PS3 to get BD-Live (profile 2.0)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Because of Mouse/KB?
Mouse/KB is better for sniping but for a run and gunner the pad wins for me.

Use a gamepad on an FPS on a PC and I guarantee you will be outclassed by someone with a mouse and keyboard everytime - whether you're sniping or running and gunning.
The gamepad just isn't designed for FPSs (i.e. joysticks) and there's no way you'd match up.

Given, the mouse wasn't designed for this either - it was designed for different things - but that design works a whole lot better than the gamepad's.

FPS gaming multiplayer on the PC is also a lot more fun because you can easily type and chat or talk and chat too - that's not possible yet on the consoles.. maybe that's because I've played a lot of CS and am used to chatting between rounds, might not happen so much in other games.

Its also easier to meet clan folk, organise clan games and you have more control over which servers you join - so you can stick to the good places with good regular communities. You don't have that choice on consoles.

You've more chance of encountering a decent set of people playing online on a PC because you have more control over where to go - and so decent people tend to congregate in communities, etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 22, 2004
there isn't two types of in, the kb/mouse player and console joypad player...think you'll find that great players on console FPS' like COD etc, are also great players with KB/ there is actually no difference, as in both instances, everyone has the same controls, so everyone is still even..if you moan about pads then its probably because you're not good playing with them..i played FPS on my pc for years, and moreso thesedays on my xbox..and i really dont see a whine there how its better or more fun, i much prefer playing from my sofa with a wireless pad on my widescreen, than at my pc..


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Use a gamepad on an FPS on a PC and I guarantee you will be outclassed by someone with a mouse and keyboard everytime - whether you're sniping or running and gunning.
The gamepad just isn't designed for FPSs (i.e. joysticks) and there's no way you'd match up.

Given, the mouse wasn't designed for this either - it was designed for different things - but that design works a whole lot better than the gamepad's.

FPS gaming multiplayer on the PC is also a lot more fun because you can easily type and chat or talk and chat too - that's not possible yet on the consoles.. maybe that's because I've played a lot of CS and am used to chatting between rounds, might not happen so much in other games.

Its also easier to meet clan folk, organise clan games and you have more control over which servers you join - so you can stick to the good places with good regular communities. You don't have that choice on consoles.

You've more chance of encountering a decent set of people playing online on a PC because you have more control over where to go - and so decent people tend to congregate in communities, etc.

Garbage dude Shadowrun pitted PC players against console players and it was very easy to tell a PC player from a console player because they try to keep their distance get up close and personal and they tended to spaz out trying to press all the keys needed and it made an easy kill.

If you saw someone with a sniper rifle and it looked like a PC player then it was time to be scared.

As Latency said i don't really care for the mouse/KB these days i'm used to the control pad and everyone is using one so it's always a fair game.

The days of being hunched over my PC at 3am are long gone these days i'm on my bed with my wireless playing on my 50inch sammy.

About the chat thing you have a mic switch it on and talk don't be scared lad.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
there isn't two types of in, the kb/mouse player and console joypad player...think you'll find that great players on console FPS' like COD etc, are also great players with KB/ there is actually no difference, as in both instances, everyone has the same controls, so everyone is still even..if you moan about pads then its probably because you're not good playing with them..i played FPS on my pc for years, and moreso thesedays on my xbox..and i really dont see a whine there how its better or more fun, i much prefer playing from my sofa with a wireless pad on my widescreen, than at my pc..

Horses for courses, but I'll bet you'll find the majority of people switching from mouse/kb to a pad struggle with it, at least for a while. As it is, my PC is still good enough to play most major games, so if say, CoD4 is available on PC for £29.99 or my PS3 for 10 or even 15 quid more, its just too easy to stick with PC. And I firmly believe that FPS games designed for PC are simply better in that environment than on console; you've got more control options and the designers of the games have more flexibility so you don't have to compromise as much. Then there's the multiplayer issue. Although Live! is beautifully designed, the vast majority of games are still P2P rather than server-based which is a natural player cap. When I can play something like BF2 on a console with the same number of players (or more) and the same depth of control, then you can say FPS games on console have come of age.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
Joo missed my point :(

My point wasn't that gamepad is bad or whatever - its a level playing field on the console, so I have no problem and, yus, its easy and comfortable. My point was simply that, in a game like COD4, a good KB/Mouse player would destroy a good gamepad player, were they to face off.

You must have been playing bad Shadowrun players tbh :)

Everyone has even controls, yes, but my point was that were it an uneven situation, Mouse/KB would win :p

And my point was that there are a lot more chat option on a PC, and its a lot easier to chat inside and outside the game on a PC, both with mates, clan mates or other clans for matches opponents.

Gaffer reiterated the server stuff.

Am not 'whining' that PC is better, I'm just saying it still has several advantages over the console. Personally I prefer my console at the moment too - but that's in part because my PC is now pretty old and struggles more, I'm bored of all the games I used to play and there's been nothing new that catches my eye. Plus all the folk I used to play with have disappeared :( I find online games pretty boring after a while if you don't know the people.. but that's me.

I'd much prefer single / offline multiplayer with mates over if companies made a little more effort with it over Live..


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
didnt get wot clown said at first then read the post above it. i wince in awkward mental pain now :eek2:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I said ONE of the best.

Not played many then? :p Halo 3 is close to embarrassing, I feel sorry for the producers really. The first Halo was good, Halo 2 was average and Halo3 was dire, quite obviously rushed out and you can tell it was originally designed to be a standard Xbox game not a next gen game.

Anyway, Microsofts answer to all this is.

Wait for it....

BT vision!

the words straws and clutching spring to mind.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
i know a few peeps have been muttering about .mkv play back, theres an app called mkv2vob turns the file to vob without thouching the picture and sound, also if the mkv file has dts it converts it to ac3.

just tried a couple it werks


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
That was from being a tight fisted wanker.

I thought of something better:

Your mum, actually.

On topic, I'm baffled by this BT Vision thing.. surely they're planning more?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Yep. She sure loves those blue M&Ms and little boys.

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