Ps2 Kills Child!!!! Death By Playstation!!


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
What a load of bollox:

More mis-informed hysteria.

I've read a couple of articles about this and not one mentioned the fact that the game's an 18 reccomended game. The 17yr old murderer shouldn't have even owned the game.

Fucking blame the game for the kid being a killer. How stupid can you be? Of course if the game never existed the 17yr old would be the perfect student and a sweet little lamb to his fellow human beings right? Riiiigghht.



Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003

Glad to see the Daily Mail haven't missed a trick.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
We're turning into America. I'm going to go and live in Spain or something.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Aye then you can just abuse animals and throw donkeys off church roofs.

The Spanish are so not violent!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I saw this on ITV last night, and thought pretty much the same thing. I still remember the controversy over the video nastys that the Bulger killers had supposedly been watching. Of course, it was a load of bullshit.

Their wasn't one single mention of the fact that the game was 18-rated. Now, I'm off to find me a chainsaw and mow down some grannies.


top avatar mank, i love joy division, good man.

here are the young men !!!!!"!£!"£!"$$!$%!"%!%"%


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If OnlY He Had Played Echo Then He Would Have Been Out Saving Dolphins And Not Hammering Man Heads!!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
People will say anything to try and stave off the blame. His defence lawyer was probably pushing the idea that this game had told him to do it. His parents don't want to feel any guilt so they blame the game too. And I suppose they're assuming society doesn't want to think that just anyone could be born a brutal killer, but the game turned this kid into one.

Pretty unrelated but I was watching GMTV and these mothers brought their 6 year old kids in with major tooth decay, on some the entire front row of teeth had rotted away. When questioned they were all like "Sugar free drinks only," and "they brushed their teeth twice a day!". And the presenters were stepping around them but had that 'BS' look their faces. It's like we're all meant to be mini-politicians these days. Holding your hands up and saying "Sorry guv, I fucked up" just isn't a done thing anymore.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Hmm how many people under 18 have played / watched 18s? How many of them then go and murder people.... doesnt this show these people that the games/violent movies do not create murderers? Its the same as in WW2 where only 2% or smth of the soldiers ever shot at someone to kill them, 98% of the people in the world arent made to kill each other (most of the 2% were prolly trained soldiers or smth anyway). Btw Its funny he might get a 'life sentence' tbh law in England needs changing, Life seems to meen smth like 12 or 25 years or some shit, ie he could be out when hes like 30? For murder/rape/torture or any other extreme crime people should be kept in prison till they die :/


Dec 17, 2003
Life is 30 years. For good behaviour, and if he shows remorse, he'll get out in about 15 years.

Which is how it should be. There is no point putting people in jail and throwing away the key. Jail is about rehabilitation, as well as punishment.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I have a differeing view to you Will, i think if you kill someone life should mean life in prison. You cant just kill someone and only get 30/15 years in prison. The parents of the murdered child have to life with the horror all their lives. While the murderer has to put up with it for only about 20 years then they can go back to their normal life.

Might be damning myself but i think they should bring back the death penalty for extreme cases.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
Hard labour would be a much better punishment, and it'd shut the people up that complain about prisoners having too comfy a life. Having chain gangs working the lands and repairing roads sounds like a great idea to me. Do they still have chain gangs in the USA or were they abolished? And if so, why? Someone research!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
yeh much better. 30 years of repairing roads and such would be better and probably reduce taxes. but they would probably need some armed police officers there to watch, then that would probably cost us more again.


Dec 17, 2003
Brynn, do you really think that, after twenty year in jail, someone is even the same person that went to jail? I'm so different to myself ten years ago, I wouldn't recognise myself, and thats with a normal life. People should be allowed a chance to re-enter society, to try to repay their debt. Not locked away from the world forever.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Will said:
Brynn, do you really think that, after twenty year in jail, someone is even the same person that went to jail? I'm so different to myself ten years ago, I wouldn't recognise myself, and thats with a normal life. People should be allowed a chance to re-enter society, to try to repay their debt. Not locked away from the world forever.

For the 20 years in prison they could be brooding over them being sent to prison and be hell-bent on getting their revenge. Of course they are going to be the model prisoner because they know if they are good they can get out of prison quickly then do the revenge.

What if the killer was mentally unstable - like the boy who killed his own father "because satan told him to", 20 years in prison isn't going to change his veiws. That kid would give Nazi salutes to his family and wanted to become a dictator


Dec 17, 2003
Brynn said:
For the 20 years in prison they could be brooding over them being sent to prison and be hell-bent on getting their revenge. Of course they are going to be the model prisoner because they know if they are good they can get out of prison quickly then do the revenge.

You can't keep people locked up just in case they do it again. Why not just jail everyone now, in case they commit a crime?

