PvP: initial opinions?



Fun for a while just not my sort of thing really i like the normal servers to be honest.


Opps posted on the wrong area....

Anyway... PvP... love it, but it will never replace my main characters when it goes live. I cant commit the time to it.

Still its great fun and a nice way to relax


Pretty much exactly what I expected. 10 minutes into the game after rolling a guardian at Howth:


The first little while on PVP is a lot of fun for the novelty value, but that server really is for Fanamir and his intellectual brethren - anyone else is going to get bored there fairly quickly... and if I want insults and abuse I can just take my elf to Ligen on Excalibur and try to get an RvR group. :p


It could be good fun, but it really isn't right now.

I like the idea of PK and anti-PK, but I really hate the griefers. There is a difference between PKing and griefing, although I guess most of the wannabe PKers just don't get it yet.

Surely even the biggest dumbass will soon realise that wasting your time/power/end killing lower cons opponents repeatedly for absolutely no reward is going to get you nowhere..

I have been running solo mostly so far, killing juicy targets and getting killed. Its been fun, just hope the muppets get bored.


Yes the the people who are abusive spoil it after all it is fun,if i killed someone i would probably message them saying something like nice fight was fun,but some people go over the top start abusing overs spoiling it totally and unfairly for them,especially waiting at bindstones to gank away.


I personally shrug that crap off, if some foulmouthed little kid wants to waste his game playing time typing insults and rude words at me, whatever. But if someone like that makes you angry, remember - the code of conduct still explicitly defines that as harrassment even on the PVP servers, and it's punishable by permanent banning in the case of repeat offenders.


Players on PvP servers, more so than on other servers, have tools available to them to police their own environment. For this reason, GOA Customer Support will not enforce the “Honor in Combat” rules on PvP servers (kill stealing, etc). It is expected that players will settle these types of issues amongst themselves using the tools, swords and spells available to them.

Other GOA Customer Support policies remain in effect. These include policies regarding naming of characters and harassing other players.

Note that what may be considered “unsportsmanlike conduct” such as, but not limited to “bindstone camping”, repeated “res-killing”, “zone line camping”, and other PvP issues are not considered harassment. Verbally abusing another player over and above the expected level of in-game banter is considered harassment. Playing on a “hardcore” server does not give you free license to abuse other players. You will be held to the same high standards of conduct in terms of chat and conversation as on any other Dark Age of Camelot server.

Generic Poster

It's only been a day so far... give it at least a week or two once the real servers go live.

Right now everyone is trying to gain levels... once things settle, revenge will be more common and random gankers will have to think twice before one-shotting that puny grey.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Heh, yea. Some gifted player thought it would be a good idea to camp the healer in Hibbie land and killed me and another person in my group whilst we were sitting around talking in 'safety' from the carnage outside. Anyhoo, to cut a long story short, this talented player was in some guild with a name like Santos Imporioum(?) so I declared war on them, Knobly Pride, Arwans Circle(?) and some other guilds. I spent the better part of an hour using Guerilla warefare tactics on them:

Me: Ha! Take that bastard guild caster bastard! ~annihilates caster~
Me: Hmm...the caster has friends...lots of them...
Me: ~runs like hell and hope they lose endurance before I do~

A couple of things I noticed was that life will be pretty hard for those not in a guild and that when you solo you will constantly be looking over your shoulder to make sure that there is nobody about to send you to the 5th level of Hell. In fact, the carnage and my paranoia got so bad last night that I was constantly hiding or shooting anyone that came too close. I was trying to XP hunt bugs and kept coming under attack. Bah!


LOL Sissy!

I've not tried it but I imagine I would be the same!


Originally posted by Generic Poster
It's only been a day so far... give it at least a week or two once the real servers go live.

Right now everyone is trying to gain levels... once things settle, revenge will be more common and random gankers will have to think twice before one-shotting that puny grey.

After few week the first two guilds hitting 50's won't have to think twice on killing everyone in sight. They will propably hold the relics forever too. Like Us servers, I doubt people here are any smarter (the ones that enjoy being idiot without their mom being able to spank them)

old.Gombur Glodson

I thought it was fun for a while but then it got a bit boring.
I prefer good old prydwen and normal rvr.


Normal RvR last night was very funny. Everyone trying to use as many new spells as possible :)

(I purged and demezzed some people! Rar!)


has some pretty interesting stuff in it, and i will try and get my toon up to at least 40 when it goes live, but i think the whole idea of this server is a bit crap in the end.....

i made the mistake of creating a norseman viking (intention to be a zerker) and found myself surrounded by 200 lev 1 wannabe skalds shouting 'take your saftely off' was funny for hmm let me see, about 2 seconds hehe.

going to mess about with a sorcerer i think :p


PvP yes I like it, its all new at the moment PvP so to many idiots on playing silly sods to do anything really, best wait until the newness has worn off a bit but otherwise really like the idea of all 3 realms open to you.

