PS2 or Xbox ?


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
My purchase decision was made due to the XBox looking and feeling Fisher Price and the PS2 feeling more adult. The are both consoles, they both plug in to a TV, they both play games, they cost similar amounts.
Its more than a little geeky to argue about the minutiae of performance tbh.


I liked playing the Hobbit, top game, my game of the month is Vanhelsing, top drawer GFX and quite a hard game.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
The Hobbit... why the hell does being scared of chickens kill you? I just don't get it. And it seems very very kiddie to me, which, ok, The Hobbit is a kids book, but it took me by suprise.

And no, not played the first buffy game. Didn't realise there was a first.

*Rushes to ebay*


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I can't find the first game anywhere :( Is it just called Buffy, and is it PS1 or PS2?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Are you talking about the ZX Spectrum version of The Hobbit? I played that for ages, I liked it how it took eons to load the gfx and crashed a lot... :)

Oh and the PS2 v Xbox debate? Special school playground argument. I got fucking bored hearing the ZX Spectrum vs C64 so stfu ffs :)

If cash is no object buy both. I use the Xbox as a media centre and for EMU's and there are now some good xbox only games (Full Spectrum Warrior is my current fave). I got the PS2 as I wanted some games that werent available on the Xbox, thats all.

I couldnt give a fuck about the specs of a machine - the games are what you play and its the games that make or break consoles.

Finally, CONSOLE FORUM ffs! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
I can't find the first game anywhere :( Is it just called Buffy, and is it PS1 or PS2?
Oh, didn't realise you were playing Buffy on the PS2 - the original was an xbox exclusive, I forgot that the sequel wasn't :\


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
Music is different idiot.

And it's a great line of argument when it leads to a wider selection of better games.


Buy all three next gen cosoles, buy the games you like and want to play and spend less time wasting bandwidth on a stupidly overly disgussed matter of opinion.

I take your idiot and retort with 'le retardo'.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Having a social life and a car to fund kinda removes the multiple console option.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I too have one of those items. Strangely, playing three consoles at a time is also difficult for me.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Well regardless of personal opinions on not giving a fuck about specs/graphics etc you'll notice it's part of the original posters question, so bitching about people answering that question is rather silly no?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Danya said:
Looking back to the original question he asks specifically about graphics - is it any wonder then that most people recommend the xbox, which, being a newer console, does have superior graphics to the PS2.

Ranger said:
best console for graphics and gameplay

Danya said:
Personally I don't give a rats arse about all the supposedly better games on PS2, none of them much interest me, so for me it's not a selling point of the console.

OK, but we're not here to talk about you. I'm saying, that this is what's available for each machine. And another thing, the graphics difference really isn't that much between the PS2 and the Xbox. NFS Underground actually looks better on the PS2 than on the Xbox. Gran Turismo 4 arguably looks better than Forza. FFXII, MGS 3 are also some other astoundingly good looking games, and on an "inferior" console. There's also a nice salvo of FPS's coming out on the PS2, most notably Killzone and GoldenEye 2. That's more than enough to pass the time untill Halo 2 comes out on PC (and it will :)).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Halo is shit anyway.

But I have to say, it's utter toss to suggest that there's not much difference in graphics between the xbox and ps2. If you're in to graphics, and graphics alone go for the xbox. If you're in to gameplay - check out the games on both consoles and decide what you wanna go for. End of story really?

It amazes me people get so aggressive about consoles, like they're an extention of one's cock or something. Bit silly really.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
It isn't toss tho, Gran Turismo 4 is easily comparible to PGR2 in the looks department (dumps on it in the gameplay, but it can't help that, it's Gran Turismo....), and as Frizz pointed out, FFX and MGS2 looks stunning, easily comparable to anything on Xbox. There really isn't much in it at all if the developer can unleash the full power of PS2.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There really is, tbh. MGS 2 looks very dated now, and yeah gt4 does look good but not as good pgr2, the cars sure, not the tracks.

FFX doesn't look all that spectacular either. Lets face it, if we're comparing graphics only the xbox wins hands down. But that's not the only thing consoles are about is it :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Hush, the Italian mountain track on Gran Turismo 4 looks superb. Especially when you're attacking it in a BMW Concept M5 :)


Dec 17, 2003
This is definately a proper console discussion now...moved.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
nath said:
Lets face it, if we're comparing graphics only the xbox wins hands down.

I'd phrase that more as if we're comparing potential for graphics it wins hands down. Truth of the matter is, if you've got a good team of artists and proggys working on any game, it'll look good regardless of system spec...however for ps2 it means they might have to exert a bit more effort - which is rare ;)


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Most publishers openly admit that their (multi-format) titles are usually better presented on Xbox. At E3 when we're taken on a tour around the stand of new titles, they usually have the same games on plasmas running alongside each other and I've never seen a PS2 version of a title look better than its Xbox (or GC, for that matter) equivalent.

