is true then reckon you'll get a short ban and the other guy a perma ban and hope Goa monitor your future doing. After all allowing a cheat to catch a cheat is stupid after all. :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Vepo said:
In my opinion I would like to know the name of the person you say is cheating.
agree, quite a few of the so called cheats such as the window drag can come down to simple lag, lets face it excal has its very laggy moments lately, expessially when quite a few people run a bb in a 2nd window (i know i do this) you do ofc get some quite obvious abusers of the window drag cheat/exploit whatever you want to call it and a few have been banned which is great news. radar on the other hand is far worse than this imo, it is a seperate program that runs in the background, afaik very hard to detect if not imposible. those that are blatent users of it should be banned. I dont think this is the place to throw accusations around though. if anything it has made it less likely they will be detected as they will stop using it, if goa decide to moniter it, which they could probably easily do by running the prog themselvesand "warping" a toon into a place and see if any groups in the area home in on it. if they do it a lot and blatently they then have to decide who in the group leads, and from chat logs and who is the person "driving" they would know.

imo report to goa before you accuse on here, much more likely to get the result you desire


Part of the furniture
Jan 1, 2004
If you were using radar and playing in a full group why would you try and take solo stealthers out(as well as), you would try to hunt fg's ? and would it not be ovious to your group members, if you turned and headed for a solo stealth target that something was suspicious(after a few times)

Maybe its less obvious when ur a solo stealther using radar, but a grp char?
Or maybe i have the wrong idea how the radar prog works :/



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
well, the incident in Uppland near Mjollnir sounds very strange indeed and it really saddens me.

but a 360 degree turn isnt much of a turn tbh :)

and i personally dont understand how you would risk your friends account for this.


ps: think i'd skip the part regarding self-usage of radar in the report to GOA :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Pitspawn said:
I know radar is a problem, its spoiling the game and mythic already know its a problem.

Correct me about this rumour if im wrong but I heard that some patch like 1.67(x) does an active process scan before the game launches. There was a massive privacy intrusion discussion that occured on VN boards, but it was found that mythic were doing nothing wrong. From what ive heard, radar programs need to launch daoc themselves somehow and the future patch makes it impossible to do so?

Regardless, I think we all know mythic are working on a fix.

Bah, packet sniffing programs dont even have to be run on the same pc as daoc ( and thats all radar is a packet sniffer ) so it is nigh on impossible for goa/mythic to detect it server side ( only thru movement anomalies ) what they should do is what was mentioned here, put an invisible mob that shows up as an enemy to all realms at random points at random times, even and fg of various types of chars ( not an alb 23432 ppl fg ofc j/k ) and monitor movements. Then monitor the person/s behaviour, and grp setups, to narrow down the cheater, cos its unfair that several ppl get banned cos of 1 twat.

as always


Kenshee Himura

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Noheals-WR said:
Easy one this...no proof, no name, no balls.

Do we really need to know anymore from someone who accuses from the shadows?

The only thing this post proves is that one arse has admitted to breaking the rules and used a radar to confirm nothing other than a lucky mouselook or someone with long clip turned on...

even better Taco has used the radar with his mates account and said he did use it...instant ban imho. He/she/anonymous coward clearly is the one who can definately be accused of cheating, no matter why it was done.

WD m8, getting your m8's account banned, starting another "If I cant win they must be cheating thread" and not even the backbone to stand and face your unwitting victim.

If you get kicked DAOC will be a better place, now stop reading this post as it must be past your beadtime and you have school tomorrow.

Yours angrily

Would be nice to think 5 minutes... Why oh why would he risc a possible ban of his friends account (worse then getting own account banned) just to give some empty accusations about some dude who MIGHT be using radar?
Ok there isn't any hard proof (screens, movies etc) but I dont think he will shoot himself in the foot for fun...
Oh btw radar users you do know everytime you cheat Osama Bin Laden gets 1 million$ and uses it to attack inocent ppl?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Kenshee Himura said:
Would be nice to think 5 minutes... Why oh why would he risc a possible ban of his friends account (worse then getting own account banned) just to give some empty accusations about some dude who MIGHT be using radar?
Ok there isn't any hard proof (screens, movies etc) but I dont think he will shoot himself in the foot for fun...

Because he got caught using radar himself and try to "justify" his use of it this way maybe?

What ever happens to this guy in White Rose, fact is that the maker of this thread have used a radar program on several occasions and therefore should be banned from game, no matter his reasons for this.

Oh and for those who think I am in any way trying to justify someone cheating in WR, that is NOT my point. If anyone have cheated in this game, they should be banned, no matter who they are.

And another thing: Arent drivers in WR Guildgrps usually healers? And since this so called cheater was hitting you....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Noheals-WR said:
The only thing this post proves is that one arse has admitted to breaking the rules and used a radar to confirm nothing other than a lucky mouselook or someone with long clip turned on...
Really, read the post. Luck doesn't happen all the time or even often, so if what he says is true... well you figure it out.
SeeN said:
And another thing: Arent drivers in WR Guildgrps usually healers? And since this so called cheater was hitting you....
I have a druid, he has a sword.

Red HATred

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Witch hunt

Make sure this does not turn out into a Witch hunt .

Innocent ppl could get banned.

If you want to use radar got play a game that supplies one, DAOC does NOT supply radar. If you can't handle the thrill and best thing in the game, beeing surprised. Stop playing. Change Universe for all i care.

You prove nothing ..; and that is why i say that RR 10 means nothing ;-)

unless you have proven that you have done all by the book :)

So solo stealthers... and midguardians.... get your act together and clear out your guilds. Get rid of this scum and come get us as it is intended to be done.