The game is 3 times as big now as it is on standerd severs which I like so thats got me very intrested but as for the Pvp side hope it calms down a bit as of the moment there must be 98% casters in game blasting everything in site.

Only time will tell :)


My 3 hours in PvP

Consisted of turning off my /safety at lvl 3 and wetting myself at the amount of highlander fighters in humberton fighting each other.

I also found that a lot of reds (level 5) though it would be fun to gank all the lvl 1's, 2's and 3's they could find with their /safety off.

After 1 1/2 hours of being ganked, ganking others, laughing out loud and being very annoyed, i left for Hibbie.

I re-created my char with the safety ON. I was joined by a friend who ported from alb almost the moment he gainede 10 silver and we're grouped atm in hibbie as I know whr all kiltasks and mobs are there.

In Summary:

Fun for an hour if u turn off the safety.. Then it becomes horribly tedious to try and lvl - as said above, always looking over ure shoulder, even for a soloing lvl 5, Gr8 fun for longer if u leave the safety on.

Ill prolly play till lvl 5 - then turn it off and do what everyone else did and start ganking. Then again.. My morals have me stating that I won't gank those below my lvl - as its an unfair fight. Guess I'll need to find a guild too.


If you port to another realm, do you have to return to your original realm if you want to spend skill points etc?


Re: My 3 hours in PvP

Originally posted by tripitaka
Ill prolly play till lvl 5 - then turn it off and do what everyone else did and start ganking. Then again.. My morals have me stating that I won't gank those below my lvl - as its an unfair fight. Guess I'll need to find a guild too.

So you don't kill blue cons mobs then, because it's not a fair fight? Remember, depending on the class you play, some blue cons will be more than worthy opponents. If you are going to play PvP, and you are going to PK, you've got to have no problems with killing anything that isn't grey, or there's no point.


First impression for me of the PvP 'beta' on Gorre was "not as bad as I expected" :)

I think people have to get used to the idea that you -will- die a lot and it is frustrating, but if you can get past this it's fun...
I , as with about 50% of the population ;) , rolled a skald and had a lot of fun and am still doing so.

So overall a positive impression and I think there is a lot of scope with this new take on DAoC but it could go either way when the Camlann proper goes up. I'll deffinitely give it a go but at least I've still got my main if Camlann becomes land of the gank :)

Just my 2 cents :)


Reign of mages is all i can say, classes that need armor are going to have a really hard time because you just spend all your money on restoring con.

rvr on the "casual" servers looks like higher quality so that's a positive aspect


The most annoying thing so far is the 500ish enchanters running around pk'ing... Was ganked by a group of 3 chanters with castingpets... fell rather quikly :) (playing a icewizard myself)



Fun - playing an infiltrator - got to 5 then took safety off - will level solely on players now I think :)

Tons of casters to gank - anyone not using speed buffs is fair game - trying for yellows where poss - dead easy to kill most people since they arent used to being paranoid in 'their own' realm - I've amused myself killing the odd yellow con tank too :)

See my other thread for the organised cheats I've spotted - not sure if I'll bother for too long - random gankage gets dull and unless I'm mistaken its impossible to tell if you can attack someone until you do attack them - no fun if your a stealther suddenly de-stealthed for nothing :(


It was good except for the NOLBY KILLING GREY CUZ THEY CAN!!!! FCUKING TWATS!!!!!


its fun but i aint got any chars over lvl 3 so far.

oh and all the germans and french ppl that dosent understand "Can i have a dmg add, please?" is pissing me off :p



be interesting to see who will "rule" the server though.

even tho i dislike:)p) midgard and myself being an alb, my hard earned silver is on nolby chars.


while running to snowdonia station earlier a huge gang squad appeared behind me. Naturally i legged it and trembled under the counter upstairs.I had to laugh as they swept the building and didnt spot me :eek6:


imho i think all the noobs who stand outside camelot in fgs ganking ANYTHING that moves will get bored v fast and go back to normal servers . OR they wil die so much themselves they will have gray con armor "some will have NO armor" and will have NO con left hence will give up and find it pointless to carry on ,

yes the lower lvl exping is tough due to grievers but the high % of those people WONT make it to lvl 15-20 . when the serious pvp's get to higher lvls thats when the real fun imo will start .
it will be pk's vs non pk's guilds vs guilds and of course the odd relic/keep raids :) in 1-2 months time im sure pvp server will be settled and most the bigger guilds will be established with there goals set out .


if you think nolby are going to do well, i have this to say to you:
forget it.

They will never outperform the uber French/German powergamer guilds. They don't have the numbers, frankly, for one thing...

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