Punkbuster, Cheating and Leagues



I can provide people with hosting of PunkBuster servers.


hmm, haven't had time to read each individual post, but:

We believe the problems at the beginning of the season with it kicking everyone was due to lag, this was because PB was hosted in scandinavia and we couldn't find alternative hosts.

For the playoffs the idea is that the refs host it, with hopefully less problems, although if we had problems again we would obviously have to sort it with the possibility again of removing PB.

I don't know of any problems so its looking likely it'll be needed for all of Season 5.

:clap: :clap: :clap:


A succesful test was conducted the other night at the 748 server.

The PunkBuster Server didn't mutter a word to chat and only said if you'd been authenticated or not in console.

It was nice.. If you had a punkbuster client running you wouldn't even had noticed that this was a punkbuster server.

The PunkBuster server was hosted on a dedicated Linux Machine in Iceland to a jolt.uk server. We had me and an Irishman on ISDN, UK guy on 56k and another Icelandic peep on dsl. No problems were encountered.

The "Too many restarts" error was also fixed by raising the restart limit to 20 "Default is 4"

If anyone wants a copy of my configs please email me at ravenger@fortress.is


The only time, a problem with pb nowadays _might_ occur is when autoupdate comes into play during a match. But then again that it kicked someone after the update without due reason is quite a while back from what I've experienced.


The "Too many restarts" error was also fixed by raising the restart limit to 20 "Default is 4"

Whered u set that option ?


;Number of times a Client can restart a connection without causing a
; violation to occur due to too many connection restarts
MaxRestarts 8

As you can see I lowered it again.

A good reading that Online Manual

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