/em beckons

"Come get me , hairy hormone treaded frogs"



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kenshee Himura said:
Would be nice to think 5 minutes... Why oh why would he risc a possible ban of his friends account (worse then getting own account banned) just to give some empty accusations about some dude who MIGHT be using radar?
Ok there isn't any hard proof (screens, movies etc) but I dont think he will shoot himself in the foot for fun...

just being cynical, but is Taco his char name?
And if it isnt, what exactly did he risk with getting on this board? Only thing he actually did is create an account and post this story. He might not even have used radar.
Without screenshots or a movie, it is kinda hard to believe that anything he tells is true. That is because I have heard to many of this stories that end up being false and are just made, because the person got owned to much or want to discredit said guild/person.

He could be telling the truth, but atm im just thinking that atleast some parts of it are made up.

Ow and for some people getting your friends account banned isnt as bad as getting your own account banned. Not everyone has a sense of responsibility.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I had a driver that i thought had radar, most obvius thing was like he said lets go amg and when we got closer he made a big turn and first said, i saw many albs there.. but we never got as close so they where with clipping range.
then he said nah i dont like going mgs... :touch:


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003
Jpeg QuickStix said:
your the idiot if u think he was wrong to report (going by his post) a radar cheat .

if what he typed (if u even bothered to read it) was true and happened as he said . then theres no doubt in my mind the guy he speaks of is a radar cheat. and as he says he has Screenshot AND Avi evidence :) so how you can call him a idiot is beyond me . ok so he may of been a fool to use radar himself to catch him. but Goa dont seem to do fuck all to catch these assholes whome cheat . so i say good on taco for risking his acc in hope of getting the cheating fucker banned.

They breed, apparently.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I've heard in guild chat of various 'suspicious activities' by WR groups, about running straight at a stealthed target.
But hey, Im not gonna use a radr myself to prove it :p

Then again thinking about it, WR did kill me in the middle of nowhere on my Bm other day, i was pottering about around the hills near crim fins, but not actually at fins.. So out of sight from anyone checking hte area.
They came from nowhere, straight at me; killed me then killed the group at crim fins.. I rezzed them with my bot in crim, and 10 secs later they returned...



Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thought there was no radar that can detect stealthers ? as the server sends out the pulses only every 5 seconds or smt after it checks against your stealther level.

Might be wrong but i read erm places where this sorta shit goes on and im 99% sure theres no radar to detect stealthers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Firstly to answer some things,

1. in not a wtfpwn player, and yes i get my ass handed to me on a regular basis...jees i do play a cabalist after all..not like im an uber RvR Class.
2. I know its not you Ladonna, and i didnt come to you because at first i thought i might be wrong, and usually when someone is confronted they stop using it for a while, defeating the point.
3. Yes i risked my own account, my friends account was never in danger seeing as all the Avi's and screenshots had his name blanked out..although if GOA wanted im sure they could pull the logs to find it...but like i said i gave them my account details seeing as it was posted through my rightnow account.
4. Yes i actually will know if this person gets banned because i once actually knew them, or atleast i thought i did, and he always seemed like a half decent person, jees he even Helped level my old Skald and Shaman.
5. Noheals. your post is really weak and pathetic, its not even worth the time perhaps next time you log onto DAOC you should look at whats running on YOUR PC before telling me that im lying.
6. Why did i use radar? simply because im tired of being run over by people that seem to have a mystic in their group that can see thru walls, know exactly where you are and are always the first to reply to posts like this with the kind of comments Noheals posted..

Yes i will post the movies and screens, but only when im sure theyve atleast done their investigataions, oh then ill expect an apology from you Noheals and ill also like to see your face when you see who it is.
oh and belive me, when you see it youll feel very stupid indeed.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Taco48 said:
... but after the third time i became very suspicious, so i decided to get hold of this Radar program to test somethings out...
Taco48 said:
...The third time he got me was while i was using Radar...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Glottis said:
Had a similar incident today near Bolg-Crim area, with a small group of Hibs lead by a pretty well know Bard all of the sudden running in my dir despite the trees between us. Got lucky and managed to stealth before he could press amnesia or instant mezz or DD, but found it very dodgy.
But not going to risk my account just to proof someone is cheating (using a radar prog myself would do that).
Instead I took a screen of the loc and the time, and will report him to GoA tommorow.
Playing cop yourself will only get you into trouble I'm afraid.
But I'm also scared there are quite a lot of well known players out there abusing radar progs. Good to know Kemor is doing his stuff.
Regards, Glottis

Hmm whats that me Glottis? some stealther just pressed stealth before i managed to lull him yesterday.. was after bolg towards emain.. just wanna know oO


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
My vote goes to ladonna! Ninjaraider, bug abuser, exploiter, wouldnt suprise me if he'd be using radar xDD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Taco48 said:
when your driver about turns with no word of warning and does a 360 degree turn to whack a soloer

sorry i can't help, but that must have looked like kung-fu :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
old.anubis said:
imo you shouldve reported him as soon as you got the evidence
i hope goa investigates such kinda stuff
ban all the cheaters, regardless of the realm
nono, ban mids only!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I wouldn't put anything past some Midds. I feel sorry for the innocent ones.... :) They have proved their intentions tooo many times.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Btw (off topic) cant understand your avatar and signature Divinia....change it imo :puke:


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Taco48 said:
5. perhaps next time you log onto DAOC you should look at whats running on YOUR PC before telling me that im lying.

Erm, by the looks of that msg, it's kinda pointing towards that he is the guy you are writing about :p

Or it's just me being bloody tired :(
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