QuakeWorld server mod



Has anyone ever emailed Global/Netcom/fury.net/clara/demon on changing their unused ffa/with no bunnyhop server into ktpro or something? Do they know they run servers? :)


global owns you!

dmm1, fucked physics (wall running is slower etc), american keyboarders on 14.4s and dodgy episode maps, it doesn't get much better than that folks.


heh, practically every mod is beta at some point and all those new fangled cs anti-cheat things barrys run are beta software, as ceno suggests i think its the shite server management thing they run coinciding with the reduced goodness of the bookable system :/


its not shite its very fucking clever. When you consider the sheer amount of Games Servers they have you then realise how good GM3 really is. It may seem unwieldy for making small changes like this but changes to lots of servers is piece of piss with this.



Things needing Done

heres what i think should be done, just a suggestion mind

BW Bookable - changed to ktpro and mvd
BW Ctf - Leave
BW CA - update for bunnying
BW Duel 1-5 - changed to ktpro
BW FFA - change max clients to 10
BW FFA2 - Kill it?
BW kteams1 + 2 - change to ktpro and mvd
BW TF 1 - leave
BW TF 2 - kill it
BW XC server (yes this is bw, and not been used in over a year)
- kill it

For the 3 servers that have been killed i think that 1 more bw kteams server should be put up for 4v4's

What u think?


Global has another server noone uses ;>

I get the feeling ceno has been sent to fob us off.
It probobly takes longer to type a reply than setup a ktpro server! :/


lol shows what the fuck you know. I cant remember last time I spoke to Deathace and I dont think I have ever spoken to Natrat. But well that comment amused me so keep em up :D

Anyway resorting to comments like that usually put requests to bottom of list but seeing as I dont have anything to do with it just as well :)

*IF* I could make the changes I would. Back in the old pre-GM days it was piece of pish to update things. But then it was DBs to deal with and he was a filthy slag back then that would do anything for some flithy chat ;0

Sounds as though it might be an idea to set up a meet of all you QW minded active people and decide on what you would like to be setup. Then mail a liason/admin to take this forward. It worked the last time it was tried so maybe that route should be taken again?


Heh, I didnt swear though?
Ur right I know nothing but it seems neither does anyone else.
inc. you and probobly everyone else, ever.


Ok there are issues with quakeworld. It needs sorting out. It will be, when time is available. I know you'll all think that's a crap excuse but it's the way it is.

The other problem i have is that i seem to have about 5 different main contacts for quakeworld issues, and these people appear and disapear all the time. I've no idea who I should be listening to as the authority for change requests to the servers (including new server binaries etc)

these people include:


and some others.

Can you all please get together and work out exactly what it is you want me to look into, from the actual mods to the qw server versions to the config settings. If you can't come to any agreement, I'll make the changes suggested by the most detailed, helpful and comprehensive list provided by any of you.



Horus comes and goes from the scene, haven't seen him for some time. Personally I don't think he would have anything useful to add to the discussions, last time he was suggesting using Qforge server executable (has major bugs). Ceno is always lurking in the background somewhere, at least I have confidence he knows what he's talking about. Oldman seems to get around the world QW sites quite a bit and might have some valuable input.

Cenobite suggested putting together a brief irc meet to iron out any issues. So I guess we need to find a suitable date/time when myself, ceno, oldman and a BW rep (presumably natrat or deathace) can get together. From a config side of things I have everything prepared, but obviously I don't know exactly how things are implemented on the server side of things. I agree that as a server administrator it can be hard to know who to listen to, hopefully we can reach some sort of decision as to what exactly is required.


I'm more than happy to put aside some time (at an aranged time) to have a chat with the three or so of you about QW servers and nut out a bottom up overhaul. I will need at least a few days notice (and preferably a weeks) though. How about some time next wednesday, thurs or fri ?


Another 4v4 server?

What do u think of the idea's of dropping some of the un-used servers (TF server 2, XC's server, FFA2?) and putting up one more 4v4 server. As often now both of these servers are full and another one would be handy, as the majority of people only really play 4v4's now and with (sd4?, nqr) it would be very handy.

Also, what about killing FFA-2 and upping FFA-1 to 10 users


One of the main problems is when to update etc. mvdsv is being updated all the time, especially as regards mvd demo recording. One of the main features i know Highlander is working on is the ability to record the multi-pov demos on the server and store them just so long as to give the chance for at least one of the players to download them so as not to require too much space on the server. At the moment mvd demo recording is only possible with rcon and is stored on the server machine indefinetely. What is bound to happen is barrys will update all the servers as suggested and then a week or so later a new version of mvdsv or ktpro will be released and everyone will want it updating again. Once everything is place the main problem that needs to be addressed is the ability to update qw regularly alongside other games. And a barrysworld quakeworld news site like quakenation how it used to be would be quite good to have - linked to this forum and with loike downloads to mqwcl/zquake and setup guides and the server ips and some example cfgs and up to date info on the servers etc. etc.

oh and btw:

BW Bookable - changed to ktpro and mvdsv for 4v4s
BW Ctf - qwsv changed to mvdsv
BW CA - qwsv changed mvdsv
BW Duel 1-5 - changed to ktpro and mvdsv for 1v1s,2v2s,dmm4,midair etc.
BW FFA - changed to ktpro and mvdsv for ffa
BW FFA2 - either kill it or run a completely different mapcycle
BW kteams1 + 2 - changed to ktpro and mvdsv for 4v4s
BW TF 1 - qwsv changed to mvdsv
BW TF 2 - kill it
BW XC server - kill it or make it into kteams3


Oldman - If anyone wants access to post to QN i am more than happy to give it to them, as long as they aren't just doing it for the short run.