Of course, this is only a relevant argument when comparing multi-format titles (and you also have to take the differnet controllers into account as well of course - which is often, but not always, a subjective thing). The real test of whether one console is 'better' than another is down to the quality of the exclusive games and the ancillary products. The only PS2 titles that I personally ever thought made the purchase of the console worthwhile were GT3 (and now 4 I suppose) and, believe it or not, EyeToy - which is genius. Xbox has simply had more games that I've been interested in playing (especially recently - Ninja Gaiden and FSW spring to mind) and more importantly better ways to play thanks to Live! (Live! is what what makes PGR2 better than Gran Turismo - not the quality of the graphics).

What I don't understand is the vitriolic hatred of Xbox by certain PS2 fanboys (Bodhi - I'm talking to you) to the extent that they find excuses not to buy one (like 'having a life' apparently - ffs, I spent more than the price of an Xbox on lunch yesterday). Buy all the consoles, buy none, I don't care, but stop trying to rationalise your purchase decision by demonising the alternatives, its silly.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Y'see Bodhi is one of those rare breeds of internet types who likes to wind people up until they snap and want to murder people. He genuinely doesn't like the xbox, but he really goes for it so hard because it'll get a reaction. And that's why we love him.

Isn't it?



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I hate Xbox cos it's a piece of shit which doesn't move the console industry on the the slightest. It's a jumped up PC, with lots of jumped-up PC and ex-DC games on it, most of them poo. Halo was O.K I suppose, but it kinda pales next to Doom 3, PGR2 is average, but next to GT, c'mon, Mario Kart is more realistic.....I hate the fact that it needs an upgrade to be worthwhile (it is a PC after all mind). Oh and the fact that the games are still shit. As are most of the owners (this is true, I havent met anyone with an Xbox irl who wasnt a complete and utter fag). Except nath. He's wubly.

So to sum up, it's a shit console, from a shit company, with shit games. Reason enough for me to hate it n'est pas?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Reason enough for you to ignore it, not really reason enough for you to hate it :\


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
I hate Xbox cos it's a piece of shit which doesn't move the console industry on the the slightest. It's a jumped up PC, with lots of jumped-up PC and ex-DC games on it, most of them poo. Halo was O.K I suppose, but it kinda pales next to Doom 3, PGR2 is average, but next to GT, c'mon, Mario Kart is more realistic.....I hate the fact that it needs an upgrade to be worthwhile (it is a PC after all mind). Oh and the fact that the games are still shit. As are most of the owners (this is true, I havent met anyone with an Xbox irl who wasnt a complete and utter fag). Except nath. He's wubly.

So to sum up, it's a shit console, from a shit company, with shit games. Reason enough for me to hate it n'est pas?

Why dont you erase everything microsoft from your life then. At least 'I' wouldnt have to listen to your pretentious little obnoxious opinions that seem to revolve around you being right all the time. (BTW im guessing you dont know another type of OS, you know, wild stab in the dark)

Because, tbh i just handed your arse to you on a plate, and i think youll find im right. But, then arent I always? (TM of Bodhi Corp, 101 ways to pwn forumites handbook)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Someone obviously takes someone else a little to seriously.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
nath said:
Someone obviously takes someone else a little to seriously.

I guess im just proving his point that, apart from you, those with xboxs are complete fags. And hell, i have 3 of the bastards.

I guess im just tiring a little of the 'lyrical wit' and the classic 'one liners(replete with heavy punctuation). I was a little harsh i guess. For that i am sorry, i suppose every forum needs its own idiot just to build up the posts so ill stop with the errrm over seriousnes.

/me hugs Bodhi


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
/me begins writing 101 Ways to pwn Yourself on messages boards : A Study in Doomy.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Bodhi said:
I hate Xbox cos it's a piece of shit which doesn't move the console industry on the the slightest. <snip>

You're wrong. XBox Live! moves the console industry on fundamentally, and the console itself is part of that (compare the Xbox's online integration with the PS2's and its no contest). Not necessarily in ways you might ultimately like , but its step one in a process that will change everything in the long run.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Comparing Halo to Doom3 ? :| Halo has been out like 2 or 3 years so you cant compare them :p


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
DaGaffer said:
You're wrong. XBox Live! moves the console industry on fundamentally, and the console itself is part of that (compare the Xbox's online integration with the PS2's and its no contest). Not necessarily in ways you might ultimately like , but its step one in a process that will change everything in the long run.
Hello? Dreamcast Online anyone? All MS have done is take Sega's ideas and put a bit more money behind them. *clap clap*

Besides, online gaming isn't the console goldmine you think. If it was, you can bet Sony's efforts wouldn't be so half-assed. You of all people should appreciate the way the online gaming market isn't taking off the way analysts said it would.

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