Question for you hibs...



Originally posted by bongos
Matt u tell malev from me when i next see her at amg in odin's shes mine ^^

didn't you just tell me... ??

oh well..

<waits for a message from matt>


Originally posted by bongos
Matt u tell malev from me when i next see her at amg in odin's shes mine ^^

and I'm sure she'll be happy to gank you ;)


Originally posted by matax

and I'm sure she'll be happy to gank you ;)

bongos is the only grey con to ever /beckon me, go bongos! you rock :D

also related, karimkazi, another brave minstrel out there :) if alb had more people with guts like these guys we'd all be having a lot more fun ;)

<note this in no way is meant to say that *every* other alb is cowardly.. just 95% of them>


Turamber the MAIN reason i made another account was to play with some great hib people,i thought you was a good person even to understand that maybe i was wrong all the time.I seriously don't know how you can think i can be a spy,i may aswell delete every char and leave the game.


heh malev me and karim r good friends in game and any time u wanna get in my way, i'll run the other :p

or take u on whitch ever suits u best ^^


Looks like i may have to delete hib and may never be able to do it because the amount of idiots who think i am going to become a spy.:(

I know your realm has some of the finest people it's a shame i won't get to see that everyday,going to have to delete to stop the crap from other albs.Sorry hibs:(

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
I seriously don't know how you can think i can be a spy,i may aswell delete every char and leave the game.

One silver for every time you say that, Mattshanes... teh riches!;)

Naw... I don't mind people with two accounts (well, the brainiacs with buffbots excluded*sneers*) to play in a different realm on the same server.

Gee, what sane individual would roll and alt on Ekskahilipur?

As M. said - it's fun to play with people you normally fight against.
If this was a roleplaying server, Turamber - I'd agree with you.
But sadly it's not.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.mattshanes
,going to have to delete to stop the crap from other albs.Sorry hibs:(

Don't be a dweeb...;)


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
going to have to delete to stop the crap from other albs.Sorry hibs:(

you can't do that before atleast /sending me one "LOL"!!!!


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Looks like i may have to delete hib and may never be able to do it because the amount of idiots who think i am going to become a spy.:(

I know your realm has some of the finest people it's a shame i won't get to see that everyday,going to have to delete to stop the crap from other albs.Sorry hibs:(

Make an alt with a name that can't connect you with any of your alb chars..

And then don't tell the albs who are being moronic about it... Viola problem solved!


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Turamber the MAIN reason i made another account was to play with some great hib people,i thought you was a good person even to understand that maybe i was wrong all the time.I seriously don't know how you can think i can be a spy,i may aswell delete every char and leave the game.

Matt, just because someone disagrees with you - or because they don't understand something you say or do doesn't mean that they are insulting you or being nasty to you. You're not the only one who makes that mistake, go check out the theurgist thread on the Albion forum :rolleyes:

Neither does it make someone who disagrees with you a bad person - but if you want to go ahead with that viewpoint please be my guest.

And I really do disagree about playing in different realms on the same server. We all play together anyway - we might not be able to talk in game, but we certainly can on these forums.


Matt mate do wot ever u want lol its your life and your money...i am going to do the same thing hib is really a great realm and prydwen is the place to be. gonna get my other account sorted and make a char there. Alb is great , but the people are becoming more and more aggressive, rude... the list of words can go on.
As for albs in rvr, its sometimes a joke to watch , i dont enjoy goin with alb zergs at all and try to stay clear of them.
Hibs imo are the most, organised and fair fighters out there.. and i think people who have a problem about two accounts on the same server, should shhhhhhhhh :)

Plutaris lvl 50 Mins many to name.


Originally posted by plutaris
and i think people who have a problem about two accounts on the same server, should shhhhhhhhh :)

Plut if you don't like playing in Albion then delete your Albion characters and role a character in Hibernia. Playing in both realms on the same server is frowned upon by GOA and I for one can understand why and would indeed finger anyone I knew to be doing it.

If that makes me a bad person then fine, but I don't see why those who play the game the way it was designed should have to put up with people who do this.


I have(had) two accounts, one on Alb, one on Hib. Does that automatically make me a spy/cheater/both? Not really, just shows I have too much time on my hands and money in my account. I've never guilded my Hib characters despite being asked many times because of people having the straight up assumption that I must be a spy simply because i have accounts in two realms on the same server.

My reasoning for having two accounts? simple, I like the community on Prydwen and I don't speak a second language, that's my loss, something I'd like to correct some day, but for now It's impossible to play on the German or French servers and have an intelligable conversation with anyone at all.

The Account in Albion is closed now, because the time i had spare now isn't so spare and one had to go. Wouldn't mind joining a guild in Hib now since I haven't made that many friends there yet after two months or so playing :(

So anyway, was I ever a spy, rubbish, was I heck Never was never would, I pity conspiricy theorists who would think otherwise. I don't think Matt to be either, even though i don't actually know him that well :p


aye i totally agree, just cos u have two accounts, doesnt make any1 a spy , cheat etc. Your not a bad person to say that turamber, neither am i or any1 else who has two accounts for wanting to experience the game. The fact is i would never spy or anything wot is the point ?? Its just a game and people want to have fun, so lets .

Cavex ElSaviour

matt before u delete it, say the name and the class of your hibby char, i will make an equal char here on prydwen and we can kick eachother in thid. I also believe there are a few more ppl here in albion that want to dual u :)

and oh, bout the second account, i don't believe matts would spie, just dont tell us anything bout hibs and vice versa.

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