PvP: initial opinions?



lower numbers means more organisation, that's a fact


if nobley don't have enough numbers to fight french/german it would be very intresting if the recuited all english speaking players as a english vs french vs german scenario


Originally posted by Novamir
lower numbers means more organisation, that's a fact

WaR LegendZ high majority of there guild are lvl 25+ already , if getting a lot of your guild to lvl25+ in 2 days on a pvp server aint organised then what is?

Np THINK they are gonna be the uber pk guild but i can 1005 guarentee you that aint gonna be the factor . Those war lgendz are gonna be the top pk guild . and imo Millenium will be top non-pk guild . legendz and millenium seem to be on par with each other both having a high number of 25+ players. there are a lot of newbish french/german guilds also "and english" seems to me to be 3-4 decent english guilds 1 main french one from what ive seen and 1 main german guild . but the german and french guild are BIG guilds . its gonna be lotsa fun oposing them all in the long term ,

p.s imo no point in p/l to 50 asap just to gankg grays for weeks till majority of population catch up :) . only advantage they may have doing so is so they can take the relics and claim them before anybody else has the chance for the glory of being 1st ones to hold relics and get to 50 .


I think alot of people like myself could care less about lvling on the TEST server.. Whats the point? Wait untill the real deal starts then lets see whats up!


Originally posted by Alrindel
Pretty much exactly what I expected. 10 minutes into the game after rolling a guardian at Howth:


The first little while on PVP is a lot of fun for the novelty value, but that server really is for Fanamir and his intellectual brethren - anyone else is going to get bored there fairly quickly... and if I want insults and abuse I can just take my elf to Ligen on Excalibur and try to get an RvR group. :p

ha i met that twat too.

but there are nice people too

Reverant Mezz

fun :)

got to lvl 7 and was havin some nice fights and lvl 8 off ppl then i got 3/4 of an hour of shit off someone cos i killed him on a horse


Well so far it has been fun, not really playing much as its a test and i still have safty on.

the only thing i do dislike ganking, thats just being cowardly.

its ok a bunch of low lvls attack a high, as its needed, but the other way round? come on.

like a saw Nel who is 20 or over kill a lvl 5, ffs that is about as lame as u can get.

i know its the pvp server, but chirst thats just sad.

but so far from what i have seen its guild guys that are being the twats so far, the unguilded just run around solo picking fight, where the guilds just gank the solo guys.


i first rolled a SM, lvled up to 6, then found out that being ganked on every corner aint too fun, i rolled a critblade whos safety i took off @ lvl 6. had lots of fun on lvl 6 & 7 (7 mainly because then i got my stealth to 6 +1) grping with a friend (troll zerk). being grped and having him as the bait and me CS-ing anyone that attacked him was fun :)

then we found out that we can kill MUCH higher players with the 2 of us, so we started killing purple con mages for 4000xp each (4000xp at lvl 7 is QUITE much ;)) and he even soloed a purple con skald at lvl 6 (that skald thought i was the one that does most dmg and mezzed me, just to find out that the zerk went into zerk mode and killed that skald fast :D)

soloing? forget it.


none of you have mentioned the guild Prydwen Invaders: 150+ online last night when I logged

broc legends are going down :D


broc legends like nolby are a bunch of wankers! They chain kill greys with big groups of high lvls. How sad is that? I saw nolby sit outside tnn for longer than 30 mins killing everyone, 90% was grey and they sat there laughing thinking they was so coool...
Nutless Nolby Nerds!


Another thing I found kinda stupid is when your say, 0 con, you cant attack people, but they can still attack you, and you cant even defend yourself.. Is that stupid or what?


agree with most posters here about the funniness of PvP.. it was fun for like 30 minutes killing "same-race" chars. but after killing and getting killed by lower cons and higher cons i just gave up... and now i am sure i will not play on Camlann... (well maybe after a while to have some fun for a few mins :D)


hehe prydwen invaders ownz (my guild ;))

we should have bout 250 or smth members now ... today i was running around in hib, ever thid person i saw was from my guild .D


Originally posted by -yoda-

WaR LegendZ high majority of there guild are lvl 25+ already , if getting a lot of your guild to lvl25+ in 2 days on a pvp server aint organised then what is?

Np THINK they are gonna be the uber pk guild but i can 1005 guarentee you that aint gonna be the factor . Those war lgendz are gonna be the top pk guild . and imo Millenium will be top non-pk guild . legendz and millenium seem to be on par with each other both having a high number of 25+ players. there are a lot of newbish french/german guilds also "and english" seems to me to be 3-4 decent english guilds 1 main french one from what ive seen and 1 main german guild . but the german and french guild are BIG guilds . its gonna be lotsa fun oposing them all in the long term ,

p.s imo no point in p/l to 50 asap just to gankg grays for weeks till majority of population catch up :) . only advantage they may have doing so is so they can take the relics and claim them before anybody else has the chance for the glory of being 1st ones to hold relics and get to 50 .

/who WaR... 50...
/who nolby.... 5...

