Qatar Wins!!


Part of the furniture
Mar 14, 2004
I am only spooning if I can stroke your hair.

Stroke away :D

Awesome, just make sure you have enough money in the bank to pay the rent until 2023 please bud! With you out of the way I can bring all my friends and family, we will live like gypsies in your home! :D

+1 - stop forgetting me!

Oh and if you do top yourself tierk, make sure the air con is on before you check out. ;)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Everz the lasting effect is known as Legacy and that is also covered in the Qatar bid, which i am assuming you know nothing about because they dont print it in the gutter press in England.

As for Saudi :lol: Yea that will work real well. The country that gave us :Al Qaida, 17 out of 19 hijackers (911), doesnt allow drinking at all, no Jews allowed period and Non Muslims not allowed in certain places either. Yea that will work a treat.

If you knew anything about Qatar and its recent history regarding sporting events maybe you wouldnt sound so daft.

As for Iran, i think we all know that will never happen for political reasons as well as Iran probably never wanting to host it anyway. (Iran had been awarded the 1984 Olympics btw but due to the Islamic Revolution it was moved to LA).

The USA had no league you could speak of prior to being awarded the 1994 WC yet still managed to get it. The people in Qatar and the region are fanatical about football, though this doesnt have any bearing for me either.

Anyway all i can say is Cry More Noob!! :p

Can't be bothered when you think I care that England didn't get the bid :(.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Stroke away :D

+1 - stop forgetting me!

Oh and if you do top yourself tierk, make sure the air con is on before you check out. ;)

I am always open to negotiation on rent, otherwise you can find yourself a hotel.

Isn't it amazing how all the parasites come out of the woodwork when you suddenly inherit a property in Qatar!


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
I am always open to negotiation on rent, otherwise you can find yourself a hotel.

Isn't it amazing how all the parasites come out of the woodwork when you suddenly inherit a property in Qatar!

You are already subletting my house and i ahve not even died yet :(

Can't be bothered when you think I care that England didn't get the bid :(.

nah nah na-nah nah!! :)


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
<PM's tierk to set up a sublet deal before cHod gets in, with the option of actually staying alive>

Does this mean i can also watch telly??

Just saw this article in The telegraph, which is quoting the guy who was instrumental in bringing the games to Qatar. Interesting reading.

Mike Lee said:
the appointment of Lord Triesman to head the bid was a mistake. Triesman was later forced to resign after being caught on tape accusing Russia and Spain of trying to bribe referees at this year’s World Cup. "Triesman is not recognised in international football. They wasted 50 per cent of the campaign because you cannot win with the wrong leadership,”


Mike Lee said:
The decisions taken by Fifa are based on a range of factors. I think the bid committee needs to stop blaming everybody else.

“They would say they built relationships but it clearly hasn’t worked as well as they had hoped. The last 48 hours has seen them blame everybody but themselves. But these campaigns are built over two years.”

The guy is clearly well informed and well placed to speak seeing as he was the one that brought the Olympics to London in 2012 and also led the successful bid for Brazil in 2016.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 28, 2004
Qatar Is a not my favourite place ;)

I spent 2 tears on and off at al udeid air base lol...If you like sand,wind,humidity and heat you will love the place ;)

And its a dry state (alcohol free) apart from the hotels and think the rugby club has a license aswell ;)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Erm...Here is that reading problem of yours again.

I didn't complain they were overpaid, you did. If there is a demand then there will be a supply to meet that demand at whatever is an acceptable price, be it an actor, sportsman, musician or whatever.

If anything musicians are underpaid with too much money going to managers and record labels.

Yeah and like i said; you can't complain about f*ck all, reality tv etc, since it's the same "capitalist" crap.

I don't have a readin problem, maybe you should try to do so though.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
FIFA has said they would consider moving the 2022 world cup to winter if Qatar requested it...

So they'd have to enforce winter breaks in all leagues that do not have one. Change the running dates of all european leagues. It would cost the average fan more to travel, and less people could go as it would be outside of the traditional "summer holiday" period.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
I'd loose all faith in Football if the WC was played in the Winter.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
It's not been suggested that Qatar will do this mind, their bid was based on summer hosting. I'm just shocked FIFA would consider it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
It's not been suggested that Qatar will do this mind, their bid was based on summer hosting. I'm just shocked FIFA would consider it.

If it is a fucked up idea then of course FIFA would consider it.. they are a bunch of idiots afteral. Mind you, it not just the current fifa people that are idiots, it been that way for a long time now unfortunately


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
I'd loose all faith in Football if the WC was played in the Winter.

Winter here is not like the winter in the UK. However, i do not think this will be taken up as an option. The Qatar bid has dealt with the issues of heat quite well, its not such a massive leap in technology to provide AC stadiums and if they are all going to be powered by Solar Energy even better.

The same applies for fan zones.

For all the people complaining about FIFA and its decision making, i am sure if England had won not a single one of you would be going on and on like we are seeing currently.

So we didn't win, it was not ever going to be likely and as i said before what was the expectation after running stories in the press and on television three days before the decision, basically calling them all a bunch of thieves?

I also find the calls for more democracy funny when one of the main principles of democracy is that the people voting get to do so privately and are not obliged to share who they voted for.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Pretty sure most of us have gone on about how shit and corrupt FIFA are for years now? :s


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Actually the press and the public would have had a free for all at FIFA had we won, no need to be guarded if we actually got the cup.

And you have the point about winter wrong tierk, it's not about weather, it's about timing. You can't fuck up half the world's leagues just to host a tourney.


Part of the furniture
Feb 16, 2004
Actually the press and the public would have had a free for all at FIFA had we won, no need to be guarded if we actually got the cup.

And you have the point about winter wrong tierk, it's not about weather, it's about timing. You can't fuck up half the world's leagues just to host a tourney.

I understand the point being made and even i would find it odd to be watching the WC during Xmas time.

The weather though is spectacular that time of the year :)

As for your first point it is easy to say that now but i don't for one second believe we would be hearing a single thing about it had we won.

I also remember that England had an agreement with Germany that in exchange for support for England to host Euro '96 we would support their bid for 2006 and yet there we were bidding to host the games in 2006.

Is that corruption or collusion? No it's the way that things are done, back room deals in smokey rooms.

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander as the saying goes.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Least there will be some cracking stadium to stone women in

controversy wins!


I am a FH squatter
Jun 18, 2005
This troll-o-tunity is presented to you by: CoRnFlAkEs


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I made it go away. Sorry for the delay.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
it did not come with a picture of you wearing your "I'm on a boat" tshirt, but in all other respects it was an instant hit!

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