We do post the odd bit of QW news here and there (i posted about that QW lan "cratered" a short while back) but the reason for not much of it is because Athena is afaik the only person who plays QW on the staff and she doesn't post very much anymore as she is too busy doing other things. I don't actually get sent much QW news either.

p.s. Cenos a cunt0r


Most of the suggestions about servers made above seem reasonable, altho i havent seen ktpro's ffa implementation yet (wasn't even aware it could run a standard persistant map changing ffa like ktffa222). If there are going to remain 2 ffa servers id suggest having one with a lower maxclients and smaller maps... eg:

big ffa: maxclients 8-10, dm2/dm3/ukcldm2/androm9/e4m3

small ffa: maxclients 6, ztndm3/ztndm6/aerowalk/ultrav/dm4

things like ktpro/mvdsv still being in development i dont see as much of a problem, they are still much better than whats currently in place, even if the servers were never updated again to a later version. maybe just arrange to have them updated once a month or something not to strenuous for BW.

btw i thought XC's server wasn't hosted @ BW anymore (?). Thought jag had put one up on raq2net or smt, will check the ip when i get home.

In order to try and create some kind of united front for natrat (rather than hearing different voices saying different things that he was concerned about) I started a petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/BWKTPRO/petition.html . Go sign it at once!


Thanks you. To bo honest, I'm not realyl following the asugegstions at the moment; I'll go with what the concensus is, and when that concensus is presetned clearly and discussed/explained to me exactly wehat you want over the coming weeks, I can start implementation.


qw news

i know this is getting off the topic, but in reply to bif's post about lack of news on "quake3nation". Shouldnt u try and activily get someone whos still involved in the qw scene to post for you. The only site that now covers uk qw is www.ukgamer.net and they post alot of qw news from sd3 when they reported on how the 4/5 uk teams did in the qualifers, to the qwduels league and of course the qw ukteam , nqr and Ecal 3. maybe someone like HT could do the job over at quakenation, as im sure people will agree that they miss the lack of qw news.


Mat - as i said if someone wants to do it i'll give them access. What i do not need is someone getting access then buggering off after a few posts.

The reason QN covers Q3 stuff is because the only regular updater is me, and i play Q3 mostly and have not played QW for literally years now. Athena plays QW every day btw, she just has other things to do nowadays besides posting on QN.

Oldman - hunt me down on #nation and i'll sort you out with access to post if thats what u meant with your arrow :).


Has anything taken place/been planned off of this thread yet ? As in, irc meeting.


I've had no reponse whatsoever to my suggestion, no.

This was it, a few posts back:

(I'm more than happy to put aside some time (at an aranged time) to have a chat with the three or so of you about QW servers and nut out a bottom up overhaul. I will need at least a few days notice (and preferably a weeks) though. How about some time next wednesday, thurs or fri ?)


To be fair it should really be the community driving the meeting and such like and asking Natrat to attend. All it takes is someone suggesting a date on here and then topic'ing a few of the more populated QW-esque channels. Then see who turns up and let everyone disagree on map rotations for FFA :)

The more vocal peep-holes in here should be taking charge. /me pokes hangtime :> Or else I can arrange it if noone else can be bothered and feedback to Natrat on the off chance he cant make it.

Make it happen I guess. You asked, BW responded the balls back in your court. How gay was that statement? :clap:


valentines day, lectures, lots of work, finding a house to live next year etc. etc.

Now is a good time to install latest ktpro & qwe (13-2-2002)
Particularly regarding
localinfo demo_tmp_size_record
localinfo demo_tmp_record
which would let us record mvd demos without taking up lots of server disk space (set tmp size to about 15 megs or summit and tmp_record to about 2 or 3 to let ppl record a multi pov demo then download it straight away if they want it, meaning its only stored for a short time (till the next ppl have recorded a demo or two)

i'd suggest a date such as a week this sunday as a good time for a qw meeting? (plenty of notice that way)


sunday is always a good day for quake related things (main qw night in europe) since people are usually at home then. Then again maybe for BW staff hometime is when they like to be away from their computers :)

Anyway I'll toss forward 4pm Sunday 24th as a potential date. Or this weekend if you prefer, whatever.


Both sundays are out for me, in fact pretty much the weekends are out for me. A weekday day or evening is really the only time I can really schedule.


Monday 7pm

how about monday 7pm in #bwqw also why not ask the 4 main uk clan leaders to attend as representives for their clans, 4k - kryten, jams - telly, dn -oppy (ht instead?) wr - sui (me)

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