Tells enough how much NP wants to run around "showing off" in Test server... :)


Interesting - I was a member of broc legends briefly over the weekend (french slang really stretches my school french ) - they are approximately twice the size of Prydwen Invaders for those who think invaders rule :)

Other than that all the high number guilds are doing the same stuff.

Millenium have the most high level chars in one guild - not surprising seeing as how well organised they are and how much they practiced.

Either a french or German guild will rule the PvP server (through numbers if no other reason) so get out your phrase books :)

French guilds seem friendlier so I'd prob go there.

Oh and never walk out of Camelot if you have safety off - ganker city :)

P.S. Millenium are in the thirties now :)

Brannor McThife

I play a bard. L10.8. Pure support class, can't even gank greys. Doesn't stop anyone from ganking me if they see me. Don't really care, since I don't fight, I don't need con. :p I rez anyone I see dead. I've partied with German and French groups and had fun.

Will give Live a few weeks and start when the bigger guilds are formed and all the llama's have been chain ganked out of the game. Don't really like this form of PK...as Mobs don't camp bind stones, healers, town entrances, etc. Think a lot more work could've been done on it to make it better for everyone.

This is pretty much the extreme, amazed that Mythic even decided the have safe cities...



Like the idea Brannor.
Pure support class could be the way for me.


Originally posted by rynnor
Interesting - I was a member of broc legends briefly over the weekend (french slang really stretches my school french ) - they are approximately twice the size of Prydwen Invaders for those who think invaders rule :)

Other than that all the high number guilds are doing the same stuff.

Millenium have the most high level chars in one guild - not surprising seeing as how well organised they are and how much they practiced.

Either a french or German guild will rule the PvP server (through numbers if no other reason) so get out your phrase books :)

French guilds seem friendlier so I'd prob go there.

Oh and never walk out of Camelot if you have safety off - ganker city :)

P.S. Millenium are in the thirties now :)

You was one of the purples that pked me over and over at mag mel! lol you swine!


from what ive seen of Broc legends they just grey con zergs who camp main cuty entrys . v rarely see a blue con one of them .

not to sure about pryd invaders grpd with them a cple of times and got told they aint a pk guild . then 1/2 hr later they seemed to be pk'ing a lot ,

Millenium as many folks know are a huge guild well organised with high lvls

same goes for war legendz.

Ce well atm MANY of them aint tried gorre yet "maybe 20-30 thats all have tried" most ce are spending there last week or so on there main servers causing mayhem there before they switch to live server .

Nolby seem to be doing the same . they doin RL stuff so it seems before they knuckle down for the initial exp grind "19 hrs p/day ive heard they planning"

red hands seems to be ok but not seen many of them about now maybe they gave up or gone back to normal servers til live .

not seen much of avalanche either "although they were 1st guild to claim a keep"

one thing for sure its gonna be funny as hell when it goes live and all the bigger more prominant guilds get serious and start waring for relics/keeps

and all the Noob pks will still be lvl 10 with 1 con and no armor cos they been killed so many times they got no cash :) standing outside main citys getting pwnd every 45 seconds after they release :p

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by noob_pride
Like the idea Brannor.
Pure support class could be the way for me.
Make sure you're ready to do lots of running.

a.k.a. fleeing. :rolleyes:



Was thinking a Warden would be a good support class. You can fight (at a push), you get bubble, you get run buff, you get end regen so you can sprint for ages (for running away like a big girl), you can heal, res and buff.

Thought about playing an aug healer, but bored with healers now. Smite cleric might also be a good support class, 'cos they are pretty tough to kill (pbaoemezz), even though its 5mins after nerf.


do all the characters on gorre for the test get deleted ?
if so why are people bothering to lvl so high ? theres a lvl 34 guy on there ffs :)


my god, level 34??? that's just pathetic - ALL characters on the pvp test server will be wiped, according to GOA.


They level so high for one reason, getting as high as possible on a real-pvp server...

Gonna be war the first few weeks on the PvP server... Record time's to 50... I always thought I'd play a Skald, but thinking of doing a Zerker instead...

Not touching Gorre though... I'll play on the real PvP server with a few friends in our own guild (not too big, but not small either)... We wont be a PK guild, although we wont avoid PK'ing either :D


Heh I was killed by a Milennium zerg last night while xping.

So I found a lowbie grp of theirs killing blackthorns and killed them.. and again.. and again. :rolleyes:

They dont seem so great imo. Not protecting their lowercons.


do you lose constitution when you die and get ressed?

I take it you lose your con and drop the cash.. so if you get ressed you can pick it back up? :)


ROFL there are the WaR LeGend guys on there baout 42 of all all told at most times, currently PKing everything in sight ohh and there are mostly over lvl 40+

Put it this way they are using DF weapons and shining weapons, me thinks they dont have a life :mad:

Currently have a LvL 25 Mentalist there and yer its fun but put simply team play and guilds and how fast u can lvl is king simple as that, and for the grey guys that have safety off and keep trying to gank purple get a life :D

Other than falling through the floor about 4 times when in TNN and when porting has been ok, just that chanters a little over powered, but we all know that allready.

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