Brynn said:
What if the killer was mentally unstable - like the boy who killed his own father "because satan told him to", 20 years in prison isn't going to change his veiws. That kid would give Nazi salutes to his family and wanted to become a dictator

We have a mental health service to deal with people like this. The prison service isn't the place for them.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Just to update you all.... Dixons have taken Manhunt of their shelves!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
My view on it is more like this: give them a 30-year sentence in jail, but sodding call it a 30-year sentence. I agree that life should mean life, but I think it should only be given out in extreme cases (e.g. Harold Shipman)


Dec 22, 2003
I played grand theft auto when I was about 9, i'm going to come to Freddybeer and KILL YOU ALL.


Dec 17, 2003
Cyfr said:
I played grand theft auto when I was about 9, i'm going to come to Freddybeer and KILL YOU ALL.
GTA in "make people late for drinking sessions" shocka!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I wonder if Manhunt will shoot to the top of the gaming charts now with all this publicity.

I think if you kill someone and are given a life sentence then you shouldn't get time off for good behaviour it should mean 25-30 years period, I know if someone I loved was killed and the killer was let out after 15 years because he had been a good little inmate I would be pretty gutted to think someone who I loved life was only worth 15 years.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I've a strong feeling this will help boost sales.

GTA3 anyone?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
I don't think the death penalty can be jsutified ever, because the taking of one life doesn't give the right to take another.

I think some form of system should be in place where the murderer should be in jail for an amount of time (like 30 years) and if they get out sooner and get a job or whatever they pay certain amounts of their wages to the family of their victim, this way the family gets some form of compensation for the loss (i know you cant replace a life with any amount of money) but more importantly the culprit has to live with that constant reminder of who they've hurt and the life they took.

Let them live, but with the burden and constant reminder of what they've done.

Edit: Don't let it affect Rockstar North in any way pweeeease! I've just applied for a job there and want it bad :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Couldn't you have the death penalty/life sentence discussion in another thread? It always turns horrible and this thread was quite interesting.

Could Sony sue the Daily Mail for libel? It's a joke. I've played Championship Manager for years but I'm not going to go out and try and manage Arsenal.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
games are only being used as a scapegoat, the same way that films were for years.

Basic fact is that there is something wrong with people who try and re-enact what they have seen in vidoes/films/games. Problem lies with those in authority who did not see this happening.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Also there is the obvious possibility of them looking for a payout from Rockstar, ELSPA or some other company they deem responsible.

No doubt a charity will be set up.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
The fact that the game isn't made by Sony and it just played on their machine along with Xbox and PC surely the Sony lawyers could take the Daily Mail to court for that headline.

A big problem is I don't think many parents take Video Game certification seriously, I'm sure we all know of a relation well under the age of 18 that owns a copy of GTA, I think parents are much more likely to just pick up a game without a second thought for their 10 years old kid with an 18 certificate on it than they would be to buy them an 18 certificate dvd.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
When ITV news introduced the segment last night, they had underneath a picture Manhunt the slogan "EVIL GAME". Really objective journalism.

They also interviewed some psychologist who said that if someone had the potential to kill, the game could push them over the edge. He seemed to say this fairly grudgingly and ITV news (and evidently the mail) took it it to mean the game was responsible. I don't think that's what he meant at all.

Christ, this abuse of journalism makes me fucking sick.


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Stimpy said:
The fact that the game isn't made by Sony and it just played on their machine along with Xbox and PC surely the Sony lawyers could take the Daily Mail to court for that headline.

A big problem is I don't think many parents take Video Game certification seriously, I'm sure we all know of a relation well under the age of 18 that owns a copy of GTA, I think parents are much more likely to just pick up a game without a second thought for their 10 years old kid with an 18 certificate on it than they would be to buy them an 18 certificate dvd.

Preciscely the reason why the video game industry should be the last to blame. If parents quite simply ignore warnings on the video games that are there for a reason, then it's hardly fair to go yelling and screaming about how violent they are.

FS, you don't go and buy an 18 cert film and sit your 6 year old in front of it and scream blue murder when "all of a sudden" people start losing limbs and swearing their heads of do you?

If parents aren't prepared to supervise their kid properly then they should be prepared to deal with the consequences.
Who got the kid the PS2? Who got him the game? Who bought the telly he used to play it on?

It's a parents duty to look after their child. It's not like the kid hid the ps2 and the telly under his bedsheets now is it? Switched it off as soon as his parents came in the room? Not likely.
Fact is the 17yr old was not properly supervised and should never have had the game in the first place.

How on earth they think the video games industry is liable is beyond me. I mean they even print "Warning: May contain nuts." on the outside of packets of peanuts these days.

"You say we're to blame? Did you not see the bold red circle with the number 18 clearly displayed on the front, side and back of the game case? Have you lived in a cave for so long you don't recognise this symbol and it's meaning? We did our part by stating it was not suitable for those under 18 and as such you're both blind and stupid so you ain't getting a penny out of us. Goodbye."

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